Contact 8.1
Contact 8.1

"And how have my cute subordinates found their enforced break from missions?" Kakashi asked. Team Seven had assembled in their usual training ground for the first time in a while - the first time all of them had been in the village at the same time in quite a while.

Hisana, of course, was no longer a genin - so Team Seven couldn't be Kakashi's 'cute little genin'.

"Boooring. Kakashi-sensei, you better have a really cool mission for us!" Naruto said.

"I'm afraid I'm only back in the village temporarily. But, you know, I found this super cool ninja who wants you three to help him with a really important mission..." Kakashi said. Naruto leaned forward and Sasuke tried to disguise his eagerness. He didn't do a particularly good job. Hisana tried to rack her brain for which anime filler this could be, certain that it would be one.

There was no reason it had to be, of course - the butterfly effect meant that Team Seven was unlikely to be assigned to the missions Naruto had gone on post Sasuke-Retrieval Arc in the anime. The problem was that Hisana's memory of the anime filler was not great. She remember bits and pieces, and the movies were more solid - she was certainly keeping her eye out for any signs of the second movie's events - but she had only seen the fillers once, the first time she'd watched the show. She'd been eleven at the time, and that meant it had been nearly a decade ago in linear time from her perspective.

"Ooh, what is it? Are we gonna rescue a princess? I can't believe Hisana got to go on a mission with the real Princess Gale and we didn-" Naruto began to babble, but Kakashi cut him off.

"No princesses. But it's a super important A-Rank mission..." Kakashi said, and Hisana's eyes narrowed. Kakashi only did this whole extended introduction if he thought he could get an amusing reaction out of Naruto, which meant that there was a twist. Some element of the mission would cause Hisana's teammate to come crashing down to Earth.

"Who are we helping out? Gai-sensei?" Sasuke asked. It was a reasonable guess. Gai was a very strong ninja, Hisana, Sasuke, and Naruto would give him a huge amount of additional firepower and manpower that his own genin team couldn't match.

"Even cooler than Gai. Jiraiya of the Sanin," Kakashi said, and Hisana tried not to laugh.

"Ehhh! I can't believe you're making us work for that old pervert! We'll just end up waiting around while he chats up ladies..." Naruto said.

Hisana was eager to go on the mission, now - she had never really had the chance to have an extended conversation with Jiraiya. He was a Sage and the undisputed greatest living sealmaster. The other two Sanin might have styles closer to Hisana's esoteric focus on personal seals, but she had a half dozen projects she wanted Jiraiya's input on. Plus, she thought, if they were on a mission together - she'd be able to badger him with questions and he couldn't run away.

"He's one of the legendary Sanin! He trained the Fourth Hokage! How are you not excited?" Sasuke asked, loudly.

"Just wait until you meet him," Naruto said.

"I guess familiarity really does breed contempt," Hisana said. She didn't want to look too excited, so she figured the saying might come off as reserved enough.

"Now, now - remember while I'm gone, Hisana is in charge of Team Seven. You don't leave until tomorrow, though, so I guess we can do some training. If you haven't grown beyond your beloved teacher, that is," Kakashi said.

"Teach us a cool new jutsu!" Naruto said, all disappointment forgotten.

Kakashi didn't teach Team Seven a new technique, but he did help them all with techniques they'd been working on. Hisana got some advice on her Wind Shroud, and a chance to test her speed against Kakashi's. Sasuke got some advice on sealless Sharingan genjutsu - an area he was significantly better than Hisana in. Naruto had been attempting to master the Shuriken Shadow Clone jutsu for the past two weeks, and Kakashi guided him through a few less obvious aspects of the technique.

"This is so cool, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto said, throwing one shuriken that became a hundred. At first, there'd been puffs of chakra smoke, but after Kakashi had given Naruto some advice, he had been able to perform it as efficiently as his normal shadow clones. The technique wasn't limited to just shuriken, either - it worked with any weapon, though it couldn't duplicate exploding tags and chakra costs started to rise exponentially with size.

