Lol, gotta admit it was pretty funny to see the Formorians pretty much going "yup this investment failed. Bail bail bail." They're incredibly powerful but also give negative fucks about the Lannisters when there's no material gain to be had.

love how the city was described, especially the bit about the tinier little circling ants.
Part MMMDCCXXV: Scholars' Secrets
Scholars' Secrets

Second Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC

Although many parts of the palace are meant to be magical, from the ethereal lanterns of the gardens to the unseen lar who served the residence and the inner chambers, to the arcane arms and armor displayed as trophies, or for those less light of heart, the Hall of Horrors, only one of the studies constructed for the palace so far is of magic.

Formally known as the Silver Study, it is an eclectic mix of relatively severe furnishings, ebony with silver accents and a wealth of arcane paraphernalia. A fine scrying mirror is set on one wall, on another a star tablet of auspicious conjunctions useful for enchanting, and in the corner by the door there lies a fine staff, of the sort Lya once carried with her, taken as a prize from one battle or another, though she has long since grown beyond such things. The door itself is automatically muffled against scrying by runes that are carved prominently above the frame rather than hidden as they are in most of the palace.

And of course there are books. What wizard's study would be complete without tomes of every sort and printing, thin and thick, bound in plain leather or gold leaf? They are mostly at the edge of what is publicly available, with perhaps one or two crossing ever so slightly over the edge, even though this is technically only a semi-private sort of sitting room meant to appeal to the sorcerer and the sage, one who would not be impressed by expressions of commonplace wealth or power.

Not that you think the man who will be joining you for tea this morning shall be overly impressed by the carefully crafted stage, but it is the place you can imagine him being most at home. Now that he has agreed, even if just in principle, that the House of the Undying and the city it 'serves' will join the Imperium, you are curious as to their reasoning and their requests.

The warlock bows low by way of greeting and offers an apology. "Pardon that we could not speak as we have promised."

You wave the words away and motion for him to have a seat. "Time in its haste makes servants of us all, and if any man should say that he is free of its grasp, then behold one who does not know how to read a clock."

"Or one who spends most of his days in repose like a lizard among the sands. I fear you shall find far too many of that ilk among the Pureborn. One hopes they might be swept from the streets of Qarth like so much sand when the winds turns from the west." The warlock settles in his seat with easy grace. "Now, you wished to know of the reason for our conditions, and so I shall share these, under conditions of... discretion, of course."

You nod. Loose lips have never been among your vices, as well he could have guessed, though you can see why someone revealing secrets of this nature would wish actual confirmation and not just conjecture.

"By spells forged of old, by craft wrought in the long ages of occlusion, the very lands of Qarth thirst for magic as the sands thirst for water, and there are few magics that burn as bright as those of dragons and their riders. Any such that might dwell there for a long while risks being drained of their life, perhaps even their anima if they are not strong enough of will. We do not wish to risk harm to others, but we do not wish for the draining to be widely known lest our city be counted cursed."

"What is this thing then if not an... enchantment?" Part of you is impressed that the Undying were able to feed upon magics over so vast an area, but more immediately you have to know what you are dealing with and what the full peril is.

"An alteration of the ley lines, fragile feeders that drain free floating magic and ground it. It is... particularly attuned to dragons who are as the bones of the land," comes the soft reply. "Now as to the second point, about the weirwoods. If I may, could you tell me what you know of them and those whose power is upon them, Your Majesty? It would be easier to explain if I know from what foundation I am doing so."

The full answer is that you know more about the Old Gods than anyone save their Greenseers, but you can hardly share that with one you have met for the first time a few days past. How much is safe to say without seeming ignorant of those you have for so long empowered?

[] Write in

OOC: Well this was longer than I thought it would be, hopefully the descriptions are worth it.
Last edited:
[X] Confer with Bloodraven and determine how much to share in order to get as full a disclosure based around the idea of them not trying to frame their motives or reasonings on the idea of your seeming ignorance. Without obviously sharing more than the Old Gods, or indeed you, would be comfortable with.
Scholars' Secrets

Second Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC

Although many parts of the palace are meant to be magical, from the ethereal lanterns of the gardens to the unseen lar who served the residence and the inner chambers, to the arcane arms and armor displayed as trophies, or for those less light of heart, the Hall of Horrors, only one of the studies constructed for the palace so far is of magic.

Formally known as the Silver Study, it is an eclectic mix of relatively severe furnishings, ebony with silver accents and a wealth of arcane paraphernalia. A fine scrying mirror is set on one wall, on another a star tablet of auspicious conjunctions useful for enchanting, and in the corner by the door there lies a fine staff, of the sort Lya once carried with her, taken as a prize from one battle or another, though she has long since grown beyond such things. The door itself is automatically muffled against scrying by runes that are carved prominently above the frame rather than hidden as they are in most of the palace.

