1)Molly has the Crown. Its a one use information superweapon.
She has Cyberdevils 2, which is ok, but not particularly good outside scenarios with tech. She has no bound spirits collecting information.
She has Alertness 0, Awareness 0, Investigation 0, Streetwise 0, Empathy 3.
She is NOT an information monster.
2)The Essence regen ability of RVD is great, and in any other situation I would be championing it.
The strategic mobility right now is not something we need.
We arent going to be going anywhere solo before November.
3)Its not just Daniel. Its the setting.
Specialization means we do not prioritize maxing her out in non-core capabilities. But the child of a god in a walking around with Occult 1 is actively asking for shit to happen. We already had Corpsetaker almost grab her.
1) She has good socials and good knowledge skills. Perception could be better, but in terms of figuring out what the details are she is solid.
To a certain extent she can work around it.
2) Based on what? If we have the ability we can start using it for stuff. Your desire not to isn't the same as it not being a viable option.
3) This was clearly her innocence flaw, any occult at all should have told her allowing herself to be possessed was a bad idea. That she did it anyway indicates that her flaw was exploited by an experienced manipulator.
We arent bending our build around her. None of these are one-use skills.
We still have a standing invitation from Odin, where those social stats will apply. With Lara Raith.
With whatever other heavy hitters choose to play.
But Mab is the head of government of the hyperpower of the setting.
Our relationship is going to materially warp the course of this Quest
Failing to prioritize preparing for her is just a terrible idea.
Perception is necessary for identifying XP rich locations, and crossing points into the NeverNever.
Its necessary for identifying threats early dnough that we can move squishies; we have a surprise negator for fights only.
It allows us identify snipers that arent aimed at us, or people spying on us from afar, like Possessed!Lydia.
This is the Dresden Files. Information is the superweapon of choice.
Ask the wizards.
This is warping our build around her; they can be used for other stuff, but with months of exp devoted to certain ways of doing things there will be consequences for our optimal investment choices.
Perception isn't the same kind of information as you're talking about. Wizards play with strategic information, which we're already good at.
The charm has its uses, but since you have to spend for it ATB is limited to cases where we know we need to be paranoid and competes with our essence economy.
I know it's reflective, but we have precedent that reflexive isn't the same as instant and immediate in response to relevant stimuli.
See this:
Gorfel could have used mind magic to make us forget we needed to activate a perfect mental defense, ergo it's possible for a reflexive response to happen after something it could be relevant for.
We can't identify snipers with it (or similar stuff) unless we already suspect they're around and have it up.
GM stated that VEE would allow Molly to get the small fey as a ready made spy network.
Why would that be necessary, or even particularly helpful?
The little folk are ditzy, but no fey is just going to make a deal like that at the drop of a hat.
Paying them the normal way seems like a better plan.
I forgot to mention this: I also want All Things Betray before we meet Justine, which we are going to do soon.
Just in case she's already Nemesis infected. It and Hellscry Chakra are the only things I know that will help.
Nemesis can hide from Uriel when it wants to, I doubt ATB is going to cut it here.
Fair point on the veil, but super speed is a significantly more common ability than veils are. In that regard a skinwalker wasn't the best example for me to choose.
A truck moving faster than we can fly would be a problem without the speed booster.
To the last point; I'm not saying perception is useless, I'm just prioritizing reaction speed and mobility above it.
Especially since one is always on and the other must compete with our limited essence reserves.