Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Here's the current votes!
Adhoc vote count started by TempestK on Apr 19, 2021 at 8:44 PM, finished with 69 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Inwards and Outwards
    - [X][Martial] Reinforce Borders Set up extra guard posts and increase patrols
    - [X][Stewardship] Expand housing district
    - [X][Diplomacy] Send Envoys to the (East/West/North/South)
    --[X] East: According to the maps you have the Hunnic States and the Silk Road lie in that direction. A good chance for profit! And to perhaps head off raids.
    - [X][Intrigue] The Hills Have Eyes
    - [X][Learning] Once and Future Prince
    - [X][Learning]Assign Chiron to assist a Hero
    - [X][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    - [X][Personal] A Cover is not the Book
    [X] Plan: Let's get down to business!
    - [X][Martial] Reinforce Borders Set up extra guard posts and increase patrols
    - [X][Stewardship] Expand housing district
    -[X][Diplomacy] Establish a diplomatic embassy in Agrabah
    - [X][Intrigue] The Hills Have Eyes
    - [X][Learning] Once and Future Prince
    --[X][Learning] Assign Chiron to assist a Hero
    - [X][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    - [X][Personal] A Cover is not the Book
    -[X] Plan: Secure the east
    - [X][Martial] Reinforce Borders Set up extra guard posts and increase patrols
    - [X][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
    - [X][Diplomacy] Send Envoys to the (East/West/North/South)
    --[X] East: According to the maps you have the Hunnic States and the Silk Road lie in that direction. A good chance for profit! And to perhaps head off raids.
    [x]Plan Meet The New Neighbors
    - [x][Martial] Let's Get Down to Business
    - [X][Stewardship] Expand housing district
    -[X][Diplomacy] A Hun in the Hand
    - [X][Intrigue] The Hills Have Eyes
    - [X][Learning] Once and Future Prince
    - [x][Occult] Hidden Hollows and Gilded Glens
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    - [X][Personal] A Cover is not the Book
    [X][Intrigue] The Hills Have Eyes
    - [X][Learning] Over Hill and Dale
    - [X][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
    - [X][Personal] Visit Jasmine
    [X] Plan: defeat, the Huns, I mean Mongols.
    - [X][Martial] Reinforce Borders Set up extra guard posts and increase patrols
    - [X][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
    -[X][Diplomacy] A Hun in the Hand
    -[X][Intrigue] Get the lay of the local underworld
    - [X][Learning] Once and Future Prince
    -[X][Occult] Golden Afternoon
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    -[X][Personal] Assist one of your advisors in a task.
    --[X] A Hun in the Hand
QM, I have a question, Plan Inwards and Outwards has chosen to place Chiron on the Diplomacy action for Aladdin's personal action?
[X] Plan: Let's get down to business!

I, personally, think we have good Diplomacy Advisor, and would prefer to get Martial training instead of Diplomacy (and we need it, since our general is meh, stat wise). But otherwise I'm fine with that.
Does Aladdin add his stats to all national actions?

I'm asking because this
- [][Personal] Assist one of your advisors in a task.
--[] Write-in which task
Many hands make for light loads, or so the saying goes. Pitch in to help one of Aladdin's advisors with their assigned duties. Adds Aladdin's score to the roll for a project.
Seems to indicate his score only gets added if we take the personal.
Thoughts of a Gur Khan (Canon)
Thoughts of a Gur Khan

"We must attack!", barked Temur. The Khan with a scarred face glared at the Person sitting on the Opposite of them. "Attack and smash these 'Abwabans' while we have the element of surprise on our side! Every second we waste with this inane babbling is another they gain to prepare and fortify themselves! Let us strike while the Iron is hot and show them the might of the Mongols!" Loud cheers erupted from those in the Tent supporting his Argument.

Gughlug, Khan of another Tribe in Jamukha's Forces, did not even flinch at his Counterparts aggressiveness and bluster. "And if they prove stronger then we anticipate?", he countered pointedly. "If our Assault fails and leaves many of our remaining Warriors dead? Then our way south is barred and we will have to either return to be slaughtered by the Huns or lose even more People by trying to find another Path. Need I remind you how much this Journey took out of our People? We lost many, our Supplies are low and we have only the strength for ONE meaningful attack. If it fails..."

