Well good night guys, see you tomorrow as we turn again to planar matters.
I have a feeling he would prefer to be back with his sheep rather than with the mysterious lady of dubious provenance.He gets a hot fey waifu while running for his life, meanwhile all we got was poverty. Some people get all the luck![]()
The Plane of Molten Skies was the first plane ever visited in the quest and it is the border region between Fire, Earth and Air."Plane of Minerals", "Plane of Dust"... That's the first time we hear about this sort of Plane, right?
So those Planes are border regions, ok. Thanks for clarifying.The Plane of Molten Skies was the first plane ever visited in the quest and it is the border region between Fire, Earth and Air.
So, yeah. Border regions of the Inner Planes have been a thing for a long time.
Yeah. Plane of Minerals is the border between the Plane of Earth and the Plane of Positive Energy, while the Plane of Dust is between Earth and Negative Energy. Needless to say, they rapidly become very hostile to any kind of life the farther you travel there.So those Planes are border regions, ok. Thanks for clarifying.
I'll hopefully respond to this in a few hours once I have free time IRL to think it through and look back at our general system to figure out how many actions we can afford to commit.
This one I'm a bit iffy on, but I still think it's worth doing. If we're able to provide the reconnaissance, the Shaitan will be much better positioned here, and we won't need to provide more help later on.Scouting the Veil
With the Sultan of Brass going so far as to effectively cede territory to Baator to have the routes through the Veil of Brimstone protected, the Sultana is certain that something truly important must be hidden there. Djinn vessels are ill adapted to the environment, but Imperial gravjammers have operated there in the past without major problems, so she is asking you to consider to send them to the Veil for reconnaissance flights. She cautions you to only send level-headed individuals there, since any altercations with Baators forces in the area could lead to an escalation that could turn the tide of the war massively in the Brazen Thrones favour. In return, she offers full rights for the Imperium to claim any sites discovered in these flights.
[] [Scouting] Accept the offer. (Must send air force assets to the Veil of Brimstone next turn.)
[] [Scouting] Decline the offer.
This is a no-brainer. We definitely need the Imperium not to grow resentful of our genie allies. Along with this it'd probably help to have Embra keep showing up with whoever the Shaitan send for their propaganda.Propaganda
The Sultana has expressed worry that people of the Imperium might gain a negative view of the Genie, since their first introduction to them is through the War of the Spheres and all the fighting and dying that it entails. Therefore, she has proposed to educate the people about the history, culture, traditions and norms of the Genie, so that people can better understand them and the reasons for this war. Some materials have already been prepared and would just require dissemination.
[] [Propaganda] Accept the request. (favor with the Sultana, potentially greater support for the war effort)
[] [Propaganda] Refuse the request.
We definitely don't have the supplies now, but at the same time it's very, very clear which one is more beneficial long term. The winning detail is that I don't see a specific due date on this one, so we can push off building our own base for months until we have the supplies and wardstones ready. Speaking of which, @Azel @DragonParadox, you guys said we can make wardstones and such immediately with no need for reverse engineering, but I don't remember numbers on how much we bust out per turn? Also, will we be covering the details of the lore we just got in this update from the Shaitan and the Djinn here:Viridium Mines
The Shaitan are aware that a large deposit of Viridium was found beneath the Dornish desert and while their supply of the materials has become more secure in recent months than it has been in centuries, the Sultana is still interested in securing every deposit that the Peerless Empire can get hold of. The War of the Spheres will take a long time yet to be won after all. Therefore, the Shaitan are asking to receive a lease on the area to establish a military outpost and a mine, intending to pay for that right handsomely in other rare metals. However, neither the Dornish Lords, nor the local peasantry might be comfortable with having a foreign power station soldiers in their lands. Alternatively, the Shaitan would be willing to supply materials and enchanters to aid the construction of an Imperial base on the deposit.
[] [Viridium] Grant the Peerless Empire a lease on the area until the end of the War of the Spheres. (+30 Supplies each turn)
[] [Viridium] Promise to build a base there yourself and to sell the Viridium to the Peerless Empire. (+80 Supplies, must build new military base in central Dorne, containing at least 1 Manufactory and costing at least 100 Supplies)
[] [Viridium] Defer the choice for now. (Might be able to gain benefits later.)
