Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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edit: the other annyoing one is 'if we learn enough, the high king will spill the beans'

the high king took an oath, no one but his heir.

not :no one but his heir unless someone figured it out on their own.

I just did a word search on "A Tide Turns" and nowhere is the word "oath" used. All it says is:

But as the centuries passed, they became more and more a source of dread to the High Kings themselves, because of the most guarded secret of a very guarded race, never known to more than two living Dawi.

It's a pretty tightly held secret, but one can envision circumstances where the High King would have to make the call to bring someone else in on it. That's what High Kings are for, to make difficult calls when circumstances get extreme. I think it's very possible they avoid a specific oaths on the grounds of, "There might be a day when I have to bring in Kragg the Grim to look at things and hope he can do a miracle."
[X] The Waystone Project
[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev
[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[X] Border Princess of the Howling River
[X] Governor-General of Swamp Town
Regarding Swamp Town, Heidi mentioned there was some fighting with Skeggi that was causing tensions with Tilea, maybe they found something valuable and wanted it?
Windsoak Mushrooms - Ulgu (FRESH)
Windsoak Mushrooms - Aqshy(FRESH)
Windsoak Mushrooms - Ghyran (FRESH)
Windsoak Mushrooms - Azyr (FRESH)
Did we actually give any of these to anyone at all to try during the expedition?
Comprehensive notes on possible terrain obstacles (FADING)
Shouldn't our actual use of RoW have refreshed this to some extent?

Also, can anyone remind me what's up with the Nehekaran coin papers that the fifth dynasty is a timeless paper while all the other collections are book worthy?
We did research Queekish, which you have only counted as a Task.
T24 2.5 actions (max, johann, gretel to get queekish docs +1 own to get translations from Qrech)
T25 2.5 actions (max, johann, adela to get queekish docs +1 own to get translations from Qrech)
T26 1.5 actions max writing paper, Mathilde learning queekish from Qrech directly
T27 1.5 actions max receiving dictation, Mathilde dictating. Research is only done once the paper is written.
T28 2 actions max receiving dictation, johann writing, Mathilde dictating.

That's another 10 AP that were research which you did not count as such, but should've.

Queekish isn't research it doesn't fit as that, it expanded the empires and the dwarves capability to fight the Skaven but clasifying that as research is beyond a stretch.
I really hope all the votes for "Waystones and nothing else" don't mean that those folks are already committed to the Waystone project and will be utterly unmoved at the idea of doing anything else.
[] Sinecure
The first possibility, of course, is that you accept the current status quo as a reward for your hard work, rather than a deficiency to be addressed. Belegar will keep finding ways to make use of your talents, and you'll have time and resources enough for your pet projects, as well as still being on hand should something go drastically wrong and need correcting.
No. This is basically taking advantage of Belegar's gratitude to Mathilde to be... mmm, not a freeloader, but someone who's coasting on their laurels. I have too much respect for him to take advantage of him like that.

[] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
Or you could push Belegar to continue sending you afield. He does want to continue to enhance the stature of Karak Eight Peaks in the Karaz Ankor, and what better way to do that than for you to travel it and solve all their strangest problems? It would also mean getting to see every corner of the Dwarven world and encounter all the strangest phenomenon it would have to offer.
This I wouldn't mind too much, but it's still ultimately taking advantage of Belegar- or at least, it feels like it is to me. Maybe if I didn't like any of the other options, but as it is I'll give this a miss.

[X] The Waystone Project
Or you could turn to the biggest possible project you could pursue. The Laurelorn Elves have voiced their desire to work with you to unravel as many secrets as possible about the network in the slightly inaccurate belief that you already have some of those secrets. This might be the only chance to pool the knowledge of the Laurelorn, the Empire, and the Karaz Ankor, and for a project that could do wonderful things. Sure, you doubt you'll be able to replicate the combined efforts of the Elves and Dwarves at their heights, but every scrap of understanding of the existing network could make all three peoples better able to protect and make use of the ancient energy streams.
Absolute biggest, harder, yes I can give. Waystones are a big deal, and this job gives us our best shot at understanding what Thorgrim's actually doing- and that could be critical to preventing a Karak Ankor schism.

[] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
A Markgraf exists to transform troublesome land into a land of productive and obedient tax-payers, usually after said land has been conquered. Historically, it also apparently exists to create rivals to the Elector Count that appointed them, which is probably why the letter made it so clear that no inheritable position would accompany the title of Markgraf. It still remains a position of extreme power, prestige, and influence, second only to the Elector Counts themselves. And it would be quite a feather in your cap if you could one day boast to have pacified Sylvania.
Urgh... I'm tempted. I really am. But I like Mathilde more as the person who solves weird mysteries and investigates stuff, rather than the person who organises and directs a council of people to do that.

