Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[x] Truth

This is not a vote to go around trying to take imprints from major gods major artifacts. I'm not going to vote for anything I see as risky and honestly I'll probably be relieved if Faith wins because this seems like it is going to make for some very stressful votes in the future. But I do love the idea of pulling this off as a much larger act of faith and devotion to the ideals of Ranald than just sacrificing the crystal.
There's no way for me to read through the hundreds of replies, and I'm late to the party anyway, but one thing came to mind immediately.

I've heard that Mathilde may be doing things similarly to Ranaldian priests that steal 5 important things. I can't remember all of them here, but for Mathilde we're operating on another level. Queekish from the Horned Rat, and that dwarven settlement from Slaanesh (just Chaos?). This here, is this the next heist? I was wondering on what it could be, and the thing that came to my mind was maybe something to do with the slaves of the Dawi Zharr.

That said, I'm gonna leave the serious discussion to more dedicated and experienced folk. The last thing I can really comment on is how Mathilde's study of Dhar and necromancy is probably a joke compared to this.
We've decided to skip to the endgame on that and are currently stealing divinity. Following in our patron's footsteps.
[X] Truth

The vote said, I still want to do a warning. Much of the things in Warhammer began as benign enough research, but was then corrupted or stolen by corruptive powers. This is playing with warp. Be careful what you wish for.
[x] Faith

Truth strikes me as the choice that sees life as power and those too weak to seek it, to paraphrase good old Voldemort. It is not the kind of character evolution I'd like to see here.
[X] Faith

Gonna vote for faith. Let's see where the Mystic approach to Gods winds up with. Or... whatever it is that's going on.
Did you somehow completely miss that the point of the Greatest Trick isn't that he stole Divinity from Shallya, but that he managed to trick humanity into ever thinking he was human in the first place?

That story never happened, it's a trick. A ruse. He made it up.
For what it's worth, Mathilde herself believes in the "Ranald stole divinity from Shallya" story.
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