[X] Hollow with Tongues effect is our friend, here. No need to attach weight to the preference of language, at least in official matters. No doubt over the years language will shift and change and there will be some preference given in matters of science and magic, and yes, politics, when it comes to what tongue is spoken at court or the halls of learning, but everyone here is supposed to be sharing their voices with no misunderstandings passing between each other for the nuance lost in simile and metaphor.
[X] Plan Wider Policy
-[X] Put Hallows on the Curia itself so that sessions are aided by a constant Tongues effect.
-[X] The master copies of laws and other important documents will be written in Truespeech, with these copies superseding the wording in any translation for the purpose of law enforcement and judicial processes.
-[X] Translations of these documents will be provided to the Imperial administration in Common, Low-Valyrian and any local languages that strongly diverge from those.
-[X] The Ministries of Information, Education and Administration will actively encourage and propagate the use of loan-words, neologisms and language drift to encourage and direct the fusing of Common and Low Valyrian into a united Imperial language.
Technically I should probably have had this vote a while ago, probably when you got Naath since they certainly do not speak Low Valyrian, but it was a small province and hard to miss. I could hardly miss all of Westeros.
No offense, but Naath's native population is tiny and will be culturally strangled in the crib by Essosi cultures as immigrants arrive in waves and integrate and build up the place, especially with early administrators all being foreign and having preferences for setting local policies in ways that only make sense to them.
No offense, but Naath's native population is tiny and will be culturally strangled in the crib by Essosi cultures as immigrants arrive in waves and integrate and build up the place, especially with early administrators all being foreign and having preferences for setting local policies in ways that only make sense to them.

Yeah, but again concerns of the present, no matter what happens in generations there would have been an issue now and I should have covered it.
Naath had what? A native population of 5,000 people or so? They are likely already in the process of being crowded out on their own island ever since we made immigration there possible.

In a generation, we will likely already be well into the formation of Imperial as a full language as specialized Lingos are fully mixed and the first people raised fully bilingual by the education system reach adulthood and have their own children speaking the blend as a native tongue. Cultural changes can happen blazingly fast when a totalitarian government wants them to happen.
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