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[x] Love, Death, And Robots; The End Of All
Also hope that like the one we have this quests version of it doesn't pull punches and makes fun of both sides of whatever each short/episode is about.
I'd like to think our people are well-informed enough to know that not everyone in the Soviet sphere follows a healthy form of communism.

Also I'd like our version to have robots from both capitalist and Communist sides to compare and contrast their respective systems both in ideal and reality and ultimately how little it mattered as bombs don't discriminate.

Capitalist bot: "gee, the bomb drop certainly did a number on the stock market, the unemployment rate has never been lower."

Communist bot: "my creators fought to uplift the working class. How'd that turn out for them?"
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Dec 31, 2022 at 7:03 PM, finished with 32 posts and 13 votes.
I've just noticed that I completely missed this Quests first birthday!

So, with one year after the first post, we are at 95K words in the main thread, 68K for the sidestories, 9.8 for the Media, and 248 Pages in total!
Considering that I didn't think this would go half as long, grow half as big, or reach 100 pages even now, that is quite the achievement.

And, to celebrate, I will commission 1 [One] Piece of Art for this Thread like I do for Cult Creator, which you will vote upon!
I will keep this up as a temporary threadmark to properly count the votes, and it will be removed when I post the next update. In the meantime, please discuss what you would like to see put into artform for the next 2 [Two] Days before the vote starts!
Iron Tigers.
Project brain drain and the MSR.
I mean the Iron Tigers are cool and all, with Guangchou being the country that invented the real life mecha please ignore all the scratched out swastikas. I can't help but feel that the tsunami that tossed the Iwo Jima on to our island is a much more important historical point though, as that was where we broke out into the global stage as more than just the PRC's puppet. That was where we averted a possible WW3, fleeced Uncle Sam for all we could, and did it all without direction from the PRC or the USSR since one was imploding and the other completely in the dark.
I second the Iwo Jima incident. It's impactful enough that it does deserve it's own picture.
Maybe a drawing of the capital of Guangchou? I find the concept of "before and after Wei Jungmin" quite compelling, after all, I hope that once Jungmin retires the city will be very different when compared to how it was under his father.
Iwo Jima is too funny not to have commemorated. A very lost carrier, an angry farmer throwing things at the soldiers, the hasty customs checkpoint erected. Actually, I definitely want to see that last point included!
I agree, the Iwo Incident deserves to go down in SV Naval History along with Grand Admiral @poaw engaging and sinking a SSGN with a helo's door gun.

And that means we need pictures.
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