Whilst it was derived from the shadow clone technique, it had been pared down massively to create something practical for people with ordinary levels of chakra. Still, shape manipulation and construct generation were Naruto's strengths when it came to chakra - Hisana was eager to see what he'd do with it.


Team Seven, minus Kakashi, assembled at the main gate bright and early. Hisana had gone over her teammate's mission packs the night before, but they had enough experience now that she didn't really expect to find anything wrong with them. Not after she'd made Naruto a number of sealing scrolls full of instant ramen. That had previously been a problem.

Sometimes she forgot how young Naruto and Sasuke were. Not that Hisana was all that much older than them - the oldest she'd ever been was fourteen, though she wasn't really sure how to count her 'real' age. If she went for linear time experienced, she was twenty. Twenty! She certainly didn't feel twenty, and she was all too aware that she was currently experiencing puberty for the second time.

"Please tell me Jiraiya isn't as late as Sensei..." Sasuke said as all three of them looked around for any sign of Jiraiya. Hisana extended her chakra sense and relaxed as she felt a very large signature incoming over the rooftops.

"Not usually, I guess." naruto said, his hands in his pockets.

"He's on his way," Hisana said, suddenly finding herself rather nervous. She had so much that she wanted to ask Jiraiya, but she didn't want to come off as annoying.

Her first impression of the Toad Sage was that he was big. Jiraiya was tall, and more visibly muscled than most ninja. His chakra was tightly contained, like most experienced ninja, but she could still sense that he had incredible reserves. Any sage had to, of course, but it was impressive to actually sense it in person. Hisana was used to large chakra reserves, of course - Naruto had far more than Jiraiya, and she'd seen him almost every day for years.

"So you're my student's teammates... interesting. You, the girl one - what's that crap on your forehead?" Jiraiya asked, and Hisana blinked.

"It's a chakra storage seal," Hisana said.

"It's a chakra storage seal she says. Kid, if you think painting a diamond on your forehead will impress -" Jiraiya began, but Hisana opened the first segment of her Final Hurricane Seal. Lines of crimson ink spread down her face as her seal formed pseudo-coils, chakra roaring down them and into her natural system.

Jiraiya's expression changed. His dismissive, slightly annoyed expression disappeared, and what replaced it was far more controlled - but Hisana thought she could see the slightest raise of one eyebrow.

"Damn, kid, you really did make a chakra storage seal at what, thirteen?" he asked.

"Twelve. I made the first version just before graduating from the Academy," Hisana said.

"So she wasn't exaggerating. Hisana, was it? I think you and I will have a lot to talk about on the road. Speaking off, if we're not out of the village before eight, Tsunade will be mad at me and then I'll be mad at you. So, best get a move on," he said.

Jiraiya and Team Seven left through the main gate after Hisana had carefully refilled and deactivated her seal. It was a complex process, and she lost some chakra doing it, but it would take far less to refill it than just letting the segment run dry would have.

The four of them leapt through the trees surrounding Konoha at a comfortable pace, which for ninja of Team Seven's level meant 'fast enough to break the highway speed limit'. Tree jumping was a special skill that all Leaf ninja learnt from a young age, and wasn't universal - there was a reason fighting a Leaf ninja in the forest was seen as almost as foolhardy as fighting a Sand ninja in the desert.

"So you've gone for a segmented storage array, rather than a more efficient all-or-nothing approach. It's interesting, and I can see the benefits, but how are you getting around the interference problem when you activate all the segments at once? If you can," Jiraiya asked Hisana as they leapt from tree branch to tree branch.

"It's a complicated harmonic, but technically I bring them up in sequence - uh, in a specific sequence. The pseudo-coils are large enough to handle the entire capacity," Hisana replied.

"Arranged in a spiral, are they?" Jiraiya asked, and Hisana felt surprised. That wasn't visible when the central diamond of her seal was compressed, and she only uncompressed it to adjust it - the pseudo-coils were the only element of her seal that she expanded during use.

"They are, yeah,"

"Figures. That's how Lady Mito did it, as far as I know. Dealing with chakra harmonics with a spiral is classic Uzumaki sealing. Not that no one else has ever had the idea, but... you ever take a look at the brat's seal?"

