I was thinking more that by keeping the crystal, there's a chance someone is going to figure out how to kill Ranald through it. And forgive me if I don't believe Tzeetch could already do this- if he could kill gods, he would have by now, but the only example we have of anyone doing that is humans. And if we are trusting that dwarves will keep our stuff safe... I think that betrayal is a much larger risk than is apparent. There are, after all, order gods that probably would be happy to see Ranald dead, and their adherents would pass any loyalty tests the dwarves would set up.
I can't really see what the endgame for this line of study would be, but then, I didn't know Vitae would recharge Anvil runes when we started, either.The most obvious place to start for divine energy collection would be the shrine of Mannslieb we looted from the Kul, since that requires no AP expenditure beyond just "research the thing we have on our to-be-researched list." We would then be able to, at some point in the future, determine whether the fingerprint we take off the Mannslieb shrine is identical to a fingerprint we would collect at some point off an artifact of Manaan, thereby determining whether they're worshiping the same god or not.
That's kind of neat, I suppose, but I guess where I'm coming up short is "what next?" We can't really publish "the Kurgan are totally worshiping a 'civilized' god, but I can't present the evidence or even hint too hard about it because the gods may get super pissed about it." It's just... kind of neat. Cython would get a kick out of it, sure, but what do we do with that?
And killing Stormfels alone would make seas so much safer, we don't even need to go after others for this to be worth it.
Equivalent "sources of divinity" would be any divine charged objects which are clearly linked to exactly 1 divinity. Amount of divinity is secondary, as long as it's enough to start a reaction. In fact, the artifact being as minor and unimportant as possible would be preferable, since those are less likely to be observed.Sure but again I'll ask you what I asked Shane earlier, where do you see us finding another source of divinity to research that is remotely even equivalent to this?
It is an impactful and large sacrifice, but is it meaningful to Ranald if he doesn't care that much?We are sacrificing/foreswearing the use of AV in divine research. It is meaningful since it is the first and so far only method we found that allows us to peek behind the curtain.
That's kind of neat, I suppose, but I guess where I'm coming up short is "what next?"
Ranald part of the action is pretty much done with his tactic approval. We are thinking about going after other gods now or choosing to forsaking this line of research as a show of piety. Like swearing off of beacon and deciding to eat something else you might say.[X] Faith
If it was another god, I would have chosen Truth, but Ranald is on our side and has been a big help many times.
So, if this does go bad and we become a marked enemy of the major cults of the empire, what is our plan for the future?
It seems like any god that decides to check in on their artifacts would find our artifical ones pretty easily, so I'm off the opinion this is more of a "what do we do when this comes out?" than a "will this come out?" sort of a question.
Equivalent "sources of divinity" would be any divine charged objects which are clearly linked to exactly 1 divinity. Amount of divinity is secondary, as long as it's enough to start a reaction. In fact, the artifact being as minor and unimportant as possible would be preferable, since those are less likely to be observed.
The shrine Mathilde found during the recent expedition would be an equivalent. Freshly blessed items of any deity would probably work, or at least be an avenue for research. Actual priests would probably work if we ever want to do it with a god who doesn't mind.
The shark statue Mathilde sacrificed to Ranald would have worked.
Become a black magister, revel in the opportunity to pursue tongs and necromancy. Develop single person windherding.So, if this does go bad and we become a marked enemy of the major cults of the empire, what is our plan for the future?
It seems like any god that decides to check in on their artifacts would find our artifical ones pretty easily, so I'm off the opinion this is more of a "what do we do when this comes out?" than a "will this come out?" sort of a question.
If we had this before Dum we would have copy of the divine presence that was there and could search to see who it was doing Dum desert stuff. If we had the power library we probably could have figured it on the spot.That's kind of neat, I suppose, but I guess where I'm coming up short is "what next?"