This updates fast to th epoint that my omake idea is already out of date
A lot of interesting options this turn, thoguh I do wish the moratorium would have been longer to enable more discussion
I'm copying the two top plans here since, for some reason, the tasks don't show up on my tally (also if the slight errors get colalted they are only one or two votes apart currently)
[X] Operation S.H.A.T.T.E.R.P.O.I.N.T.
(Start Helping Aliens To Take Earth Realistically, Prove Our Investment aNd Tactics)
-[X] Continue to Fight Gems
DC 95
--[X] Izzy
-[X] Reach Out to Corporate Competition
DC 50
-[X] Implement Candy Stock Exchange
DC 75
--[X] Toiletnator
-[X] Look into Aliens
DC 70
-[X] Research Gem Technology
DC 75
--[X] Hank Hill
-[X] Look into Artifacts
DC ??
-[X] Call the Moonbase
-[X] Persuade Stickybeard to Stay
-[X] Recruit Dr. Orpheus
-[X] Go Selling
-[X] Deal with Numbuh 13
-[X] Spread Gossip
[X] Operation O.P.A.L (Occult Plus Alien Luminosity)
-[X] Continue to Fight Gems
DC 95
--[X] Izzy
-[X] Reach Out to Corporate Competition
DC 50
-[X] Buy a News Network
DC 70
--[X] Toiletnator
-[X] Look into Aliens
DC 70
-[X] Research Gem Technology
DC 75
--[X] Hank Hill
-[X] Look into Artifacts
DC ??
-[X] Call the Moonbase
-[X] Persuade Stickybeard to Stay
-[X] Recruit Dr. Hex
-[X] Go Selling
-[X] Deal with Numbuh 13
-[X] Create Podcast
Okay so the differences here:
- Shatterpoint - tries to make sense of the economy, hires Orpheus, has Izzy spread Gossip
- Opal - buys a news network, hires Hex, has Izzy do a podcast
> the viability of the news network is probably better the sooner we do it, however not knowing the economy is a pretty big hurdle for a business
> I personally prefer Hex over Orpheus
> Izzy's personal i'm neutral on