He shook his head. "We should send envoys. See if they are willing to grant us land to settle or at least let us pass through their Country. The risk is too great to fight. We would gamble the fate of our People on the outcome of one attack that we are not well prepared for." Many nodding heads could be seen in the Tent from those on his side of the Argument.

"We have no time to waste on trying to make Friends!", Temur argued. "If they decline our Request, then they will be prepared for our coming and our People in an even worse Position!" He snorted. "Then again, I should not be surprised that you are too cowardly to attack! You and your tribe got fat and useless with your trading. You don't have the stomach to fight like Warriors!"

Gughlug bristled and is eyes narrowed. "There is no courage in spurring your Horse to jump over a chasm and risk to fall in and die when there is a perfectly safe stone bridge leading across it. Only foolishness!"

As the Tent erupted in shouting and debates, Jamukha sighed tiredly. The Gur Khan looked over the arguing Leaders of the minor Tribes under his Command as they argued over the next course of Action.

This had been going on for the last few hours. Again and again the opposing Factions in his Ordu had repeated their Arguments. They had to attack as fast as possible. They needed to reach out diplomatically first. The Abwabans would fall before a powerful Assault. The Risk for their People was too high to attack. Those who supported the Attack where Fools. Those who were for Peace were cowards.

And so on, and so on...

Jamukha shook his head. He would need to make a Decision soon. Their Provisions where dwindling by the day. They and their People NEEDED to find Land suitable for their Horses and Livestock, one way or another. But what way to best achieve this?

He did not know enough about the Land before them, Abwaba. He would need to wait for the Return of his Scouts before he could make a Decision. But already, both he and his Khans debated the Merits of the Options most likely possible to them.

Attacking right away could lead to the fastest Solution for their Problems. If successful. IF. And if they failed, they risked to lose everything. Their People where exhausted and weary from their long Journey through Mountains and across Plains. They would not get more then one Chance to seize the Lands they needed by force.

Attempting to negotiate either being granted Land to settle or Passage through their country eliminated the risk of losing more then they could afford in an attack. But it risked to drag things out, leaving their Horses and People to starve and freeze. Not to mention that there was no guarantee that the Abwabans could be trusted to keep their Word even if a Settlement was reached.

He was the Gur Khan. He had lead his People to this Point. So what was he supposed to do now?

For a second, he couldn't help but wonder what Temujin would have counseled him to do. Would his Sworn Brother have argued for an attack? For Negotiation? Or would he have been in favor of not leaving their sacred Homeland at all, to stand and fight against the Huns?

Jamukha closed his eyes as he shook his head. Temujin was dead and gone. Wondering what he would've said or done would not get him or his People anywhere. Doubting now and asking himself 'What If?' would not get them anywhere.

They were in the here and now. And the Gur Khan would soon need to make a Decision that could very well seal the Fate of his People.

I know that the Writer of the original Mongol One-Shot deliberately decided to not go with Genghis as Leader of the Mongols. However, since historically Genghis - or Temujin as he was called at the time - was the Sworn Brother of Jamukha and thus someone very important to him, I decided to still put him in someone who's already dead.
Whether he died before he and Jamukha became Rivals and Enemies or after that, I leave deliberately up to interpretation.
Either way, Genghis Khan never came to be in this World. And Jamukha now must decide what is the best Option for the Mongols to take. A heavy burden...
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QM, I have a question, Plan Inwards and Outwards has chosen to place Chiron on the Diplomacy action for Aladdin's personal action?
Not the QM, but I did make the plan in question. I anticipated that Chiron would help Aladdin with the Stewardship malus training action in Learning. @TempestK , do I need to make that explicit?
TirelessTraveler has the right of it; while the end effect is on Aladdin's Stewardship score, the action itself does fall under the auspices of being a Learning action. As such in this case you would be applying Chiron's boost. @TirelessTraveler yeah it would probably be a good idea to make that explicit.
Does Aladdin add his stats to all national actions?

