Well, at some point you have so many upgrades that it warrants an overall stat change, but yeah, a few wands of X are below the level of abstraction while a innate +8 to ATK and DMG for everyone that can't be dispelled is not.
So a Scroll of X doesn't count, because you can't boost the CL out the wazoo to resist dispels for general purposes, but if an Archmage does it, you aren't even going to need to worry about this style of mechanics, because it's of course going to be resolved on the backs of PC action regardless.

Which is fair enough, we are getting to the point where we can make or break battles with casualties suffered by most units after the fact beneath the level of abstraction, not when we can recover the lives of any truly valuable assets with Chained resurrections, and the number of grunts who died during clean-up isn't really going to have much of an effect on unit readiness if the PCs stay there the entire time to help with clean-up. If they leave, of course, then there's ways to resolve "clean up" mechanically now which does involve some significant time and effort and possibly casualties, but the point is you are switching the two systems one for another as it becomes relevant.
-[X] Razor Wire: While the easy availability of earth-moving magic has made it much easier to erect battlefield fortifications, many of the Legions officers see still room for improvement. They are asking for something that can be incorporated into other defenses to block an enemy's movement, but which does not hinder their own soldiers ranged attacks and which is vulnerable to hostile earth movement magic or alchemical weapons. There has been some talk about using spiked metal rods or something similar for that purpose.
(Progress: 3/18; Cost: 15,000 IM)
----[X] Sorcerer's Deep's Engineering University (2d6 Progress)

[X] Proximity Alarms:
(Progress: 17/25; Cost: 30,000 IM)
----[X] Riz'Neth (4d6 Progress), Svitran (2d6 Progress),
@Azel, by default (to not carry undone actikns into the new system) we're finishing these this month.

Would they account for a Legion's stats given they have a few hours to set up the combat position, like the Titan Tools every Legion has by now?
Some manner of entrenchment mechanic?

Trenches+wire+sensors would slow down a non-teleporting/non-ghost enemy' host's advance severely.
And then there's the glorious Walking Artillery, too.
@Azel, by default (to not carry undone actikns into the new system) we're finishing these this month.

Would they account for a Legion's stats given they have a few hours to set up the combat position, like the Titan Tools every Legion has by now?
Some manner of entrenchment mechanic?

Trenches+wire+sensors would slow down a non-teleporting/non-ghost enemy' host's advance severely.
And then there's the glorious Walking Artillery, too.
Give each Legion a set of Titan's Tools and watch them build like ants.
we could likely actually do this like a box of holding with all the needed construction materials and maybe some enchanted entrenchment gear for good measure
"My First Entrenchment Kit!"
- Everything a child needs to play out the dreams of being an Imperial Legionnaire!
From a flask of Dawn Juice™¹, to a training Thinsword!

Also in the kit:

[] One-use Titan Tools™ set!
Move earth and set up fortifications like the Imperator's finest!²
[] The Littlest Launcher™!
Live out the fantasies of raining down death and destruction on Imperator's enemies from afar, with this to-size recreation of one of the most recognized tools of the Imperial Legions!³
[] Imperial Wire™!
Surround your fortifications in deathly dangerous wire that no enemy shall pass unobstructed!

¹ contains 1/10 of Dawn Juice, 8/10 Water, 1/10th artificial taste paste and sugar. Do not imbibe if of grave-touched or Fiendish Heritage.
² consists of 2 cantrip scrolls, allowing for a total of 10 feet cube of sand, mud, or clay to be moved. The cosequences of the use of magic fall fully on the user's head as per local Imperial Law.
³ note: the non-magical slingshot inside the Launcher case does not fall under the rest of the set's general insurance.
Authentic steel wire package, with purposefully blunted edges. Do not leave near lightning-based magical effects.
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¹ contains 1/10 of Dawn Juice, 8/10 Water, 1/10th artificial taste paste and sugar. Do not imbibe if of grave-touched or Fiendish Heritage.
² consists of 2 cantrip scrolls, allowing for a total of 10 feet cube of sand, mud, or clay to be moved. The cosequences of the use of magic fall fully on the user's head as per local Imperial Law.
³ note: the non-magical slingshot inside the Launcher case does not fall under the rest of the set's general insurance.
⁴ Authentic steel wire package, with purposefully blunted edges. Do not leave near lightning-based magical effects.

