One thing about Yan Renshu that I'm sure others have pointed out is that he's a pretty good foil to other characters, but mostly Ling Qi and (especially) Li Suyin. All three are prodigies, but while Ling Qi made friends and had the System work in her favor through luck and a lot of efforts, Yan made enemies and was crushed by it. And while both he and Li Suyin are production-focused cultivators who were maimed by arrogant nobles and chose to pursue vengeance, Li Suyin dealt with things in a much healthier way and actually went after the people who hurt her. Hell, according to one of the first omakes for this quest to be made canon by Ysrillar, the arrogant young master who crippled him is completely fine, though I'm sure Yan Renshu has some elaborate revenge fantasy to enact against him... eventually. It seems that his grudge is more against the system rather than specific people, so while both options are viable, the "community" choice fits a bit better.