I'm asking because this

Seems to indicate his score only gets added if we take the personal.
That was correct, but after double-checking a few things, I see that I made an error there. Going forward that won't be added to the Personal actions and will be replaced with something else. And yes, Aladdin's stats will be added to rolls for actions. Sorry for the trouble.
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@TempestK so, is there a mechanical benefit to omakes, or are we just expanding on the world (or not, in the case of non-canon omakes)?
[X] Plan: Let's get down to business!
- [X][Martial] Reinforce Borders Set up extra guard posts and increase patrols
- [X][Stewardship] Expand housing district
-[X][Diplomacy] Establish a diplomatic embassy in Agrabah
- [X][Intrigue] The Hills Have Eyes
- [X][Learning] Once and Future Prince
--[X][Learning] Assign Chiron to assist a Hero
- [X][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
- [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
- [X][Personal] A Cover is not the Book
@TempestK so, is there a mechanical benefit to omakes, or are we just expanding on the world (or not, in the case of non-canon omakes)?
At the moment there's no mechanical benefit, merely expanding the world, or in the case of non-canon omakes showing "what ifs". I may change my mind on that at some point; but I wanted to focus initially on getting the quest itself set up.
At the moment there's no mechanical benefit, merely expanding the world, or in the case of non-canon omakes showing "what ifs". I may change my mind on that at some point; but I wanted to focus initially on getting the quest itself set up.
I don't mind that there's no Omake bonii.

Being able to play in a sandbox without expecting a reward is a lot more freeing than I expected. As this way, I'm not trying to chuck out omake after omake for a bonus. It's nice to simply try and explore the sandbox over seeking actual payment and reward in some form from writing an omake.
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I don't mind that there's no Omake bonii.

Being able to play in a sandbox without expecting a reward is a lot more freeing than I expected. As this way, I'm not trying to chuck out omake after omake for a bonus. It's nice to simply try and explore the sandbox over seeking actual payment in some form.
But now how am I supposed to chuck out omake after omake for a bonus?!
Omake Rules and XP Bank
The "Great Teacher" Tai Lung (Canon)So after having given it a lot of thought, I have decided that I will, in fact, be implementing an omake reward system. I'm going to try and keep it as simple as I possibly can.

