-Fear of the Grave (Is deathly afraid of the Undead and unlikely to work well with them)
This is a problem. Governmental positions shouldn't be filled with people who are completely opposed to reconciliation of their personal views with the policies the State is clearly in favor of. This guy, competent as he likely is, is liable to be knee-capped for promotion above upper-management subordinate level, unless he can overcome this prejudice.
Given our recent policies regarding sentient undead, we clearly intend to create a number of niches for them, subject to larger scrutiny already thanks to many having dangerous innate abilities. though probably no more than any sufficiently powerful mage. But that level of attention and the complexity with which we created roles for them would further reflect our estimation of their value, inflating their prestige and social interactions with them.
Which is a shame, because if he was put forward as a top-level candidate from among the New Men for this role, with the fact that he is from that peer group being a big plus, he
must have outsized value which is considered commiserate with the negatives he carries.
-Foes in Odd Places (Has made quite a few enemies in his time as a Member of the Windward Society and few would be fooled by a new face)
Won't he outlive a number of them? A lot of them are probably on death's door step. And while top level government cronies can easily get life extensions from us, we've deliberately strangled easy access to it elsewhere, or put irritating, inheritance related road blocks to getting it legitimately by other means. That would considerably slow down anyone with a grudge and a habit for long-term schemes against him or us, and the desperate ones who act hastily will just get caught out by the Inquisition. Seems like a win-win. I think Darwin Awards were mostly handed out post Three Daughters, but we have a closet full of them still ready to go.
-The Lesser City (Many a Braavosi magnate will see the naming of a Lorathi to the position as an affront)
So? We made the Iron Bank, their bank, of which many major influential trade magnates are Keyholders of, our Central Bank, gave it a seat on the Curia, formed a Financial Council between two other Great Powers to monitor our fiat currency tied to very stable foreign cash. We made many small-time merchants insanely rich with our economic policies and diplomatic accomplishments (opening up trade all over), made it safe and
easy with magic and long-range communications, and made already rich magnates even more stupendously wealthy.
Along with inflating the prestige of Braavos by doubling its remit of governance in landmass and population, and having no less than three Braavosi among our Companions, one of which we are marrying, with the only Volantene who could be viewed from an outside perspective as a close family friend being a
former slave. To a Braavosi, that puts a mild damper on the "perfidious Volantene influence" narrative, at the very least.
still mad after all that can really sit and spin when Lorath gets
one large boost to its prestige... an indirect one at that.
what the fuck, his ancestry would really be an issue in a place as cosmopolitan as Braavos? He was a fucking Braavosi citizen for decades!
-Firebrand (Very Economically and Socially Liberal)
-Dark Moods (Like many archons still struggling with the Fall of Heaven)
This could probably be dealt with with a few social interactions going all out, though with the likely end result being him Falling. Which could be disconcerting to people placing intense scrutiny on the Ministers and their activities (since they have not inconsiderable power and influence from their own posts).
[] Shad Ibm Mal
+Extraplanar Connections
+Master Builder (Skilled at infrastructure projects)
+Finance Expert (Skilled in the gathering of gold)
-Taxman (Being known for parting people from their money makes few friends)
-Stranger in a strange land (Is not yet immersed in the politics and culture of his new land)
Perfect fit for Minister of Public Works, actually.
I'm doing an examination of the other Ministry posts and thinking up suggestions from known characters right now.