Naruto looked up at the mention of the word 'Uzumaki'.

"I had suspicions about it, and it was the only non-standard seal I really sensed or looked at with my Sharingan, while I was first learning," Hisana said.

"There's often an explanation like that, somewhere, if a person's sealing style has an odd aspect. Now, tell me about whatever foolishness is on your neck..."


By the time the sun had dipped below the horizon, they had made it out of the forest a good way down the main road between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rice Fields. They'd found a decent inn to stop at - a traditional wooden building, the smell of curry and roast meat already alluring from the road. There was a stable to the side, with several horses visible, and an elaborate carriage. The entire compound - the inn itself, several outbuildings and the stable - was surrounded by a stone wall.

"Take some free advice, kids. Always spring for the inn over camping if it smells that good from out here," Jiraiya said, laughing to himself.

The inn itself was bustling with people, mostly travelling merchants. One noble lady was surrounded by a retinue of servants and samurai, who tensed up when they saw Hisana enter the inn. She was wearing her sword, the Sword of Spring, in its combat scabbard, but her flak jacket and forehead protector marked her as a Leaf ninja. When Jiraiya and her teammates followed her in, the samurai bodyguards seemed to relax just a little.

A waitress - the innkeeper's daughter, Hisana assumed - brought them some food. The curry was indeed very good, rich and savoury and just sweet enough. Hisana especially appreciated the potatoes, which had absorbed all the rich flavour of the curry and were very tender.

"This stuff's pretty good. Not as good as Icihiraku's, or Hisana's cooking, but pretty good," Naruto said, and Hisana felt immensely honoured to be included in that comparison.

"Heh, the beer's better than the swill they serve in the capital too," Jiraiya said, and Naruto made a face.

"I don't understand why adults like that stuff. It tastes awful," Naruto said. Konoha's drinking age was the same as the rest of the Land of Fire - 20 - but it wasn't enforced all that much. Genin drinking a little beer was the sort of thing that got a blind eye turned to it, though Hisana had heard it varied from commander to commander.

"So, what exactly is our mission?" Sasuke asked as Hisana felt his chakra extend outwards - an anti-eavesdropping genjutsu, she thought.

"One of my, heh, pen-pals told me a funny story about the Fuma clan - not the one related to the Uchiha, the other one. I think it smells like Orochimaru, and Intelligence thinks it smells like Orochimaru. So we're going to check it out," Jiraiya said.

Hisana frowned, just a little. It sounded plausible, but bringing Sasuke along on a mission like that seemed... irresponsible. Unless, of course, you meant to dangle him like bait for Orochimaru. Hisana hoped Tsunade and Jiraiya knew what they were doing.

During her journey to the Land of Rice Fields, Hisana will achieve A-Rank in Storage Seals. Choose one trait from the following, in addition to an upgrade to Hisana's Final Hurricane Seal:

[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

[x] Sealing Art: Elemental Formula. This allows the user to inscribe powerful elemental jutsu into stable jutsu formula for later use. At this level of proficiency, up to B-Rank jutsu formula may be created. Unlocks the 'Elemental Seals' skill.

[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.

Unwanted Letters

Hisana stared down at the paper before her and allowed herself a brief moment of regret over being an Uchiha.

Then she reminded herself that her blatantly overpowered eyes made this much faster than it would otherwise be, wrote out and attached a now standard rejection, and added it to the pile before moving on to the next page.

Across the room Sasuke absentmindedly flipped another kunai into one of the targets strewn across the ceiling before writing out a rejection of his own; shoving the paper off into a pile that would definitely need to be sorted later.

Hisana's pen scratched out another rejection.

Naruto's head slammed into his own mercifully empty table.

"I'm bored." He groaned.

"You aren't even doing anything, idiot." Sasuke growled out, shoving the next page off harshly enough that Hisana heard a rip. She tried to work up some feelings about that.

All she got was some vindictive satisfaction. She moved on to the next page.

"That's why I'm bored." Naruto whined. "At least you two have something to do."

Sasuke's eye twitched. "Trust me, I'd much rather be doing nothing."

