Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Also guys please consider giving Xuan Shi is time to shine and vote Badlands and Bog. Please, please, please.
This isn't me liking him as husband material or something. He's just one of my favorite characters, regardless of shipping wars.
Vote Turtle Boi! Seriously, the Xuan have more info on the world outside the Empire than any other faction. Its our best move.

I think the plan is to do whichever of the Professional Actions we don't do this turn next turn (as all 5 need to be done sort of desperately). So I think that's happening either way, it's merely a question of when.
I mean, we can work on both our FFS art and Bear God. Pretty simple solution, imo.

Also guys please consider giving Xuan Shi is time to shine and vote Badlands and Bog. Please, please, please.
This isn't me liking him as husband material or something. He's just one of my favorite characters, regardless of shipping wars.
Vote Turtle Boi! Seriously, the Xuan have more info on the world outside the Empire than any other faction. Its our best move.

That's why my original plans had lots of Badlands and Bogs in there :p. But in all seriousness, I first added it to Plan Witness Nightmare (before changing it to the one with the White Sky) because I felt like talking to Shi and Kongyou before going off on a nightmare would work well and help with Kongyou's development.

But then they (Xuan Shi and maybe Kongyou) are coming up in Imperial Menagerie so I'm okay.
Also guys please consider giving Xuan Shi is time to shine and vote Badlands and Bog. Please, please, please.
This isn't me liking him as husband material or something. He's just one of my favorite characters, regardless of shipping wars.
Vote Turtle Boi! Seriously, the Xuan have more info on the world outside the Empire than any other faction. Its our best move.
Something funny that @AbeoLogos mentioned in discord is that we're accompanying Xuan Shi to meet an already married couple :V

More seriously, I personally think that's the least important one out of the 3 Polar Nation actions. Not to mention, we meet Xuan Shi anyways in Imperial Menagerie. We'll get to see him have a tussle with Jin Tae potentially!
After those insightful arguments from @Lena27, a plan would be...

[] Plan Full Preparation
-[] [Personal] Eyes of Grudges
-[] [Professional] The Wide White Sky
-[] [Professional] Badlands and Bogs
-[] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[] [Cultivation] Primacy of Beasts (6/3)
-[] [Cultivation] Frozen Desire (8/4)
-[] [Cultivation] Raising the Bastion (6/5, Greater Argent Vent + Argent Domain)

Edit: A better plan:

[X] Plan Beast's Grudge
-[X] [Personal] Eye of Grudges
-[X] [Professional] Badlands and Bogs
-[X] [Professional] The Wide White Sky
-[X] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[X] [Cultivation] Primacy of Beasts (6/3)

-[X] [Cultivation] Raising the Bastion (5/5, Greater Argent Vent)
-[X] [Cultivation] Ice and Dust (8/8, Saline Grotto)
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I really don't see how we're going to fit in Dreaming Songstress this turn without it being awkward. It's solely about Ling Qi's personal problems, her trauma related to intimacy and sex. Her overcoming this fear doesn't specifically prepare Ling Qi for the summit. And while it's true that many of our cultivation projects don't either, Dreaming Songstress deserves have a stage of its own. It addresses a crucial aspect of Ling Qi's development, something readers have been waiting for forever. It shouldn't be eclipsed by other issues that are, in terms of plot, equally important.
It kinda doesn't make sense for Ling Qi, as CRX's retainer and left hand, to go on a dangerous tribulation mid-preparation for the summit that needs to succeed. Yes LQ can be reckless but plot-wise, it would kinda come out of left field.
Honestly if we have to do Dreaming Songstress (and I don't think we do, I think we can wait), it should go last after we've finished up everything at the summit location. Then the Dreaming Songstress arc can stand on its own.

This is an excellent point.
One of the main arguments for doing Dreaming Songstress now is to have a buffer to recover if we get hurt during the tribulation. But, if something like that happens, it can greatly hinder our meetings with the different factions. It would jeopardize the entire summit.
So maybe these couples months aren't the most adequate to explore Ling Qi's intimacy trauma through a dangerous tribulation with nightmares in the liminal.
Dreaming Songstress deserved to be done rigth, so it should be done after the summit.