So many lawsuits avoided...
New staged research action:

1. Fine Print
2. Finer Print
3. Finest Print
4. Microscopes
5. Nano Manufacturing
6. Spatial Folding
7. Quantum Foam Writing
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Mar 13, 2021 at 2:53 PM, finished with 84 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan of Fire
    -[X] Of all the options, this is the least bad. If we just break the altar, there is no telling if the binding will actually break or if it just might drive all bound insane. Likewise, would it truly be better to cause the people bound unwillingly such pain? There risk seems vastly too high for the Golden Shields, let alone for those Lannister who have not been party to Tywins madness.
    -[X] Promise him that the Golden Shields will be screened by your Preceptor Archons to assess the damage, if such exists, and that you will invest resources into researching ways to fix the lingering corruption. You have seen more then enough examples where the ability to remove such conditioning would have been useful.
    -[X] This is in addition to whatever efforts he wants to dedicate to their recovery and you will not expect any of his regular help for the time being.
    [x] The way of Death
    [X] A complex liberation plan.
    -[X] Ask Zathir if he can come up with a ritual to destroy the altar that will free the enslaved and be safe for them.
    --[X] If he has ideas, we can attract various resources, and even undertake to persuade the heir of Tywin if it helps.
    -[X] If Zathir cannot guarantee safety or release, we use the Fire Plan.
    --[X] To tell Zathir that we have a chance to teach the enslaved to live free always remains, but returning to the life of the dead can be difficult.
    --[X] Promise him that the Golden Shields will be screened by your Preceptron Archons to assess the damage, if such exists, and that you will invest resources into researching ways to fix the lingering corruption. You have seen more then enough examples where the ability to remove such conditioning would have been useful.
    --[X] Discuss with Melisandre how we can improve the ritual, and what is needed for it in general. We can attract various resources, and even undertake to persuade the heir of Tywin if it helps.
    [X] A complex liberation plan.
At what point do we get the diabolic equivalent of head pats from asmodeus? :V
I choose to believe that Asmodeus favors a more challenging approach to contracts and does not actually use fine print, but rather drowns out the contract with so much convulted legalese that the dangerous parts can be right there in normal-sized letters and they are still not noticed and understood by any reader.
I choose to believe that Asmodeus favors a more challenging approach to contracts and does not actually use fine print, but rather drowns out the contract with so much convulted legalese that the dangerous parts can be right there in normal-sized letters and they are still not noticed and understood by any reader.
The comedic version of the Pact Primeval revolves around Asmodeus tricking the Gods with the fine print in his legal writing...
Winning Vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Mar 13, 2021 at 2:53 PM, finished with 84 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan of Fire
    -[X] Of all the options, this is the least bad. If we just break the altar, there is no telling if the binding will actually break or if it just might drive all bound insane. Likewise, would it truly be better to cause the people bound unwillingly such pain? There risk seems vastly too high for the Golden Shields, let alone for those Lannister who have not been party to Tywins madness.
    -[X] Promise him that the Golden Shields will be screened by your Preceptor Archons to assess the damage, if such exists, and that you will invest resources into researching ways to fix the lingering corruption. You have seen more then enough examples where the ability to remove such conditioning would have been useful.
    -[X] This is in addition to whatever efforts he wants to dedicate to their recovery and you will not expect any of his regular help for the time being.
    [x] The way of Death
    [X] A complex liberation plan.
    -[X] Ask Zathir if he can come up with a ritual to destroy the altar that will free the enslaved and be safe for them.
    --[X] If he has ideas, we can attract various resources, and even undertake to persuade the heir of Tywin if it helps.
    -[X] If Zathir cannot guarantee safety or release, we use the Fire Plan.
    --[X] To tell Zathir that we have a chance to teach the enslaved to live free always remains, but returning to the life of the dead can be difficult.
    --[X] Promise him that the Golden Shields will be screened by your Preceptron Archons to assess the damage, if such exists, and that you will invest resources into researching ways to fix the lingering corruption. You have seen more then enough examples where the ability to remove such conditioning would have been useful.
    --[X] Discuss with Melisandre how we can improve the ritual, and what is needed for it in general. We can attract various resources, and even undertake to persuade the heir of Tywin if it helps.
    [X] A complex liberation plan.
Part MMMDCCXII: Forging Transitive Eternities
Forging Transitive Eternities

First Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC

"There are no easy answer, but I would say that Lady Melisandre's is the best of a bad lot. If we simply break the altar what surety is there that we do not likewise break the minds of all the mages enslaved?" You turn to Breath Taker. "If it is not madness but death that we risk, then how shall we justify inflicting such pain upon those unwillingly bound?"

