---[X] Ministry of Administration - Concerned with expanding and maintaining the bureaucracy to take care of the needs of the bureaucracy, such as hiring, payroll, creating office space and so on. Also responsible for creating and maintaining public housing (in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Works) and the bread dole (in conjunction with the Ministry of Health).
---[X] Ministry of Taxation - Concerned with collecting taxes, investigating tax fraud and maintaining the infrastructure for these tasks. Will interface with local law enforcement and in special cases with the Inquisition to enforce imperial tax law.
---[X] Ministry of Propaganda Information - Concerned with maintaining the Mirror Vision Network, the Imperial Times and other, more local publications. Will interface with the Inquisition to prevent the spread of "improper" publications, "falsehoods" and similar tasks.
---[X] Ministry of Trade - Concerned with monitoring and regulating trade, and stimulating industrial growth. Interfaces with the Ministry of Taxation for trade related taxes.
---[X] Ministry of War - Concerned with supplying, training, maintaining and creating / procuring equipment for the Imperial Armed Forces.
---[X] Ministry of Public Works - Concerned with land management, settlement planning, creating and maintaining infrastructure, and running public services such as the post offices and sewage management. Will work closely with the Ministry of Administration in many of these tasks to ensure proper bureaucratic integration.
---[X] Ministry of Education - Concerned with running public schools, orphanages and universities. Also responsible for public research conducted by the universities.
---[X] Ministry of Magic - Concerned with the use and impact of magic on the realm, serving mostly as an interface between other ministries, the Scholarium system and other special interest groups. Their main work will be to organize magic support for other ministries and to oversee the solving of magic related issues.
---[X] Ministry of Diplomacy - Concerned with keeping in regular contact with other polities, both on-plane and off-plane, on behalf of the Imperium. Otherwise works mostly on order by the Imperator and maintains the necessary staff and negotiators to fulfill their duties.
---[X] Ministry of Justice - Concerned with maintaining and overseeing the law-enforcement in the realm, and acting as the persecutors for all crimes that do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Inquisition.
---[X] Ministry of Health - Concerned with creating and maintaining public health programs and managing plagues and similar concerns. Also tasked with conducting research on the matters of health and medicine.
Administration: Probably going to be hand selected by Alinor, and I foresee little reason to oppose her suggestion. This was basically her former role so I foresee her presenting someone from her personal staff as a likely successor.
Taxation: Part of me says we should just start as we mean to go on and get Amrelath to do this, if he weren't so rapacious about his hoarding instincts as most old school Red Chromatics tend to be. But it would definitely sell the image that if you fuck with our taxes in any way big or small, it will turn into a motherfucking fire-breathing dragon of a problem. Specifically,
your problem.
Information: Need Genned candidates for this, since I think the person for this role pretty much
has to have a history of coming up from unusual quarters or by being absolutely loyal for good cause, and Viserys stated himself he mostly views the Curia to be vastly loyal to themselves, with loyalty to Viserys mostly being a conditional thing of convenience since we've arranged things to fall that way.
Trade: Menel (for multiple well-established reasons, but also because he's good at this and I foresee zero issues with him having policy preferences that vastly differ with our own views on Trade)
War: Beryl (she's gotten good at organizing, and also having basically acted as the Dean for the Imperial Military Academy for the past year, so she'd do fine). Definitely qualified for the job, too. Maybe even overqualified.
Public Works: Shad is still a good candidate for this.
Education: Velen might actually be a good pick for this.
Magic: Unlike what the Lannisters did with Kevan, this guy is practically guaranteed to be such a WBL-mancer that for all practical purposes he's basically a mage, or an actual mage. So this post definitely won't have the veneer of "person who herds murderous, fireball throwing, shapeshifting cats", and more like the coordinator of the cat-like activities via green-ink rubber stamp. Though I'm coming up blank with suggestions.
So probably Genned.
Diplomacy: Honestly, Xor would probably do fairly good in this role. There's the obvious negative in that anyone with issues against all Far Realm-natured denizens might have issues, but if we had the Azure Court and Githzerai publicly give him their rubber stamp in some fashion by tacitly showing no issues with dealing with him (something I think we can actually arrange), it would really only be an issue with people we haven't yet established a longer-spanning history with.
Would also put our money where our mouth is, with regards to integration of all sorts of intelligent peoples. And there's the obvious logic--for most practical purposes, Xor wouldn't personally be acting as an envoy, so much as managing how our foreign policies are conducted on an organizational level once we've decided on what stance to take. Considering Xor is publicly a Companion, has been for years, and has been living in close quarter with us for years, any new foreign entity who has reason to distrust him is so paranoid that they should already distrust the whole lot of us right off the bat, so it avoids the issue of offending anyone who simply just prefers not to be in close quarters with Aberrations, rather than simply being virulently xenophobic.
Justice: Genned, probably.
Health: Genned, probably.