After those insightful arguments from @Lena27, a plan would be...

[] Plan Full Preparation
-[] [Personal] Eyes of Grudges
-[] [Professional] The Wide White Sky
-[] [Professional] Badlands and Bogs
-[] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[] [Cultivation] Primacy of Beasts (6/3)
-[] [Cultivation] Frozen Desire (8/4)
-[] [Cultivation] Raising the Bastion (6/5, Greater Argent Vent + Argent Domain)

Frozen Desire is actually a good pairing with Dreaming Songtress, so we can do Ice and Dust instead.
Because, let me make this clear, it's crucial to do a FFS Project a turn for 3-4 turns. That's the difference with reaching G6 a couple of months earlier. That's too good to pass up.
Raising the Bastion seems to be pretty decided on, which I agree on.

Then it comes about doing Paying Respect this turn or next.
If it's this turn, then it would replace Badlands in your plan and Hidden would replace Primacy.
If it's next turn, then I'm doubtful about Badlands and A Land Cruel. Do we improve the neutral faction or investigate the negative faction? Hard choice. Xuan Shi is a good tipping point, though.

So it would end up like this:
[] Plan Hidden Grudge
-[] [Personal] Eye of Grudges
-[] [Professional] Paying Respects
-[] [Professional] The Wide White Sky
-[] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[] [Cultivation] Hidden Scribe (8/8)

-[] [Cultivation] Raising the Bastion (5/5, Greater Argent Vent)
-[] [Cultivation] Ice and Dust (?/4, Saline Grotto)

or this
[] Plan Beast's Grudge
-[] [Personal] Eye of Grudges
-[] [Professional] Badlands and Bogs
-[] [Professional] The Wide White Sky
-[] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[] [Cultivation] Primacy of Beasts (6/3)

-[] [Cultivation] Raising the Bastion (5/5, Greater Argent Vent)
-[] [Cultivation] Ice and Dust (?/4, Saline Grotto)
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[] Plan Beast's Grudge
-[] [Personal] Eye of Grudges
-[] [Professional] Badlands and Bogs
-[] [Professional] The Wide White Sky
-[] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[] [Cultivation] Primacy of Beasts (6/3)

-[] [Cultivation] Raising the Bastion (5/5, Greater Argent Vent)
-[] [Cultivation] Ice and Dust (?/4, Saline Grotto)

Okay, I'm totally on that one!! I really like it!!!
Okay okay, being mostly lurking lately and I've skimmed the proposed plans so far and I have a slightly different idea to what I've seen so far

[] Plan House in Order
-[] [Personal] Eye of Grudges
-[] [Personal] House of Ling
-[] [Professional] Paying Respects
-[] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[] [Cultivation] Dreaming Songstress
-[] [Cultivation] Xiangmen, Fortress of Tsu Pt. 2
-[] [Cultivation] Frozen Desire

What this does it it gets all of our side in order, let's us tackle the white sky for next turn which then will lead us nicely into the summit I think.
Taking into account recent conversations, I'va added a new plan with Frozen Desire instead of Dreaming Songsstress. It has good synergy with A Land of Dark and Cruel I think, especially since the Old Crow will be in it.

[] Plan Dark Intentions
-[] [Personal] Eye of Grudges
-[] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[] [Professional] The Wide White Sky
-[] [Professional] A Land of Dark and Cruel
-[] [Cultivation] Raising the Bastion (5/5, Greater Argent Vent)
-[] [Cultivation] Frozen Desire (8/4)
-[] [Cultivation] Primacy of Beasts (6/3)

I still think that leaving Paying Respects to next turn is best, as it allows us to fit A Land of Dark and Cruel this turn. I think this is important beause the Tangled Pines have a very negative opinion on this summit (opinion set at -2) and this could allow us to maybe sway their emissary a little. I don't expect a lot of change in their opinion but this will probably be important in order to have successful negotiations.
It's also important to do it this turn because this might unlock further actions next turn related to this emissary.