"What weight is the pain for a moment besides the memories of those chains pressing down evermore upon them?" Zathir's tail lashes at the ground in agitation. "Look at what they have done... look at it," his voice breaks the dissonance in his beautiful tones, a dreadful thing to hear. "They have made learning an instrument of binding and of blinding. How can I consent to that, to using it even for a moment? To allow that to perpetuate... what would I even be then? "

"You would be one who cares deeply about those who cannot now properly care for themselves," Dany points out, walking over to pat his scaled side. "You would be one who helps give them the tools to win back their freedom even if it should not be done wholly in the moment."

"The Scholarum made a study these past months about the means of removing lingering mental harm from long term bindings," you interject. "I will not deny that this runs far deeper, but I will pledge here and now to do all that I can that any who might suffer thus will get all the help they need to use those tools of which Dany spoke."

"I could not leave such a task onto others..."

"Then do not." You shake your head and add softly, "As worthwhile as all your contributions have been I would not expect you to work in the furtherance of the realm when marks of this desecration yet endure. My own agents will be no less diligent in the task for having more hands in the task, but rather grateful for the aid."

"This will not break the blood curse," Lya says suddenly from where she has been trying to observe the wheels that bind and contain the plinth. "That runs too deep, rooted in a magic we cannot see..."

"Of course we can." The Red Priestess conjures a small ball of flame as she speaks and points it towards the wall of the cavern where shadows of her and Benerro had stretched out. "Do you not see us there? Could you not guess what shadow alone does not show?"

"I do not have eyes that see the soul with that sort of clarity," Lya replies. "It's not like sight at all, more like piecing together a melody from echoes once you know the shape of the cave you are in."

"The Lord of Light does. See the truth in His Light," the priestess answers, the crackle of flames behind her words.

The shadows twist, the shadows dance and in the patterns a serpent dances, not in joy for this is not a joyful time and not in victory for there is not true triumph that can be drawn from this stony field, but simply in determination that this should not long endure, a twisted work twisted in turn. Two gods who stand as far apart as any in the Imperium converse and come to and uneasy understanding.

No blood shall be spilled, no lives shall be snuffed out, this much the Winged Serpent insists upon and so it is the work and craft of your foes that must be given up for the freedom of those bespelled. Instead an offering must be made of those things most precious to the artist or the craftsman, arcane materials, that which can be wrought into a thing of beauty yes, but also a chain reforged.

Lost 7 lbs of Horacalum, 77 lbs of Singing Steel and 777 lbs of Adamantine

Amid the sounds of crashing gears, amid the sounds of snapping chords, the metal of twisted time flows together with that of celestial songs and last of all into a whirlpool of bubbling adamantine that only the mightiest mortal forges can hope to forge. The devices burn one by one, and with a final scream of molten metal meeting stone the altar crumbles.

"It is done," Zathir says, hanging his head low in exhaustion, or at least that is what you hope it is rather than shame.

What next?

[] Try to gain control of the Golden Shields through their normal communication protocols

[] Continue on with nailing down the rest of the Westerlands

[] Write in

OOC: I thought about leaving the sacrifices up to you guys but those votes never get much engagement so I just pressed on so you would have a better overnight vote.
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So, we did break the family-binding as well as the regular Geas?
Good then, I don't think anyone would have been happy with having to kill Tywin now, without public trial and all that stuff.
[X] Try to gain control of the Golden Shields through their normal communication protocols
-[X] Also send out messages to the lords of the Westerlands using Tywins communication channels.
-[X] Send word to the Praetori that they are to resume their march on Lannisport.

Don't see much reason why we can't do both.
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