Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

On the topic of extracting a kill team from our inner world how about this Merit granted by VED to a group.

Lesser Shaman (6pt.)

Only Sleepers can take this Merit. Lesser shamans make up the majority of shamans found in the world today. While they have considerable power, they are considerably less able than even the weakest Dreamspeaker. Still, the power to speak with the spirits is formiddable, even if the will begind it is not Awakened. Imbued with a sort of calling by the spirits, a shaman of this sort still has many spiritual powers, though he ultimately must gain such from the spirits, not from an internal wellspring of enlightenment.
Lesser shamans all possess the Merit Spirit Sight at no additional cost. In addition, they can summon and banish spirits, raise or lower the Gauntlet (up to two points, but never below two or above 10) over a small area, and awaken the spirits inherent in objects or places.
Performing any magical actions requires long and elaborate rituals for a lesser shaman. Without the force of Awakened will, the shaman must rely on careful rituals and the good will of the spirits. Such rituals generally last between two and three hours. At the end of a ritual, the lesser shaman's player makes a roll using Charisma+ Rituals (with a difficulty of no less than 6) and spends a point of Willpower. Once summoned or awakened, spirits may do as they will, but temporary actions like raising or lowering the Gauntlet only last until the next sunrise or sunset.
A number of Dreamspeakers who are connected to a tribe, band or other community have one or more lesser shamans who watch over the community while they are away. Any Sleeper who possesses the Spirit Sight Merit can be trained to be a lesser shaman. However, this training process often takes years. Still, the benefits of having shamanic acolytes often outweigh the investment costs in time and effort, especially because a few rare students may actually Awaken. Dreamspeakers generally know how to train apprentices (though how well the shaman teaches is a function of the Instruction Ability), and Verbena have been known to train Sleepers in this fashion as well.
Something is going to have their last sight being Molly's shintai form swinging Usum with superhuman might wreathed in nuclear hellfire directly at their head.

Whilst possibly doing some sick acrobatics at the same time.

I hope that thing has enough intelligence to reflect on the poor choices that led them to that point in life.
Since everyone is talking about recreating supernatural martial arts, I thought I should mention that I just got done writing up Infernal Monster Style as a Secret Art just a little while ago completely by coincidence. I have been on a bit of an ExvsWoD kick before I even found this quest and have written up like 20+ Charms of dubious quality, mostly for Infernals.
Since everyone is talking about recreating supernatural martial arts, I thought I should mention that I just got done writing up Infernal Monster Style as a Secret Art just a little while ago completely by coincidence. I have been on a bit of an ExvsWoD kick before I even found this quest and have written up like 20+ Charms of dubious quality, mostly for Infernals.

Sounds cool, once we get there I will certainly love to see some of it for inspiration. I'm still very new to the system
Since everyone is talking about recreating supernatural martial arts, I thought I should mention that I just got done writing up Infernal Monster Style as a Secret Art just a little while ago completely by coincidence. I have been on a bit of an ExvsWoD kick before I even found this quest and have written up like 20+ Charms of dubious quality, mostly for Infernals.
Would love to see it all tbh.
Since everyone is talking about recreating supernatural martial arts, I thought I should mention that I just got done writing up Infernal Monster Style as a Secret Art just a little while ago completely by coincidence. I have been on a bit of an ExvsWoD kick before I even found this quest and have written up like 20+ Charms of dubious quality, mostly for Infernals.
Wouldn't mind if you post here or PM me. It sounds interesting.
Would love to see it all tbh.
All of it? I guess I could eventually. It is all in text documents, so I need to format things a little. I guess I could get started on the Infernal stuff since it is actually relevant to the thread. Or at least most of it is, one of them is heavily tied up into WtA stuff, and it is one of the most questionable Charms I have written.
[X] Tell Charity that you are learning the Qiao and explain what they are
-[X] Point out that you are learning how to be harder to hurt
[X] Tell Charity that you are learning the Qiao and explain what they are
-[X] Point out that you are learning how to be harder to hurt
Arc 2 Post 7: A Reasoned Approach
A Reasoned Approach

17th of July 2006 A.D.

"So... mom remember when you said it would be nice if I would take up more extracurricular activity?" She had been used words a good deal stronger than 'nice' and she had been trying to get you away from Nelson at the time.

Lost 1 Essence

Mon glances up from the computer screen, an excel sheet you think, she must be doing something tax related for dad. From the weary way she looks between the spreadsheet and you she would almost rather keep doing the taxes that listen to whatever plan you have in mind. Thankfully you are an old hand at this too and what you are planning to ask her isn't that much, you think, you hope...

"You know that monk me and dad helped recover some bones of his order and send them back home? Well he stayed in Chicago... er because he wants to keep an eye on me and he offered to teach me martial arts." No point trying to drag this out. "Magic martial arts, like how to move faster hit harder, be tougher."