[X] Count of Sylvania
Or you could go even further with House Weber and turn them - well, turn you - into proper aristocracy. One slice of Sylvania would be significantly easier to pacify than its entirety, and rulership in this corner of the world seems to have worked out quite well for the former Countess of Nachthafen.
This has pretty much the same issues for me as the Markgraf role, but I'm tentatively voting yes on this because it seems like it'd be smaller in scale and so Mathilde would have more opportunities to get her hands dirty personally.

[X] Spymaster of Wissenland
Grand Count Konstantin von Liebwitz of Wissenland is known to be quite touchy about his independence, so when you spread word that the Skaven were in a civil war, he lead the forces of his county against the Skaven stronghold of Under-Nuln without any outside assistance except a single Dwarven diplomat. It went rather poorly, as the Civil War had already been decided there and what he had taken for continued fighting was mere squabbling over the spoils. Reading between the lines of the offer, it seems that there may be further consequences for that failed attack, and Wissenland wants your help to avert them.
All my yes. Skaven are my favourite faction in Warhammer by a long mile, and Mathilde is the Grey College's expert on them. This is almost an ideal job for her.

[X] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
An Ambassador is appointed to a single polity, whereas an Ambassador-at-Large has broader rights for many more places. In this case, for the entire Karaz Ankor. A prestigious and important position, and one that might be a stepping stone into even greater positions within the administrative infrastructure of the Empire. You may not be quite as diplomatic as other candidates might be, but you pride yourself on your understanding of Dwarves and your reputation amongst them is, to put it mildly, rather good.
This lets us keep interacting with dwarves on a major scale, and Mathilde has incredibly good credentials for the job. As the description says, she might not be the most diplomatically skilled magister, but she's got a ridiculously good reputation with the dwarves. And in politics, that counts for a lot.

[] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
Though the offer came through the Chamberlain of the Imperial House, this has Heidi's fingerprints all over it. You're not sure if the offer is for exactly what it says or as a cover for beings her catspaw as she plays politics, but either way it would be a position extremely close to the levers of power, and one that would let you have a huge amount of influence over the likely future Emperor.
I'm not interested in any part of this. I don't really want the surface-job of bodyguarding Manfred, I don't want to influence and shape him, and I don't want to be Heidi's catspaw.

[X] Governor-General of Swamp Town
This one is an oddity. The others, you can follow the logic as to why it was offered to you, specifically. But why Swamp Town? Are things there so drastic they need a powerful Wizard to get it under control? Is something particularly magical going on there? Has it become a haven for Black Magisters? Whatever the case, if you want mysteries and adventure, there's few places like the New World for encountering both on a regular basis.
I'm... torn. On the one hand, this is so distant from our achievements, base of operations, and comfort zone that I don't actually want to take this job. On the other, all those reasons should be known to whoever's offering this position, which makes me very curious as to why we've been offered the job. A vote to learn more, rather than seriously consider the role... at least for now.

[] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev
Another one from Heidi, this one more directly. This is a wheel you set in motion yourself, and perhaps it's suitable that you follow it through to the end, resolve the grudge between Ranald and the Gods of Kislev, and establish the worship of your oldest friend in a new land. You did leave quite a few mysteries behind in and around Kislev that you'd quite like to get to the bottom of, and it would be fun to have the undeniable right to attend future Grand Conclaves.
No. As I said earlier, I prefer Mathilde as a magister who happens to be highly religious over her being an incredibly religious person who happens to be a magister.

[] Border Princess of the Howling River
With Karak Vlag returned, the only pass through the World's Edge Mountains that is not dominated by an existing Dwarfhold is Mad Dog Pass. It seems that Barak Varr wants to change that. Many have tried to make something useful of the sprawling, anarchic lands known as the Border Princes over the year, and one of the few times it was managed was almost two thousand years ago, when Emperor Sigismund the Conquerer established the province of Lichtenberg. With Dwarven support, perhaps you can follow in his footsteps.
Eh... not really my cup of tea. Maybe if there was a bigger strategic reason for taking on this job I'd go for it, but as it is I'm not really feeling it.