?Stranger yet though is the small number of alchemists and enchanters that came with the Shaitan delegation and who are now quietly trading gold tablets and books with alchemical formulas back and forth with Vee and Qyburn. Perhaps it was a sign of growing trust, forged in shared loss, that the Sultana seemed interested in having the Imperium provide materials for the manufactories of the Opaline Vault.
Totally worth doing, even if it delays our own personal projects.Undead Miners
With the Blightstone Caves containing a wide variety of highly toxic substances, mining has always been expensive and dangerous there, especially when chasing the more elusive treasures like Blight Quartz. Though the court in the Opaline Vault is still dubious about the use of Imperial undead, the commanders of the the mines have succesfuly made the case that they would be perfect to aid their work crews. Before that can be arranged though, the advisors of the Sultana insist on a study being conducted to ensure that the Soulforged Undead are as safe as thought, even under these circumstances. Part of the deal would be more than generous shipment of materials for the creation of the test undead, which is quite obviously a bribe taken from the mines budgets, and a set of samples of what is being mined in the Blightstone Caves. If everything works out, they would also throw their weight behind the Imperium gaining the necessary trade permits to buy more.
[] [Miners] Perform the feasibility study. (requires a Research Action, gain 20 Supplies, gain samples of Abysium and Blight Quartz, can unlock other opportunities if successful)
[] [Miners] Defer the choice for now. (Might be able to gain benefits later.)
Also worth doing. Our Forges really are our greatest military assets.Poison Vats
The Shaitan have become aware that the Fleshforge in Gogossos has been used by you to mass produce some venoms and alchemical precursor substances, and are interested to find out if these processes could be adapted to refine some substances for their own weapons. If successful, they would supply enough materials to create a small production plant and share the formula for a refined form of Viridium that they used in combat in the past. It has since fallen out of favor as the Peerless Empires enemies have learned to adapt to it's use, but it would still be a deadly weapon against people and creatures that don't have the wealth of an empire to protect themselves from such attacks.
[] [Poison] See if you can produce the materials that the Shaitan want. (requires a Research Action, if successful gain 1 Manufactory in Gogossos and the formula for Viridium Gas)
[] [Poison] Defer the choice for now. (Might be able to gain benefits later.)
@Azel @DragonParadox, question on the Fire Forge. Azel specified earlier that the Elemental Forges like the Fire Forge and the Water Forge we've got in the Temple of the Merling King work by drawing energy from their respective Planes, but that the things produced by the Forge are small enough in variety that they're not considered military assets. Say we make a Fire Forge in the Plane of Fire itself.Willing Elementals
One of the greatest problems that the Djinn face in their efforts to adjust their spelljammers to the Plane of Fire is a lack of elementals to bind into the engines. While the Djinn have long experience and skill in enticing elementals to be bound for some duration, they simply lack the easy access to the Plane of Fire that would be needed to recruit on their own. With the new elemental forge however, you could create a large batch of Fire Elementals and the Djinn would be willing to give you a great amount of enchantment materials and the services of skilled alchemists in return. However, it is very unlikely that they can get every of the newly created elementals to serve them, so you would be left with quite a few of them who would need other purposes in their new lives.
[] [Elementals] Create a large number of Fire Elementals for the Djinn. (+100 Supplies, will need a Ministry of Magic action to avoid problems when integrating those elementals that refuse to serve the Djinn)
[] [Elementals] Refuse the request.
100% worth doing. @Azel @DragonParadox, how is training improvement mechanically represented here? Would our troops' attack and defense collectively increase to represent honed tactics and strategy?Joint Training
Most large fights in the Plane of Air involve spelljammers and thus the Djinn forces are used to fast exchanges in the open sky, with attacks on fortified position an exception, not the rule. As such, despite the age and experience of their warriors, they are woefully unprepared for attacking any Efreeti positions on their own, which is why they so far mostly acted as support for the Shaitan. The Caliph would like to change this as soon as possible and is thus asking the Imperium to hold some joint training exercises and to provide the Djinn the opportunity to train fighting a dug-in enemy.
[] [Training] Agree and let the Marshalls organize such training. (requires a Military Action per turn until succesfuly completed, might learn something from the Djinn)
[] [Training] Refuse the request.
