Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Listen, this is the most important vote. Mathilda wanted the first silk sheets out of the We and we must stand by that! We must have our integrity!
That is the best part imagine the prestige and the talking piece it can be
I don't know about you, but in my social circles "I sleep on sheets that these despised mass murderers did really nasty stuff on" would not lend itself to prestige.

The people saying the sheets can be cleaned are objectively correct - a properly cleaned sheet is clean, not matter what was done to it - but the psychic damage Mathilde's going to take from the knowledge that on the sheets she's trying to sleep on no-nose Vlad was getting- well, it's just not worth it.

Hold fast, and trust in the Karak Eight Peaks Weavers to crack the We's silk. As Max once so eloquently put, We silk makes regular silk look like garbage anyway.
On another note, I know it's ridiculous Mathilde still hasn't found silk sheets yet, but honestly, even considering that their vampires, would any of you willingly sleep on those sheets? The sheets of a very committed couple with presumably pretty out there... tastes.
I would, but only after emphasizing to the dwarven cleaners that they need to be thorough.
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
It probably means more to them than anyone else.
These are quite possibly the creepiest sheets in the whole world, no.

[X] [FLESH] University of Altdorf
[X] [FLESH] You
What we came for, more books to keep or trade for further books.

[X] [SCROLLS] Templars
The responsible choice really.
[X] [RING] Burn
I dun like it.
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [FLESH] University of Altdorf
[X] [RING] Take

Finally, some good silk sheets. Quest over people, we won.
So I read. Thank you anyway, I appreciate it.

On another note, I know it's ridiculous Mathilde still hasn't found silk sheets yet, but honestly, even considering that their vampires, would any of you willingly sleep on those sheets? The sheets of a very committed couple with presumably pretty out there... tastes.
If I had a problem sleeping in sheets that have had who knows what done to, in and around them, I would never be able to stay in a hotel again.
Mannfred probably squeezed out some of his own bodily fluids on the sheets as a final f-you to Vlad. No thank you.

Though I suppose it would work nicely as a subtle gesture to our enemies.
-Put it in the guest room, invite Mathilde's personal enemy, offer them the best hospitality as a gesture of reconciliation, and let them sleep on this opulent silk bedding as a worthy guest should.
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[x] [MONEY] Zhufbar
[x] [SHEETS] No
[x] [ARMARIUM] Council of Manhorak
[x] [SCROLLS] Priory of the Spear
[x] [FLESH] You
[x] [RING] Take
At a minimum no one has used those sheets in 20 years. At a more realistic number they've been untouched for at least a century. Trust me there's no fluids or other effluvia on them. If you're worried about anything dirty don't. If you just don't like sleeping on used sheets that's valid but they are no more physically corrupted than anything else in the room.
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take
At a minimum no one has used those sheets in 20 years. At a more realistic number they've been untouched for at least a century. Trust me there's no fluids or other effluvia on them. If you're worried about anything dirty don't. If you just don't like sleeping on used sheets that's valid but they are no more physically corrupted than anything else in the room.
If the last people to use them were the couple themselves, we're looking at almost 440 years since Vlad and Isabella died in 2051, and that's assuming they went back to Drakenhof in the middle of the 1st Vampire War.
[X] [MONEY] Zhufbar
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take

Not giving Zhufbar anything just feels wrong. The Ironbreakers did much of the work and it must have been a considerable effort for the hold to help us in such a way. Giving away all the loot to a cult that sent a single priest just feels unfair.

And hey, if we don't take the sheets maybe Ionel will end up taking them, not bad for a day's work.
I don't know about you, but in my social circles "I sleep on sheets that these despised mass murderers did really nasty stuff on" would not lend itself to prestige.
Personally, I see the prestige argument—completely aside from whether I agree with it or not—as basically a form of conquest for Mathilde. She tore down Castle Drakenhof, looted the bedrock, and will now own perhaps the most personal symbol of the couple that started all of Sylvania's troubles left, stolen from their very marriage bed. It's a mark, essentially, of her complete and utter destruction of the Carstein influence over Sylvania, and the success of her crusade against them. Every night she'll sleep on proof of what she's accomplished against the vampires.

At least, that's that's the symbolism that comes to mind. I'm sure there's plenty of other interpretations one could find.
Personally, I see the prestige argument—completely aside from whether I agree with it or not—as basically a form of conquest for Mathilde. She tore down Castle Drakenhof, looted the bedrock, and will now own perhaps the most personal symbol of the couple that started all of Sylvania's troubles left, stolen from their very marriage bed. It's a mark, essentially, of her complete and utter destruction of the Carstein influence over Sylvania, and the success of her crusade against them. Every night she'll sleep on proof of what she's accomplished against the vampires.

At least, that's that's the symbolism that comes to mind. I'm sure there's plenty of other interpretations one could find.
i just want to steal the sheets because i think its funny
Symbol of conquest/prestige thing works but, in this case, i think it works only if used as something other than bedsheets. If mathilde had patches of the sheet dyed and turned into a battle standard or something everyone would indeed think "I made a battle standard out of the Von Carstein's silk bedsheets" was fuckin' sweet.

Honestly that'd be the sort of thing that was on it's way into being a mystical artifact.
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take

Normally, I wouldn't accept used bedding because I don't know where it's been. In this case, I suggest Mathilde not take the sheets for the opposite reason: even though the sheets are probably fine, she knows exactly where they've been, and she'll probably spend at least a few nights wishing she didn't.

I do think the boudoir situation is hilarious, though. Mathilde undertook an armed expedition to the ancient stronghold of the Carsteins, which she herself had leveled only a few years before to avenge her lost love, in the hopes that there she might recover secret lore to aid the war against the vampires, and there she found... Vlad and Isabella's lingerie.

And secret lore too, but still.
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