-Okay. So he's got the local guidance of a Venator. Safe enough.
-Didnt even consider the potential of using this on other people. Hmm
-Ah, Usum. Flattery on a dime. Never change.
-Snotty teenagers. I wonder how many teens the good monk has trained, and how familiar he is with all the signs of touch adolescents being adolescents.
-I remember someone complaining about not seeing mechanical effects of Mentor 5?
Well here's one. Respected senior monks do not drop everything on a dime, call in favors and relocate continents to teach baby Infernals supernatural martial arts, a secret of their order, for free.
Just thinking of the mundane costs makes me wince.
These Shih deal with spirits, so I dont think they would have attacked us off the bat. But someone with the <mobile Darkhallow> aura Molly puts out would be treated with wariness at best. It is Michael vouching for us that turns us from potential threat to surveill, contain and bargain with to ally to cultivate.
I suppose that an alternate Molly would probably have had to find her way to Yomi Wan to recruit the ghost of a Shih to unlock Shih MAs. Or had to do something to prove herself.
-From Brother Divshimar's perspective though what does he, or his order, get out of this?
Well, other than firsthand knowledge of a bearer of an Infernal Exaltation, the cold logic of it is that a little investment further develops relations with, and the capabilities of a resource that his brother monks and their allies might be able to call on in need.
When your enemies list apparently includes Kemmlerites, you can never have too many allies.
If they're really fortunate, Molly might even reverse-engineer a TMA and pass it back along the chain.
6 sux. Damn.
[X] Tell Charity that you are learning the Qiao and explain what they are
-[X] Point out that you are learning how to be harder to hurt
This should be an easy sell. Especially after we just demonstrated our ability to heal when dunked in a bath tub of Clorox.
And it presumably fits somewhat easier into her existing paradigm than magic; the woman fights with a warhammer, spars with Michael and crafts armor. And her history with Kravos' Nightmare when pregnant with Harry Jnr should incline her towards a defense against evil spirits.
Also, from her PoV, time Molly spends in a dojo during summer vacation learning martial arts is time she is not on the streets potentially running into trouble.