We definitely don't have the supplies now, but at the same time it's very, very clear which one is more beneficial long term. The winning detail is that I don't see a specific due date on this one, so we can push off building our own base for months until we have the supplies and wardstones ready. Speaking of which, @Azel @DragonParadox, you guys said we can make wardstones and such immediately with no need for reverse engineering, but I don't remember numbers on how much we bust out per turn? Also, will we be covering the details of the lore we just got in this update from the Shaitan and the Djinn here:
100% worth doing. @Azel @DragonParadox, how is training improvement mechanically represented here? Would our troops' attack and defense collectively increase to represent honed tactics and strategy?
@Azel @DragonParadox, question on the Fire Forge. Azel specified earlier that the Elemental Forges like the Fire Forge and the Water Forge we've got in the Temple of the Merling King work by drawing energy from their respective Planes, but that the things produced by the Forge are small enough in variety that they're not considered military assets. Say we make a Fire Forge in the Plane of Fire itself.
1. Would the power of the things produced increase?
2. Would the cost or production increase or decrease?
I was vaguely toying with the idea of making a deal with the Salamander Queen to have her grant us land for a base at some point in the future where we could take advantage of her wards and she takes advantage of extra defenses from us. She probably wouldn't accept it, but eh.
As many as you can pay for. Price here in the unit table. They don't require any construction capacity, just supplies.We definitely don't have the supplies now, but at the same time it's very, very clear which one is more beneficial long term. The winning detail is that I don't see a specific due date on this one, so we can push off building our own base for months until we have the supplies and wardstones ready. Speaking of which, @Azel @DragonParadox, you guys said we can make wardstones and such immediately with no need for reverse engineering, but I don't remember numbers on how much we bust out per turn?
This is a reference to the Shaitan sounding out if they can have some stuff produced by Fleshforge. They had Vee and Qyburn look over preliminary assessments and plans.Also, will we be covering the details of the lore we just got in this update from the Shaitan and the Djinn here:
That's not a price. That's how much they will pay you for the privilege of having the Fire Forge crank out elementals day and night for a few months and leaving you to deal with anyone that doesn't want to hire on with them.Either way, this part of the vote is also worth doing... except for that price tag. 100 supplies... We currently produce 140 Supplies per turn and have 273 Supplies in storage, so fingers crossed. This next turn is gonna be a tight one.
This is primarily for the benefit of the Djinn, who currently have garbage for ground troops. If you want to improve the Legion, there is a dedicated research action for that, which has been available since last turn.100% worth doing. @Azel @DragonParadox, how is training improvement mechanically represented here? Would our troops' attack and defense collectively increase to represent honed tactics and strategy?
Keep in mind that Fire Elementals spawn naturally in the Plane of Fire, so much like how the Djinn are used gaining the services of Lightning Elementals, the denizens of the Plane of Fire know quite well how to find and... "convince" the local elementals to serve them. The reason the Djinn have trouble with sourcing Fire Elementals is that they have ethical reservations about buying hundreds of enslaved elementals from the Salamanders.@Azel @DragonParadox, question on the Fire Forge. Azel specified earlier that the Elemental Forges like the Fire Forge and the Water Forge we've got in the Temple of the Merling King work by drawing energy from their respective Planes, but that the things produced by the Forge are small enough in variety that they're not considered military assets. Say we make a Fire Forge in the Plane of Fire itself.
1. Would the power of the things produced increase?
2. Would the cost or production increase or decrease?
I was vaguely toying with the idea of making a deal with the Salamander Queen to have her grant us land for a base at some point in the future where we could take advantage of her wards and she takes advantage of extra defenses from us. She probably wouldn't accept it, but eh.
How many Tiers are there again? Is each Tier just 10 km? So Tier-1 would be 10 km and Tier-10 would be 100 km?As many as you can pay for. Price here in the unit table. They don't require any construction capacity, just supplies.
Gotcha. Just had to make sure.This is a reference to the Shaitan sounding out if they can have some stuff produced by Fleshforge. They had Vee and Qyburn look over preliminary assessments and plans.
Oh, that's amazing. We're definitely doing it.That's not a price. That's how much they will pay you for the privilege of having the Fire Forge crank out elementals day and night for a few months and leaving you to deal with anyone that doesn't want to hire on with them.