And of course there are books. What wizard's study would be complete without tomes of every sort and printing, thin and thick, bound in plain leather or gold leaf? They are mostly at the edge of what is publicly available, with perhaps one or two crossing ever so slightly over the edge, even though this is technically only a semi-private sort of sitting room meant to appeal to the sorcerer and the sage, one who would not be impressed by expressions of commonplace wealth or power.

Not that you think the man who will be joining you for tea this morning shall be overly impressed by the carefully crafted stage, but it is the place you can imagine him being most at home. Now that he has agreed, even if just in principle, that the House of the Undying and the city it 'serves' will join the Imperium, you are curious as to their reasoning and their requests.

The warlock bows low by way of greeting and offers an apology. "Pardon that we could not speak as we have promised."

You wave the words away and motion for him to have a seat. "Time in its haste makes servants of us all, and if any man should say that he is free of its grasp, then behold one who does not know how to read a clock."

"Or one who spends most of his days in repose like a lizard among the sands. I fear you shall find far too many of that ilk among the Pureborn. One hopes they might be swept from the streets of Qarth like so much sand when the winds turns from the west." The warlock settles in his seat with easy grace. "Now, you wished to know of the reason for our conditions, and so I shall share these, under conditions of... discretion, of course."

You nod. Loose lips have never been among your vices, as well he could have guessed, though you can see why someone revealing secrets of this nature would wish actual confirmation and not just conjecture.

"By spells forged of old, by craft wrought in the long ages of occlusion, the very lands of Qarth thirst for magic as the sands thirst for water, and there are few magics that burn as bright as those of dragons and their riders. Any such that might dwell there for a long while risks being drained of their life, perhaps even their anima if they are not strong enough of will. We do not wish to risk harm to others, but we do not wish for the draining to be widely known lest our city be counted cursed."

"What is this thing then if not an... enchantment?" Part of you is impressed that the Undying were able to feed upon magics over so vast an area, but more immediately you have to know what you are dealing with and what the full peril is.

"An alteration of the ley lines, fragile feeders that drain free floating magic and ground it. It is... particularly attuned to dragons who are as the bones of the land," comes the soft reply. "Now as to the second point, about the weirwoods. If I may, could you tell me what you know of them and those whose power is upon them, Your Majesty? It would be easier to explain if I know from what foundation I am doing so."

The full answer is that you know more about the Old Gods than anyone save their Greenseers, but you can hardly share that with one you have met for the first time a few days past. How much is safe to say without seeming ignorant of those you have for so long empowered?

[] Write in

OOC: Well this was longer than I thought it would be, hopefully the descriptions are worth it.
Made some additional edits to the chapter, DP.
I feel like a deeper understanding of exactly what process is occurring in and around Qarth could be used for our own purposes. Seems like helpful information that might provide further insight into crafting the Imperial deity, if nothing else.

Could perhaps even be used to power Flesh Forges and other highly magical works when their are not appropriate ley lines or other power sources nearby.

[X] Crake
I'll just let this speak for itself.

Observer CR 13
Bonewrought Willow CR 3
Size Large -> Medium (CR -1)
Time Seer Creature (CR +1)
Eruphyte Creature (CR +1)
+12 HD (CR +3)
Eldritch (CR +3)
- Dual Essence (-2 EP, +1 CR)
- Blindsight 60 ft. (-1 EP, +0.125 CR)
- Swap Movement Land -> Flight (-1 EP, +0.25 CR)
- SLA Invisibility, Touch of History, Divination at will (-4 EP, +1 CR)
- -2 STR, -4 CON, +6 WIS (+-0)
Watchman Creature (CR +2)
Advanced (CR +1)

LN Medium plant / aberration (extraplanar)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, spiritsense, thoughtsense, telepathy (60 ft.), darkvision (60 ft.), mindsight (60 ft.), blindsight (60 ft.); Perception +8

AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+12 natural, +4 DEX, +2 Dodge)
hp 17d8 + 51 (CON) = 127
Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +21
Defensive Abilities negative energy affinity, uncanny dodge
DR 5/bludgeoning;
Immune death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, nonlethal damage, plant traits;
Resist cold 10, electricity 10

Speed 60 ft. Fly (Perfect)
Melee slam +15/+10/+5 (1d8+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks bonerattle, spray of splintered bones

Str 17, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 32, Cha 25
Base Atk +3; CMB +8 (+10 bull rush); CMD 18 (20 vs. bull rush, can't be tripped)
Feats Mindsight, Alertness, Spectrum Sight, Eagle-Eyed, Reach SLA (Planeshift), Skill Focus Perception, Skill Focus Stealth, Hellcat Stealth, Believers Boon (Knowledge)
Skills Intimidate 17 + 8 (Racial) = 25, Perception 17 + 9 (Racial) + 2 (Alertness) + 6 (Skill Focus) = 36, Spellcraft 17, Stealth 17 + 6 (Skill Focus) = 23, Fly 17, Survival 17; Racial Modifiers +8 Intimidate, +5 Knowledge, +9 Perception, +5 Spellcraft to indentify spells being cast, -5 Sense Motive
Languages Common (can't speak)

Continuous – detect magic, true seeing
At will — augury, quickened dimensional anchor, discern location, greater teleport, planeshift, touch of history, divination, invisibility
1/day — true strike, vision

Conflicted Vision (Ex)
Before a time seer rolls initiative, it must attempt a DC 10 Wisdom check. On a success, the time seer gains a +4 bonus on its initiative roll. On a failure by less than 5, the time seer rolls for initiative normally. A failure by 5 or more imposes a –4 penalty on the initiative roll.