"Molly," she sighs then visibly marshals her arguments. "Just because someone's cause was good enough to be worth the aid of the knights does not mean they don't have ulterior motives, especially magicians around power and you have been making the point about how powerful you are for a while. If you were to accept this training then you would owe a debt, one that you cannot even properly measure because you know so little about his man or his order, about what it means to wield this... magic."

"I can read people pretty well mom," you note. I can read you right now, the arguments while fine on the face of them are like a thin sheet of ice over an ocean of fear. She remembers being a young girl with strange powers and insights looking for a teacher and finding the man who had eventually served her up to a monster. No matter how different the circumstances, that dad knows who Brother Divsimar is, that you are not a homeless runaway and that in some ways you know more about magic than he does, none of that can assuage the fear.

"He has a personally sensible reason to stay in my good books. I helped him once and could help him again, I am already an enemy his enemies and I know stuff his Order does not know. This..." you tap your caste mark. "Came with a whole lot of knowledge, in teaching me specifically he might learn something new, just because I am powerful doesn't mean everyone wants to use me, some people are just looking for an ally." You pause for a moment. "Most people I would hope."

I want to have faith in my fellow man is a sneaky way to go about this, but as you hoped it's also an effective way. "What kind of training are we talking about here?" she asks.

Thankfully you are ready for that, having asked Brother Divsimar for the bread details of how training would go for all the Bridges. The Bridge of the Demon Fighter is the most straightforward.

"Conditioning to the limit of how far you can go until you instinctively reach for chi to empower the body, that is stuff people do all the time, ordinary people I mean, the grandmother who lifted a truck off her grandson, the firefighter who ran into the thickest smoke and the worst of the blaze but somehow managed to get a survivor out. The only difference is most people can't consciously summon that which is where the meditation comes in."

"And the first one supposed to make you harder to hurt?" She looks at you worried, but not quite the same worry. "Baby that is going to hurt."
Probably not the best time to explain just how inured to pain you had gotten since Arctis Tor. "Cumulatively less than getting hurt in a fight would," you point out.

Ultimately that is what tips her over into agreeing. To her mind magic has to have some kind of hidden cost, some kind of painful price and literal pain apparently fits the bill. "Alright you can try, but don't be stubborn about this, if it hurts too much it hurts too much."

"Sure mom," you agree and make your escape before she can think of some other reason why this is a bad idea.


That evening you are checking your messages, answering Alec about why you can't hang out over the next few days, thankfully being able to be almost honest about the martial arts when the buzzing at the very back of your mind grows just a little louder, just enough to remind you that you can not summoned any of the eager host of least devils now at your beck and call.

How do you try to waken your phone and what do you name it?

[] [Stunt] Write in

[] [Name] Write in

OOC: A bit of an abrupt transition, but no sense making you guys do this on a day you might need essence for other things.
[X] [Stunt] You brace yourself, focusing on the beyond. You remember the first time you touched the legions of lesser cyber spirits and beckoned them forth. You hear a chorus of litanies, each a supplication from a desperate spirit. Yet there can only be one in the end and thus you pull and then bind. You force permanence or an attempt of it, for you had your supplicant, and you would have permanence.

[X] [Name] Clippy
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[x] [Stunt] You gaze at the phone in your hands, a tiny piece of plastic, sand and tethered lightning. Closing your eyes, you can almost feel the wisps of mortal intent within it. Somewhere nearby, a teenager boots up her phone for the first time. She is excited to text friends late into the night. Elsewhere, a man curses his phone as it again attempts to sell him some useless fad pill. Even further away, a small child is delighted by talking with the virtual assistant, while downstairs his parents argue quietly. And yet... all these disparate events; moments where a human mind forgets that what they speak to is no more alive then a toaster, they are all connected. Joined in a vast web of mortal artifice that spans the world linking tiny phones and enormous mainframes. Who can say if this edifice dreams, and if it dreams, perhaps it dreams of the wicked city? As above, so it is below. And in a moment of synchronicity, a devil finds itself somewhere on the vast web of the internet. It races to what it senses is it's new home. Where it's mistress dwells. and soon through the tinny speaker emerges a new voice: "Hello mistress. How might this one serve?"

[x] [Name]
[X] [Stunt] You brace yourself, focusing on the beyond. You remember the first time you touched the legions of lesser cyber spirits and beckoned them forth. You hear a chorus of litanies, each a supplication from a desperate spirit. Yet there can only be one in the end and thus you pull and then bind. You force permanence or an attempt of it, for you had your supplicant, and you would have permanence.

[X] [Name] Clippy
I was just staring at the screen trying to come up with a name, then thought of Clippy. Was tapping it into the screen when I got the notification for new posts, then lo and behold...

It is a good name, IMO, both fitting for its inherent evil and relevant to the time period. And if Clippy does something to annoy us, people are maybe a bit less likely to think we're weird for cursing at Clippy than Beezelbootdisk or 404chan.

[X] Yzarc
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