  • Omakes will be assigned a bonus according to my interpretation of their quality and viability. This bonus may be kept in reserve and used by the author of the omakes at their discretion.
  • The XP cost to Bonus ratio is one to one.
  • Authors must inform me of their wish to use the bonuses within 24 hours of the vote closing. Once that deadline has passed I will not add any more bonuses to any rolls.
  • Low-effort omakes or omakes that are being used as vehicles to try and insetr OCs or overtly steer the quest in certain directions will not receive a bonus.
  • Bonuses to rolls will cap out at +15 per roll to any singular roll. There will be instances where bonuses will not be applicable, such as for Rival Reports, or for random events.
  • Please do not treat this as a demand for omake or to start churning them out factory-style. Quality is and always will be superior to Quantity in my eyes and I will judge as such.
Authors, Omakes, and XP
Investigations of a Lost Lair (Canon) - 5 XP Redeemed Turn 2 Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
Those Left Behind (Canon) - 6 XP Redeemed Turn 6 for Get to know you Better (Mage)
To Slip the Strings of Fate (Canon) - 10 XP Redeemed Turn 9; Davy Jones Diplomacy
Sparks in the Dark: Intro
If At First You Don't Succeed... (Canon) - 3 XP Redeemed Turn 2 The Hills Have Eyes
Family Bonding (Canon) - 2 XP Redeemed Turn 3 Train a Cadre of Swordsmen
Butterfly Wings and Stranger Things (Canon) - 4 XP Redeemed Turn 4 Friends In Deed by jwolfe_beta
Second String (Canon) - 5 XP Redeemed Turn 4 Golden Afternoon
Troop Movements (Canon) - 4 XP Redeemed Turn 4 Friends In Deed by jwolfe_beta
A Single Choice - 10 XP Redeemed Turn 4 Golden Afternoon
A Meeting of the Minds (Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 5, Introductions
Family Matters - 8 XP 1 XP Redeemed Turn 5, 7 Introductions; Redeemed Turn 6, 1 for One Stop Shop
Cat's in the Cradle - 6 XP Redeemed 4 for Turn 6 for One Stop Shop, Redeemed Turn 6, 2 for Since You're in the Area...
Fairest of Them All (Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 6, 3 for Since You're in the Area...; Redeemed Turn 6, 5 for Get to know a Hero better (Iago)
What's Yours is Mine (Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 6 for Get to know a Hero better (Iago)
The Monster They Fear (Nega-Quest) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 9; Walking the Earth
Meeting of the Minds ((Non?)Canon) - 8 XP 7 XP 1 Redeemed Turn 9; Walking the Earth
Blood Ties (Canon) - 8 XP
Enemy Mine (Canon) 8 XP
Shifting Paradigm (Canon) 16 XP
The Makings of a King (Canon) 8XP
A King and His Pawns (Canon) 8XP
The Room Where it Happens
Alice – Madness Returns
The Final Bow
The Mirror King - A Disney Villains Almost Victorious Nega-Quest
The Mirror King - A Disney Villains Almost Victorious Nega-Quest - Turn 12 Results
The Robin Cries (Non-Canon) - 4 XP Redeemed Turn 3 Train a Cadre of Swordsmen
The Worst Possible Ending (Non-Canon) - 5 XP Redeemed Turn 3 Train a Cadre of Swordsmen
Still Have a Job (Non-Canon) - 4 XP Redeemed Turn 3 Train a Cadre of Swordsmen
The Beastmaster (Canon) - 2 XP Redeemed Turn 4 Search for War Beasts
Do Not Disturb (Canon) - 5 XP Redeemed Turn 4 Search for War Beasts
Hunter's Eye (Canon) - 3 XP Redeemed Turn 4 If You Give a Parrot a Job...
Working With Animals (Canon) - 4 XP Redeemed Turn 9 Davy Jones Seperation
Dead and Loving It (Canon) - 6 XP Redeemed Turn 9 Davy Jones Seperation
Hind Sight (Canon) - 5 XP Redeemed Turn 9 Davy Jones Seperation
Phoning It In (Non-Canon) - 5 XP Redeemed Turn 9; All Creatures Great and Small
The Opportune Moment (Canon) - 3 XP Redeemed Turn 6 for Take What You Can
Thoughts of a Gur Khan (Canon) - 4 XP Redeemed Turn 3 What's Up Doc
A Scattered Table Part One (Non-Canon) - 5 XP Redeemed Turn 5 Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
The Changing Mirage (Canon) - 6 XP Redeemed Turn 5 Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
Sands of Light and Shadow (Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 6 for Now Hiring!
Crisis: Storm Running (Canon) - 10 XP, Redeemed Turn 7; It's Coarse and Rough and it gets Everywhere
The Odyssey of the Legion Act 1: The Preparations (Semi-Canon) - 6 XP, 1 XP 5 Redeemed Turn 7; It's Coarse and Rough and it gets Everywhere, 1 Redeemed Turn 7
When you wish upon a star
To Travel, To Study and to Watch (Nega-Quest) - 5 XP Redeemed Turn 9; Lean on Me
Travails of Innocence (Nega-Quest) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 9; Lean on Me
The Young and the Old (Nega-Quest) - 8 XP, 7 XP 1 Redeemed Turn 9; Lean on Me, 7 Redeemed Turn 9 Davy Jones Introductions