I see that some people want to vote Paying Respects now for fear of new unexpected actions next turn, but I think it is this turn's actions that will have the bigger impact on the negotiations during the summit.
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I think the plan is to do whichever of the Professional Actions we don't do this turn next turn (as all 5 need to be done sort of desperately). So I think that's happening either way, it's merely a question of when.
Is it though? I'd like a confirmation on that.
Also, if there's any time to take the Raising the Bastion Project, it would be while exploring our fief.
After those insightful arguments from @Lena27, a plan would be...

[] Plan Full Preparation
-[] [Personal] Eyes of Grudges
-[] [Professional] The Wide White Sky
-[] [Professional] Badlands and Bogs
-[] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[] [Cultivation] Primacy of Beasts (6/3)
-[] [Cultivation] Frozen Desire (8/4)
-[] [Cultivation] Raising the Bastion (6/5, Greater Argent Vent + Argent Domain)
Huh. I certainly don't disagree with this one. While I have my doubts about Raising the Bastion being relevant this turn, I understand that we only have this turn and next turn left to use the Argent Vent. And since Raising the Bastion unfortunately requires Argent Vent bc numbers or something, ill just have to hope Yrsillar makes it somehow relevant to the turn.
Maybe LQ can use MoSS this turn to observe how deeply the spirit court of this area has been impacted, how they've been thoroughly terrorized into submission.
Feck, almost 2 am here. Really have to go sleep. For now, I like Xeph's Face Your Demons plan.
I've seen people ask why Ling Qi should do a tribulation before the summit, and in my opinion an advanced insight about the Nature Of The Human Condition sounds like it would come in rather handy for the occasion.
Meanwhile, I'm 8-9 hours past sleeping time

Right now, I'm probably gonna vote for Xeph's plan. I will fight tooth and nail for Paying Respect this turn.

Also 9 minutes till vote
[X] Plan Face Your Demons
-[X] [Personal] Eyes of Grudges
-[X] [Professional] Paying Respects
-[X] [Professional] The Wide White Sky
-[X] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[X] [Cultivation] Dreaming Songstress (8/8) (Shattered Gaol)
-[X] [Cultivation] Frozen Desire (13/4) (Saline Grotto)
-[X] [Cultivation] Raising the Bastion (6/5, Greater Argent Vent + Argent Domain)

Quick maffs:

+2 Isolation, +2 Power, +3 Want, +1 Creation, +1 Expression, +2 Persistence, +1 Community, +1 Protection

+70 Spirit, +50 Physical, +1 Spirit Seeker

Isolation IV (3/8) -> 5/8
Expression III (4/5) -> IV
Power III(3/5) -> IV
Want III (4/5) -> IV (2/8)
Persistence II (1/3) -> III
Creation II (2/3) -> III
Protection (0/1) - I
Community IV (2/8) - 3/8

6 pretty big concept levels, dang. Aught to be spicy.

[X] Plan Surmounting Demons
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[X] Plan Beast's Desire
-[X] [Personal] Eyes of Grudges
-[X] [Professional] Paying Respects
-[X] [Professional] The Wide White Sky
-[X] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[X] [Cultivation] Dreaming Songstress (8/8)
-[X] [Cultivation] Primacy of Beasts (6/3)
-[X] [Cultivation] Frozen Desire (8/4)

Shit name, but I'm not seeing much urgency to do Bastion this turn.
[X] Plan Face Your Demons

I would love to vote for plans including golden roads and the House of Ling, but, unfortunately, it doesn't seem that we can have everything all at once.
[X] Plan Hidden Home
[X] Plan Hidden Grudge
[X] Plan Hidden communication
[X] Plan Hidden communication (vermin edition)
[X] Plan Beast's Grudge
[X] Plan Hidden Intentions
[X] Plan Beast's Grudge
[X] Plan Hidden Grudge

Why are we doing a tribulation right before literally the defining moment of our political career, instead of after? Someone explain this to me, whyyyyy?