Unreliable Spellcasting (Ex)
Each time the time seer wishes to use one of it spell-like abilities or cast a spell, it must make a successful Wisdom check vs. a DC equal to 10 + the spell's level. Failure means the attempt produces no effect but that usage or spell slot is wasted.

Preternatural Knowledge (Ex)
Once per round as a free action, a time seer may attempt a DC 15 Wisdom check. On a success, the time seer gains a +4 bonus on its next attack roll, check, or saving throw, whichever comes first. On a failure, the time seer misinterprets its vision of the future and takes a –4 penalty on its next attack roll, check, or saving throw, whichever comes first.

Thoughtsense (Su)
An eruphyte creature notices and locates living, conscious creatures within 60 feet as if it possessed the blindsight ability. Spells such as nondetection or mind blank make a creature undetectable by this sense.

Thoughtspear (Su)
Once per hour as a standard action, an eruphyte creature can direct a blast of disorienting mental energy at a creature within 120 feet. This attack deals 1d8 damage for every 2 Hit Dice the eruphyte creature has (rounded down, minimum 1d8), and the target cannot attempt Knowledge skill checks for 1 minute afterwards. A target that succeeds at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half the eruphyte creature's HD + its Intelligence modifier) reduces the damage by half and negates the skill disruption. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Bardic Knowledge (Ex)
As the Bards class ability at half the creatures HD.

All-Around Vision (Ex)
A watchmen creature's eyes allows it to see in all directions. Watchmen creatures gain a +4 racial bonus to Perception checks and cannot be flanked.

Eternal Sentry (Ex)
A watchmen does not age or breathe. It does not require food, drink, or sleep.

Eye Rays (Su)
Once every four rounds as a standard action a watchmen creature can make ranged touch attack against all creatures within 100 ft. (make only one ranged touch attack per creature). The subject takes a penalty to Constitution equal to 1d6+1 per two HD of the base creature (maximum 1d6+5) for one minute per HD of the watchman creature. The subject's Constitution score cannot drop below 1. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the watchmen creature's HD + its Cha modifier) reduces this penalty by half. This penalty does not stack with itself. Apply the highest penalty instead.

Revolting Gaze (Su)
This gaze attack has a range of 30 feet. The effect varies based on the creature's HD, as detailed on the table below, with a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the watchmen creature's HD + its Cha modifier) negates or partial see below. Primary effect lasts for 10 minutes per HD of the base creature, secondary effect lasts for 1 round.

Watchmen's CR Primary Effect Secondary Effect
2-4 Sickened None
5-9 staggered Sickened
10-14 Nauseated staggered
15+ Comatose* Nauseated
*The subject falls into a catatonic coma, which acts as sleep but creatures immune to sleep can still be in a coma. During this time, it cannot be awakened by any means short of an effect that can remove a curse effect.

Touch the Intangible (Su)
Watchmen creatures can touch, attack, and grapple incorporeal, astral, and ethereal creatures normally.

Unavoidable Gaze (Ex)
A watchmen creature can actively gaze as an standard action affecting all creatures within range of its gaze attacks (not just one target). The opponents must attempt a saving throw but can try to avoid it via averting it eyes or wearing a blindfold (causing the watchman creature to have total concealment from the opponent). Thus, it is possible for an opponent to have to save against a watchmen creature's gaze twice during the same round, once before the opponent's action and once during the creature's turn.

Vulnerability to Gaze Attacks (Ex)
A watchmen creature suffers a -4 penalty against all gaze attacks and loses any resistance or immunity it has to the effects of a gaze attack.

Bonerattle (Su)
As a standard action, a bonewrought willow can shake its branches to produce an eerie rattling sound and attempt a single Intimidate check to demoralize all creatures within 60 feet who can hear it.

Spiritsense (Su)
A bonewrought willow can notice, locate, and distinguish between living and undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if it had the blindsight ability. This sense does not allow it to detect objects, but it does allow it to notice living things that are not creatures.

Spray of Splintered Bones (Ex)
Once per hour as a standard action, a bonewrought willow can eject a 15-foot cone of bone shards that deal 4d6 points of piercing damage and 1d4 points of bleed damage to all creatures in the area. A DC 14 Reflex save halves the piercing damage and negates the bleed damage.