Hisana ignored the byplay, writing out yet another rejection to a barely skimmed letter. On the one hand, the Sharinga really speeds this up. On the other, I'll remember it forever.

Naruto shot up out of his chair to point dramatically across the office. "What are you doing anyways? You can't actually be reading those!"

Sasuke smirked. "Sharingan." Then frowned. "But even with the Sharingan, no, not really. They're all basically the same anyways."

Naruto collapsed back into his chair, also dramatically. "Those eyes are broken," he huffed, "also I still don't know what those are."

Hisana looked from her complete pile to the still much larger incomplete pile and almost reached for her sword instead of her pen. She pushed the urge down, and moved on to the next letter.

"Marriage requests." Sasuke grunted, signing out the next rejection a bit more harshly. Another kunai went up into the ceiling.

Naruto shot back up out of his chair, his surprise unable to be contained by mere furniture. "WHAT?!"

Hisana's pen likely would have jerked and caused her to have to start over if she hadn't completely expected that.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "As the last of a wealthy clan, plenty of people want to marry in. Mostly civilians who think they could easily take de facto control from 'kids' through their own children."

And of course, some don't bother with trying to find a relative around the right age. Hisana shuddered, just a bit.

His eyebrows scrunching together, Naruto plopped back into his poor abused chair. "Why can't you just ignore them all?"

Sasuke let out a heavy sigh that he probably wished was a fire jutsu. "If we did that, they might get offended." He sneered. Another kunai went up.

Naruto hmm'd, considering that for a moment.

Several more rejections were written out.

"... Do you care?" He asked, at last.

Sasuke paused.

Hisana paused.

The ceiling fan, struck by an errant kunai, paused.

Two pairs of red eyes met across the room.

Hisana glanced back down at the attempt to usurp her clan from someone who was, as far as she remembered, in his sixties.

Her brothers jumped in their seats as a whistle went through the air, her sword sliding back into its sheath as the letter fluttered to the ground in a multitude of pieces.

Sasuke stared at the now-confetti as if it held the answers to true happiness.

A moment later a letter was pinned to one of the ceiling targets by a kunai.

Naruto grinned, perched in his seat, his job done.

With a screech Hisana's chair tipped back as she jumped up on the arms, sending several letters flying in the air, dipping into her base Iaido stance. Between breaths they were cut neatly in half, before not-so-neatly exploding like a firecracker.

Sasuke threw a kunai lined with ninja through an airborne row of letters, before a series of hands seals culminated in a phoenix flower jutsu reducing them all to ash before his suddenly gleeful eyes.

The fire splashed harmlessly off the walls; Uchiha structures built for fire resistance as a matter of course.

Two pops and puffs of smoke heralded the arrival of two more Naruto's before all three scrambled to grab empty papers and spare pens.

Hisana grabbed a dozen letters with chakra strings and flung them forward- a swipe of her hand and a chakra machete rendering them to pieces before a water bullet turned them into a soggy mess against the far wall.

Naruto and his clones held up their pilfered papers, large numbers scrawled across them.

6 7 5

A competitive gleam in his eyes, Sasuke sent his entire remaining stack of letters flying. Twelve loose leafs were pinned to the targets strewn across the room- the remaining stack kept together by a wrapping of wire as it soared through the air.

The furious sound of a thousand birds filled the room, followed by a ballistic missile in the form of a vengeful Uchiha impacting the current target of his ire- punching straight through the papers and then the bullseye behind them and the wall behind that.

The Naruto's cheered.

8 7 9

Hisana's eyes narrowed. She would not be defeated.

Her papers went flying, driven by momentary wings of wind sprouting from her back. Her blood turned to lightning and her chakra armor momentarily bloomed to life.

The Naruto's and Sasuke were gently flung backwards as she blinked out of existence, appearing on the far side of the room perched on the door as a concentrated typhoon swept through the office, shredding the letters and sweeping them up into a whirlwind before suddenly ceasing.
The leaflets drifted slowly to the ground, piling up on the floor.

In the perfect image of an Uchiwa.

