[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

I don't really see the point of the jutsu sealing crap.
Defensively? if we are fast enough to deploy and trigger a seal then we can simply dodge.
Offensively? the only use would be to "borrow" jutsu from other people. The problem is that we'd have absolutely no control over them once deployed, so that makes it less than useless crap as far as i'm concerned.
Can't dodge a Bijuudama. Also can't dodge when defending other people. Also also some things can't be dodged because they track; think Amaterasu, which moves as fast as a ninja can change their focus. And on top of all of that, there's times when this can be used on a jutsu that's already been cast and can't easily be unmade/undone; again, Amaterasu setting things on eternal fire, or Earth techniques that make physical objects, etc etc.
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[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.

I'm not sure on this. Every option is a different type of useful, and I'm not sure which one I like more. Still, this one seems good and we might be able to link it and Lightning Blood together for an early, budget super mode until we figure out Sage Mode.
[x] Sealing Art: Elemental Formula. This allows the user to inscribe powerful elemental jutsu into stable jutsu formula for later use. At this level of proficiency, up to B-Rank jutsu formula may be created. Unlocks the 'Elemental Seals' skill.
Can't dodge a Bijuudama. Also can't dodge when defending other people. Also also some things can't be dodged because they track; think Amaterasu, which moves as fast as a ninja can change their focus. And on top of all of that, there's times when this can be used on a jutsu that's already been cast and can't easily be unmade/undone; again, Amaterasu setting things on eternal fire, or Earth techniques that make physical objects, etc etc.
Contrary to Hollywood popular belief you can in fact push or pick up people out of harm's way.
And most of your other examples would see similar effectiveness against protag trying to intercept them with a sealing tag.
A physical weakling who is fast and possesses superior technique is a romantic aesthetic especially in anime, because it signals the underdog and makes the protagonist seem more impressive for prevailing.

But it is an unhealthy philosophy that blinds people to the scenarios that a clever opponent can employ, which can't always be avoided through clever tricks and usage of jutsu, or the ability to flee. In a fight to the death I do not want Hisana to be at a disadvantage because she lacks the strength to match an opponent's attack, throw it to the side, or force an opening for a killing strike.

Surviving jutsu she cannot dodge is useful, but in my opinion less useful than shoring up this glaring weakness in Hisana's main combat strategy, which will lead to opponents such as Orochimaru, Madara, Kisame, B, Hidan and more opening up Hisana's guard through decisive strikes that overcome her strength, like a skilled adult striking an equally skilled but weaker child.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.

Bursts of strength can be combined with our existing techniques to raise our maximum striking power. We'd be able to pierce a higher level of defenses and inflict greater damage in a single blow than without this.

This technique can also be used defensively to block or dodge attacks, so we aren't going to be passing up on a defensive option either.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

Some targets cannot dodge, or be moved in time.
Some techniques cannot be dodged, like Amaterasu or a Bijuudama or Kisame's favorite Water jutsu. Somr techniques leave terrain obstacles behind them, like Amaterasu.

It would be nice to have a counter.

If we want Strength?
We can put 65 points into the Strength stat to get A-rank Strength, which would probably give us Chakra Burst Network anyway.
We CANNOT buy a defensive fuinjutsu technique the same way.

Besides, we are going into Orochimaru territory.
Three words: Edo Tensei zombie.
The Shinobi Alliance had to seal them during the Fourth Shinobi War.

I would very much like a defensive technique that might have a hope of sealing an Edo Tensei zombie.
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If we find ourselves in a situation that involves fighting B, running the hell away is probably the option most conducive to our continued survival.
There is always stuff you have to stand and fight for. Or stuff you cant outrun.
Even B had to stand and fight Namikaze Minato.

[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.

Bursts of strength can be combined with our existing techniques to raise our maximum striking power. We'd be able to pierce a higher level of defenses and inflict greater damage in a single blow than without this. This technique can also be used defensively to block or dodge attacks, so we aren't going to be passing up on a defensive option either.
You cannot defend the target of a bijuudama with Strength. You cannot dispell a possession technique with Strength.
Without a sealing technique, your only chance of surviving getting hit with something like Amaterasu, or the nastier Aburame techniques, is amputation.

We are well into the weight class where worrying about exotic threats are a thing.
Especially as our teammates are weirdness magnets.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
Wrt the Spiral Consuming Seal, I have a question or two about it. Are there limits to its base capabilities, like the Rank or nature of Jutsu that might overwhelm it or otherwise be excluded from its effect? And if so, could that be improved upon down the line?
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
One benefit of the strength seal is that it frees us up from needing to invest as much into the strength stat, essentially accelerating our rate of growth towards S-class strength. Because seals are external techniques applied to the body 'for free', and only require a small time investment to invent the seal, a seal that super-enhances a stat in exchange for chakra allows us to bypass a need to train in that stat as much. And because upgrading a stat at the higher levels of experience takes so much longer, with diminishing returns, the ability to tweak the seal and enhance its performance allows us to keep upgrading that stat into relevance indefinitely, and also redistribute the time spent training into our other stats, which cannot be upgraded with seals. The benefit of power boosters such as sage mode, bijuu modes, and seal-based enhancements should not be ignored, because they are more beneficial for late game growth than pure training is.
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[x] Sealing Art: Elemental Formula. This allows the user to inscribe powerful elemental jutsu into stable jutsu formula for later use. At this level of proficiency, up to B-Rank jutsu formula may be created. Unlocks the 'Elemental Seals' skill.
One benefit of the strength seal is that it frees us up from needing to invest as much into the strength stat, essentially accelerating our rate of growth towards S-class strength. Because seals are external techniques applied to the body 'for free', and only require a small time investment to invent the seal, a seal that super-enhances a stat in exchange for chakra allows us to bypass a need to train in that stat as much. And because upgrading a stat at the higher levels of experience takes so much longer, with diminishing returns, the ability to tweak the seal and enhance its performance allows us to keep upgrading that stat into relevance indefinitely, and also redistribute the time spent training into our other stats, which cannot be upgraded with seals. The benefit of power boosters such as sage mode, bijuu modes, and seal-based enhancements should not be ignored, because they are more beneficial for late game growth than pure training is.
Thats a false economy though.
We could use Strength, and its a nice flex, but Strength is not a core part of our build.
Not the way Fuinjutsu is.

Furthermore, we have multiple potential ways to build Strength, from better Iryojutsu to improved Medical Theory.

We dont have that luxury with Spiral Consuming Seal, which comes from A-Rank in Storage Seals at 150 points; the next breakpoint for Storage Seals is S-class at 310 points.
Thats a cost of 160 points.

Compare with a cost of 65 points to raise Strength from 85 points(B-rank) to its next breakpoint at 150 points(A-rank.)
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.