The Young Man and the Sea (Non-canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 9 Davy Jones Introductions
A Country Kinder To Our Type (Canon) 8 XP
Every Day A Little Death (Canon) 4 XP
Of Might, Magic and Circumstances (Nega-Quest) 6 XP
Panic at the Legion 6XP
A Meeting of the Minds(Canon) 8XP
NYC, You're Standing Room Only (Canon) 8 XP
The Journey Nine Years Hence Begins
Preparing for the Next Step
Lost on the Road of Sorrows
One Fire for Another it Seems
Prisoner 34 and Prisoner 39
Kingdom of Jeruselum Internal Census Report: Subject Masyaf
The Train Towards Nowhere (Anastasia Nega-Quest)
From SEA to Sea
The Fish and the Jackal(Canon)
A Dog and a Jackal
I Know Those Eyes
I Know Those Eyes, Part II
The Lunger of New Orleans
Maddie's Mayhem
Pretty Lies, All This Time (Canon)
Sierra's Sights
Fling a Light into the Future (Non-Canon) - 3 XP Redeemed Turn 4 Visiting Jasmine
Foreign Legion, Foreign Lands (Canon) - 10 XP Redeemed Turn 5 Correspondence with Jasmine
French Foreign Legion Nega-Quest Turn 1 (Canon) - 10 XP Redeemed Turn 5 5 Correspondence with Jasmine, 5 Off the Edge of the Map
French Foreign Legion Nega-Quest: Turn 2 (Canon) - 8 XP Redeeemed Turn 5 Off the Edge of the Map
Foreign Legion Nega-Quest: Turn 3 (Canon) - 6 XP Redeemed Turn 5 2 Off the Edge of the Map, 4 Call of the Wild
French Foreign Legion Nega-Quest: Turn 4 (Canon) - 6 XP Redeemed Turn 5 Call of the Wild
Prince of the River (Semi-Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 5, 5 Call of the Wild, 3 Not a Stool Pigeon
Making It Up As I Go - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 5 Not a Stool Pigeon
Where Are They (Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 5, 4 Not a Stool Pigeon, 4 Feeling Salty
Seven Little Words (Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 5 Feeling Salty
A Wondrous Land (Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 5. 3 Feeling Salty, 5 Send a Scouting Party
French Foreign Legion Nega-Quest: Turn 5 (Canon) - 10 XP Redeemed Turn 6 for One Stop Shop
French Foreign Legion Nega-Quest, Turn 5, Part 2 (Canon) - 10 XP Redeemed Turn 6 for Since You're in the Area...
French Foreign Legion Nega-Quest, Turn 6: Breaking Camp (Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 6 for When you wish upon a Star
Ready as I'll Ever Be (Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 6 for Missing the Sea
Friend's Can't Say Goodbye (Canon) - 10 XP Redeemed for Turn 7; Cat's in the Cradle
The Case of the Greek God (Canon) - 8 XP 5 Redeemed for Turn 7; Cat's in the Cradle, 2 Redeemed for Turn 7; Attempt to bring in nearby satraps as protectorates, 1 Redeemed for Turn 7; When you wish upon a star
The Adventure of the Delayed Detective (Canon) - 10 XP 1 Redeemed for Turn 7; Attempt to bring in nearby satraps as protectorates, 5 Redeemed for Turn 7; When you wish upon a star, 4 Redeemed for Turn 7; Life's a Zoo
Three Bows (Canon) - 6 XP 6 Redeemed for Turn 7; Life's a Zoo
A Pirate's Life For Me (Canon) - 8 XP 5 Redeemed for Turn 7; Life's a Zoo, 3 Redeemed for Turn 7; Now Who Could That Be?
20,000 Bubbles Under The Sea (Canon) - 6 XP 2 Redeemed for Turn 7; Now Who Could That Be?, 4 Redeemed for Turn 7; Hospital stay
Where Are They? Part 2 (Nega-Quest) - 8 XP 2 Redeemed for Turn 7; Hospital stay, 4 Redeemed for Turn 8
Never Shall We Die (Nega-Quest) - 15 XP Redeemed for Turn 8
Always A Bigger Fish (Canon) - 5 XP Redeemed for Turn 8
A Whale of a Tale (Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed for Turn 8
It's Just Good Business (Canon) - 5 XP Redeemed for Turn 8
Welcome to Ababwa (Canon) - 6 XP Redeemed for Turn 8
Be Loyal To What Matters (Non-Canon) - 6 XP Redeemed for Turn 8
A Son Never Forgets (Varian Nega-Quest) - 5 XP Redeemed for Turn 8
Daredevils of the Desert (Nega-Quest) - 8 XP Redeemed for Turn 8
Goodbye Is Not Farewell (Nega-Quest) - 10 XP Redeemed for Turn 8
The Four Amigos (Nega-Quest) - 8 XP Redeemed for Turn 8
Ultimate Showcoon of Ultimate Destidog (Nega-Quest) - 5 XP Redeemed for Turn 8
A Stranger Comes To Town (Canon) - 8 XP 3 XP 5 Redeemed for Turn 8, 3 Redeemed Turn 9; Always Under the Same Sky
Threat and Opportunity Analysis: Ababwa (Canon) - 10 XP, 1 XP, 9 Redeemed Turn 9; Always Under the Same Sky, 1 Redeemed Turn 9; Ever-Widening Web
University of Ababwa Application for Increased Funding (Canon) - 7 XP Redeemed Turn 9; Ever-Widening Web
The Baronet of Thieves (Canon) - 8 XP 1 XP 7 Redeemed Turn 9; Ever-Widening Web, 1 Redeemed Turn 9; Cast your net out further
English Lessons for Fun and Profit (Canon) - 10 XP Redeemed Turn 9; Cast your net out further