Sasuke let out an exasperated sigh as the Naruto's held up their cards from their position on the floor.

10 7 10

The leftmost Naruto frowned at the middle Naruto, who nervously laughed and scratched his head.

"I, uh, only found the one paper?" He got out before popped out of existence.

His instant replacement held up another ten.

Hisana had a moment of satisfaction before the door she was standing on collapsed outwards, leaving her staring at the unreadable face of Kakashi.

He peered past her, into what was left of the room, before raising an eyebrow.

"There was a snake," Hisana bullshitted confidently, "It was acting suspicious so we killed it. 'Cause Orochimaru, you know."

Her traitorous brothers disappeared behind a potted plant and a table.

Kakashi hmm'd non committedly before handing her a mission scroll.

"Well luckily enough you'll have the opportunity to avenge your office. You have a mission in the Land of Rice Fields, Orochimaru has been reported in the area."

... Still better than the letters.

This happened because of Hisana's birthday party. Blame that.
I think you capture their voices well, 10xp.

I'm going to add the rest of the noncanon omakes to the apocorphya tab at some point. That seems more sensible than the list.
Well, let´s round up our speed with extra strength...

[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

between the final hurricane seal, and sharigan stolen techiniques, we're not desperate for chakra capacity or variety. Our kenjutsu isn't setup to really take advantage of increased physical strength. What we really need is a good response to: "Oh shit, that jutsu's too big to dodge", rather than more offense or wider variety of relatively weak techniques. our reactive armor can save our life, but it's not going to let us no-sell tidal waves or other top level jutsus.

actually, does the spiral consuming seal have limit to what rank of technique it can seal, or something like that?
[X] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

Yes! An all purpose defensive seal. We can do so much bullshit with it, espacially after some improvements!

Now we can actively defend a large number of people. The endgame with this is to seal something like a bijuu chakra bombe.
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[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
actually, does the spiral consuming seal have limit to what rank of technique it can seal, or something like that?
Maybe a "soft" limit that higher ranks cost more chakra to seal?

And of course it's an active defense. Doesn't do anything if we don't see it coming.
At least from what I read out of the description. QM might have other ideas.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.

Add strength to the speed of our slash.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

[x] Sealing Art: Elemental Formula. This allows the user to inscribe powerful elemental jutsu into stable jutsu formula for later use. At this level of proficiency, up to B-Rank jutsu formula may be created. Unlocks the 'Elemental Seals' skill.
I'm honestly not sure what these two would even let us do
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.

I don't really see the point of the jutsu sealing crap.
Defensively? if we are fast enough to deploy and trigger a seal then we can simply dodge.
Offensively? the only use would be to "borrow" jutsu from other people. The problem is that we'd have absolutely no control over them once deployed, so that makes it less than useless crap as far as i'm concerned.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.

Strength is very useful dor swords as well.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

Jiraiya's expression changed. His dismissive, slightly annoyed expression disappeared, and what replaced it was far more controlled - but Hisana thought she could see the slightest raise of one eyebrow.

Heee, I think we impressed him!
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
[x] Sealing Art: Elemental Formula. This allows the user to inscribe powerful elemental jutsu into stable jutsu formula for later use. At this level of proficiency, up to B-Rank jutsu formula may be created. Unlocks the 'Elemental Seals' skill.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.

The "nope" scroll is cool and all but if there is time to whip out and unfurl a scroll then just use that time and dodge. A big, brief surge in power however is very much inline with our speed demon kill em before they can respond act.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

A hefty defensive move to protect us from an attack we can't dodge, a good way to shore up our defense and increase our survivability going up against S-rank threats.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

[x] Sealing Art: Elemental Formula. This allows the user to inscribe powerful elemental jutsu into stable jutsu formula for later use. At this level of proficiency, up to B-Rank jutsu formula may be created. Unlocks the 'Elemental Seals' skill.

Sealing weird barriers and protect people from AoE techniques will be nice.
Giving seals to others would be strong, if possible, and creating seals for later use helps us get around chakra pool limits.
I hope either of these lead towards making our own sage mode seal, one without the same downsides as Orochimaru's curse marks.