FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over

Worst thing is I'm sure Orpheus is a great character, he certainly sounds interesting.

But I've never seen the show.

I'm mostly interested in Hex because knowing he likely wants to make amends with his niece (or eventually will) has me hopeful for him being a solid bridge to a healthy alliance.

Additionally that I think it'd be prudent to start collecting all manner of mystical artifacts- the Charms of Bezel, and Shen Gong Wu come to mind. In regards to gathering the Charms of Bezel, I also came to a realization. Bezel is a real person in Ben 10, and known as the greatest magic user within tbe setting - no ifs ands or buts. I'm wondering if we couldn't try and study the charms well enough to track him down; it would be an issue to employ him no doubt but certainly worth a try.

Just some additional thoughts.

Still hopeful that Jackie Chan running on Cartoon Network might get it included too, which could involve the Talismans; honestly an artifact specialized wizard sounds fantastic.
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[X] Operation O.P.A.L (Occult Plus Alien Luminosity)

Ignoring the Wizard, I just think its smarter to try the slightly easier news network then the slightly harder candy stock exchange. Not only do we risk all the good networks being bought up; but also toiletboy has an easier chance of getting it.
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This updates fast to th epoint that my omake idea is already out of date

A lot of interesting options this turn, thoguh I do wish the moratorium would have been longer to enable more discussion

I'm copying the two top plans here since, for some reason, the tasks don't show up on my tally (also if the slight errors get colalted they are only one or two votes apart currently)
[X] Operation S.H.A.T.T.E.R.P.O.I.N.T.
(Start Helping Aliens To Take Earth Realistically, Prove Our Investment aNd Tactics)
-[X] Continue to Fight Gems
DC 95
--[X] Izzy
-[X] Reach Out to Corporate Competition
DC 50
-[X] Implement Candy Stock Exchange
DC 75
--[X] Toiletnator
-[X] Look into Aliens
DC 70
-[X] Research Gem Technology
DC 75
--[X] Hank Hill
-[X] Look into Artifacts
DC ??
-[X] Call the Moonbase
-[X] Persuade Stickybeard to Stay
-[X] Recruit Dr. Orpheus
-[X] Go Selling
-[X] Deal with Numbuh 13
-[X] Spread Gossip

[X] Operation O.P.A.L (Occult Plus Alien Luminosity)
-[X] Continue to Fight Gems
DC 95
--[X] Izzy
-[X] Reach Out to Corporate Competition
DC 50
-[X] Buy a News Network
DC 70
--[X] Toiletnator
-[X] Look into Aliens
DC 70
-[X] Research Gem Technology
DC 75
--[X] Hank Hill
-[X] Look into Artifacts
DC ??
-[X] Call the Moonbase
-[X] Persuade Stickybeard to Stay
-[X] Recruit Dr. Hex
-[X] Go Selling
-[X] Deal with Numbuh 13
-[X] Create Podcast

Okay so the differences here:
- Shatterpoint - tries to make sense of the economy, hires Orpheus, has Izzy spread Gossip
- Opal - buys a news network, hires Hex, has Izzy do a podcast

> the viability of the news network is probably better the sooner we do it, however not knowing the economy is a pretty big hurdle for a business
> I personally prefer Hex over Orpheus
> Izzy's personal i'm neutral on
> the viability of the news network is probably better the sooner we do it, however not knowing the economy is a pretty big hurdle for a business
> I personally prefer Hex over Orpheus
> Izzy's personal i'm neutral on
I am pretty much the same here. Main reason I want to do news first then do Candy, especially if we're getting Stickybeard since he has the best Stewardship for that action. Father+Toiletboy is a 31, which is only a 57% Chance, while with Stickybeard its a 71% Chance. While the news Network is only slightly better for Toiletnator (62%) the massive boost to the likelyhood of the Stock Exchange I feel is more then worth it, especially since we are not getting Mr Boss.

I have made my opinions of Hex vs Dr Orpheus well known by this point, but I will repeat that I feel Orpheus has a very real chance to be a loyalty concern down the line, while Hex has a specialty in Relics that we can absolutely benefit from with the amount of mystical doodads in CN.
Honestly, I don't know either of these magical weirdos well enough to have much investment one way or the other, so for me this comes down to what to do with Stewardship. And imo, it's better to get money in our pocket now so that more expensive projects can be afforded sooner.

[X] Operation S.H.A.T.T.E.R.P.O.I.N.T.
Honestly, I don't know either of these magical weirdos well enough to have much investment one way or the other, so for me this comes down to what to do with Stewardship. And imo, it's better to get money in our pocket now so that more expensive projects can be afforded sooner.

[X] Operation S.H.A.T.T.E.R.P.O.I.N.T.
I'll be honest, until we actually know how much Money we currently even have, trying to get more is not to important. It's not like the News Network won't generate money either, and we just did a money increase last turn as well. Candy Currency meanwhile is useful when dealing with certain groups we don't have access to yet.
With Christmas steadily approaching and the military full of conspiracy weirdness what with their sheep powered rayguns, plus the fact that King of the Hill is around...

Does that means Operation Infinite Walrus will now be initiated for real?

It's where the US Army used the taxpayer's money to try to breed men with walrus DNA to create the perfect soldiers acclimated to Arctic temperatures and geography.

If so then Christmas is going to be even more bugnuts then originally thought.

I forgot some other things about the News Network being more useful now then the Candy Stock Exchange.

The first is we aren't strapped for cash, but also what they give.

The Stock Exchange's primary immediate benefit is going to give the state of the economy, but to manipulate and benefit from this we need to spend more stewardship actions. Otherwise it is information we could aquire later for the same result, meaning we would have to delay the News Network even further.

The News Network not only lets us get a better choice by nabbing one before other Kings do, but more importantly it gives actions that won't delay the stock exchange if we act. We can get a wide variety of potential rewards, such as new hires who worked for the station (Especially possible Stewardship or Diplomacy Heroes, which we need one of and have no good options right now) and can likely use it with Diplomacy instead of just Stewardship if we decide to build off of it. We delay information a turn, but its information we would not be able to act on without derailing other plans.

We also currently still have Grandfathers YES funds, which means its probably better to buy something now then later.
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If the vote closes with things still tied perhaps have the Wizards do combat rolls to fight it out. The winner makes their overall plan win.

Could be interesting to get a taste of how the combat mechanics work.