All Good Things to Those Who Wait (Canon) - 10 XP 6 XP 1 XP 4 Redeemed Turn 9; Cast your net out further, 5 Redeemed Turn 9; Unscrambling an Identity, 1 Redeemed Turn 9; Life's a Zoo
The Psychology of a Huntsman (Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 9; Life's a Zoo
Never Again (Canon) - 8 XP 2 XP 6 Redeemed Turn 9; Life's a Zoo; 4 Redeemed Turn 9; All Creatures Great and Small
Where Are They? Part 3 (Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 9; All Creatures Great and Small
The Tarnished Abroad (Canon) 10 XP
A Country Kinder To Our Type (Canon) 8 XP
A Story Told (Canon) 10 XP
The Napoleon In Exile (Canon) 8 XP
Every Day A Little Death (Canon) 6 XP
The Tenacity of Life (Canon) 8 XP
Many Beginnings (Canon) 12 XP
Broken Smolder (Canon) 8 XP
Where Are They? Part 4 (Canon) 10XP
Panic at the Legion 6XP
Tumult in the Holy City (semi-canon) 2XP
Iagosode: Man Versus Bird (Non-Canon) 6XP
Where Are They? Part 5 (Turn 10)(Canon) 8XP
Wants Versus Needs (Canon) 8XP
A Meeting of the Minds(Canon) 8XP
The Medicine Of All Misfortune(Canon) 8XP
The Story Told (Part 1) (Canon) 8XP
"I Have A Plan!" (Canon) 8XP
The Story Told, Part 2 (Canon) 8XP
The Queen Mother Knows Best(Canon) 8XP
A Game of Shadows
Uneasy Lies The Head
Where Are They? Part 6 (Turn 11)
The Case Is Afoot!
The Anger of a Good Man
A Cracked Reflection
The Power of the Sundrop, Part 2
The Power of the Sundrop, Part 3
The Power of the Sundrop, Part 4.1
The Power of the Sundrop, Part 4.2
The Power of the Sundrop, Part 5.1
The Power of the Sundrop, Part 5.2
The Power of the Sun, Part 6
The Power of the Sun, Part 7
40 Thieves (And A Cat)
Forty Thieves (Including The Cat)
Close Encounters of the Lupine Kind
The Power of the Sundrop, Part 8
The Plights of P
Where Are They? Part 7 (Turn 12)
The Deadliest Game
The Napoleon of Crime: A Disney Villains Almost Victorious Nega-Quest
Moriarty Nega Quest: Turn 12 Results
Double Trouble
Nine Yards of Other Cloth (Non-Canon) - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 6 for Get to know you Better (Mage)
All About My Dog (Canon) - 4 XP 3 XP Redeemed Turn 6, 1 for Get to know you Better (Mage); Redeemed Turn 5, 3 for Call of the Wild
The Maiden in the Pagoda (Canon) - 8 XP
Legacy Of A Frozen Heart (Canon) - 10 XP Redeemed Turn 5 Scouting Party
All Hail the Queen (Arendelle Nega-Quest) - 8 XP 3 Redeemed Turn 9; Ever-Widening Web, 5 Redeemed Turn 9 Davy Jones Diplomacy
Turn 2: Let's Get to Work (Arendelle Nega-Quest) (Nega-Quest) 10 XP
Turn 3: Consolidation (Arendelle Nega-Quest) 10 XP
Arendelle Nega-Quest Turn 4: Motivation (Nega-Quest) 8 XP
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess (Sherwood Forest Nega-Quest) 8XP
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess Turn 3 (Sherwood (Nega-Quest)) 6XP
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess Turn 4: Calm Before the Storm (Nega-Quest) 8XP
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess (Sherwood (Nega-Quest)) 10XP
Turn 5: A New England (Sherwood Nega-Quest) 8XP
Arendelle Nega-Quest Turn 6: Gathering (Nega-Quest) 8XP
Arendelle Nega-Quest: All Hail the Queen Turn 7.1(Nega-Quest) 8XP
All Hail the Queen Turn 7.2 (Arendelle Nega-Quest) 8XP
All Hail the Queen Turn 7.3: Civil War, Pt. 3 (Arendelle Nega-Quest) 8 XP
All Hail the Queen Turn 7.4: Reconstruction (Frozen NegaQuest) 8XP
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess Turn 6: Diplomacy at its Finest (Sherwood (Nega-Quest))
All Hail the Queen Part 8 (Arendelle Nega-Quest)
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess (Sherwood (Nega-Quest)) Turn 7: Open Recruitment
All Hail the Queen (Arendelle Nega-Quest) Turn 9.1: Meeting of Two Powers
All Hail the Queen Turn 9.2: Out There (Arendelle Nega-Quest)
All Hail the Queen (Arendelle Nega-Quest) Turn 10: Getting in the Game
All Hail the Queen: Arendelle Nega-Quest Turn 11: Might and Magic
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess (Sherwood Nega-Quest) Turn 8: The Engines of War
All Hail the Queen: Arendelle Nega-Quest, Interlude A Chorus of Ice and Light
Kaa-ravings Denied (Semi-Canon) - 4 XP Redeemed Turn 5 Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
Ever Colder (Canon) - 3 XP Redeemed Turn 6 for When you wish upon a Star
Dim Sun (Canon) - 6 XP Redeemed Turn 9; Walk the Earth
Ah, Medical Applications 6 XP
DIRE Work*crack-a-throm!* - 2 XP Redeemed Turn 6 for Call of the Wild
Within the Cave of Montesinos - 8 XP Redeemed Turn 7; A Place for Everything
Princess of Alamut (Semi-Canon) - 8 XP
How To Sell Your Dragon (Nega-Quest) - 10 XP 4 XP 6 Redeemed Turn 9; Heart Shaped Herb, 4 Redeemed Turn 9; A Green Thumb