Duly noted. I just figured a Fire Forge in the Plane of Fire would be a concentrated supply, but if leylines really make it redundant there isn't much point on our end.Keep in mind that Fire Elementals spawn naturally in the Plane of Fire, so much like how the Djinn are used gaining the services of Lightning Elementals, the denizens of the Plane of Fire know quite well how to find and... "convince" the local elementals to serve them. The reason the Djinn have trouble with sourcing Fire Elementals is that they have ethical reservations about buying hundreds of enslaved elementals from the Salamanders.
That's just the Boundary Wards. All other types have a range of 1km per Tier.How many Tiers are there again? Is each Tier just 10 km? So Tier-1 would be 10 km and Tier-10 would be 100 km?
Djinn used Bribery. It's super effective!
Nearly forgot to point this out: The queen you are likely referring to is the leader of the Cobalt Scales Clan, who happens to be under heavy attack from Efreeti aligned Salamanders right now. So you definitely have a way to get some leverage there.I was vaguely toying with the idea of making a deal with the Salamander Queen to have her grant us land for a base at some point in the future where we could take advantage of her wards and she takes advantage of extra defenses from us. She probably wouldn't accept it, but eh.
I do want to give her military relief. I wouldn't mind building a Fire Forge on land she leases out to us provided it belongs to us. The Forge itself would be useless, what the fuck are Fire Elementals going to do against creatures with Fire Immunity? But the crux is that any Forge of ours would need imperial defenses, and she'd definitely want that additional security. I'm just not sure when we could manage it.Nearly forgot to point this out: The queen you are likely referring to is the leader of the Cobalt Scales Clan, who happens to be under heavy attack from Efreeti aligned Salamanders right now. So you definitely have a way to get some leverage there.
You will need to spend a Diplomacy action to open up negotiations there.I do want to give her military relief. I wouldn't mind building a Fire Forge on land she leases out to us provided it belongs to us. The Forge itself would be useless, what the fuck are Fire Elementals going to do against creatures with Fire Immunity? But the crux is that any Forge of ours would need imperial defenses, and she'd definitely want that additional security. I'm just not sure when we could manage it.
Will making a deal of this nature with her be on the table come the Turn Vote?
I agree, I'd like to delay the scouting mission if possible, even if it's only for a month or two. @Azel @DragonParadox, is this on the table or is this something that can't wait?Great infopost there, @Azel. Good blend of info, world building, and voting options.
The only request I'm not sure we should accept at the moment is the scouting mission. The Airforce is currently operating at a reduced capacity and we have not yet fully restored our ability to replace those losses. If we accept the request, @Duesal, maybe we could ask to delay it for a few months while we recover from the destruction of Everfire Dale?
[X] Duesal
Could we offer more assistance than what has been requested of us, @Azel, @DragonParadox? We could supply Soulforged Undead, Forge servitors, Constructs, Legion soldiers (in places they can survive), etc., that might be able to directly sure up weaknesses in the Djinn and Shaitan fronts.
Sure. Mechanically that would mean deploying your own units on these battlefields. The Shaitan are definitely game for that.Could we offer more assistance than what has been requested of us, @Azel, @DragonParadox? We could supply Soulforged Undead, Forge servitors, Constructs, Legion soldiers (in places they can survive), etc., that might be able to directly sure up weaknesses in the Djinn and Shaitan fronts.
It's pretty likely that the Djinn will mount a scouting mission if you don't do so in the next 3 months, (that is, next turn). So you could still scout later on, but you wouldn't get a reward for it.I agree, I'd like to delay the scouting mission if possible, even if it's only for a month or two. @Azel @DragonParadox, is this on the table or is this something that can't wait?
Okay, in that case @Goldfish personally I think we should stick with it.Sure. Mechanically that would mean deploying your own units on these battlefields. The Shaitan are definitely game for that.
It's pretty likely that the Djinn will mount a scouting mission if you don't do so in the next 3 months, (that is, next turn). So you could still scout later on, but you wouldn't get a reward for it.
Yeah, I agree. I wonder what precautions we could take to minimize risk to our pilots and their aircraft? Mass Invisibility spells, maybe, or a Camouflage enchantment?Okay, in that case @Goldfish personally I think we should stick with it.
None of your allies has a complete map. An area around the River of Tears is decently mapped and amounts to an area around the size of Dorne, but the full Veil is significantly larger.Yeah, I agree. I wonder what precautions we could take to minimize risk to our pilots and their aircraft? Mass Invisibility spells, maybe, or a Camouflage enchantment?
@Azel, @DragonParadox, how large is the Veil?