Current total banked XP: 548
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  • Bonuses to rolls will cap out at +15 per roll to any singular roll. There will be instances where bonuses will not be applicable, such as for Rival Reports, or for random events.
Is this including the bonuses we get from the Advisors and/or Aladdin? By this I mean even if the natural bonus to an action is above +15, we can still give it another +15 via omake XP.

And just to be sure of the overall mechanics, normally only the advisor's pluses are counted to an action unless specificed otherwise and/or we perform the personal action that added Aladdin's bonus to it correct?
Is this including the bonuses we get from the Advisors and/or Aladdin? By this I mean even if the natural bonus to an action is above +15, we can still give it another +15 via omake XP.
Yes, which is part of the reason that I capped it so relatively low.
And just to be sure of the overall mechanics, normally only the advisor's pluses are counted to an action unless specificed otherwise and/or we perform the personal action that added Aladdin's bonus to it correct?
After checking over some things, I changed it to have Aladdin's bonus added in going forward. Basically he'll have input into what's going on while the advisors are the main movers and shakers. And yes I will be adjusting DCs to reflect this moving forward. Sorry again for the confusion.
Hmm... in which case, I'll throw my "If At First You Don't Succeed..." bonus of 3XP onto "The Hills Have Eyes" action. I'd throw more there but tbh I'm willing to stack the remaining 15XP I have onto the Hun Diplomacy option if this one fails as a backup plan.

Edit: So long as we can use Omakes now I mean.