[] Nagarythe
For delivering a Druchii that had been working with Clan Moulder to the Nagarythian Ulthuan Ambassador, you were given a token that will allow you to live and fight alongside them for ninety-nine days. There's no time limit on it except for your lifespan, all you have to do is arrive in Lothern and present the token. You did just complete quite an adventure, but perhaps that whetted your appetite enough for another.
Later. I want to do this, but two big adventures back to back is a bit much for me.

[] Research Sabbatical
You can't deny that your research projects have been piling up, and it might be nice to take some time off to concentrate on getting through those. But it would mean no immediate challenges to keep you engaged, no employer resources to draw on, and no payroll to keep the Wizards you've gotten used to working with around and focused.
All research and no job makes Mathilde a dull magister.
How does this information dim his doubt and despair? All he knows is that he found something apparently valuable enough that Thorgrim finally wants to keep him around so he can keep stealing it.

Except if you mean that his new anger is enough to mask his doubt on a purely emotional basis.
I meant that the biggest issue preventing them from reconciling before the battle of the Caldera Belegar's doubts and despair over both the course Thorgrimm was taking the Karaz Ankor down and how Belegar's own actions were contributing to that path. In that he was uprooting his clan from safe lives to retake the glories of the path in an effort that would likely take them centuries to get back to a similar level of safety, all the while suffering attrition.

I suspect part of the animosity (but only part) Belegar felt toward Throgrim was a redirection from the parts of himself that he disliked.

Then dice happened. And the problems Belegar had between them went from bad to so much worse, with no visible way for Mathilde to fix them.

It's a ironic and sad trend that despite her major successes Mathilde's both the rulers she has served have suffered significant personal crises of faith partly as a result of her actions.
So if we accept Governor-Generalship of Swamp Town, does that mean Mathilde got The Hunter & The Beast DLC?

Anyway, I had some fun ideas regarding what the DLC notes might look like.
Mathilde Weber (The Dammerlichtreiter's Expedition)
Unique faction mechanics:

Emperor's Mandate
As Mathilde Weber expands Imperial interests in Lustria, her stature in the eyes of the Emperor grows. As a result, she receives a broadening range of increasingly advanced Empire units to aid in his expedition. As new territory is captured, her building options also diversify. In the Eye of the Vortex campaign, Mathilde will ultimately face the Spirit of the Jungle himself, Nakai the Wanderer, to decide who holds dominion over the jungles of Lustria.

Mathilde's campaign progress is measured by how effectively she fulfills the Emperor's Mandate. Expansion, successful military operations and other campaign activities increase her acclaim, which is tracked on the Emperor's Mandate bar.

The Emperor's Mandate also dictates the quality of units available to Weber via the Imperial Supplies system, which dispatches better units for her to recruit from time to time. As the Mandate bar fills, she will also unlock bonuses to further improve these units, plus new recruitment buildings.

Weber's Hunters

Hertwig Van Hal, a skilled physician and Witch Hunter, has travelled far from home on his quest for ultimate vengeance. Will Mathilde's past crush for his surprisingly look-alike cousin Abelhelm lead to heartache, or perhaps new love?


New units and characters:

Mathilde Weber
In battle, Weber is a Grey Battle Wizard who is also a murderblender, ridiculously fast on her Shadowsteed, as tough as the toughest Dwarf thanks to her Belt, resists magic, and regenerates. I guess this is OP? Oh well, no one ever complains about that in single player. I'm sure we can balance it for multiplayer later. She also gets +100 to relationship with Dwarfs, for some reason, as if that's going to come up in Lustria.


White Wolves Winter Wolves (Empire Knights – Regiment of Renown)
Few face the Winter Wolves and live to tell of it. These elite Knights ride cute puppy good boys. And girls. Alongside their cuteness attributes, they also demoralize nearby enemies (who could have the resolve to hurt such adorable puppers?), and attract more Ulgu winds because of enemies trying to figure out what a bunch of Ulrican knights are doing working with a Grey Wizard all the way out in Lustria.

War Wagon Steam Wagon
These mobile armoured Dwarf wagons are packed with... cows, apparently. Man, what were the guys developing this DLC on? I want some of that stuff. Anyway, they do also have cannons, Rangers shooting crossbows, and can run over infantry.

The Black Lions The Volans (Steam Wagon - Mobile Wizarding Tower – Regiment of Renown)
The ultimate unit in The Expedition's armoury, The Volans is a devastating heavy magical tank. It can cast a whole bunch of spells. What? Don't look at me, I didn't come up with this, I just work here. According to the notes the devs sent here, there's a 1/6 chance the Light Wizard on board is a Chaos cultist, determined randomly at the start of campaign. I'm sure that's gonna be interesting.
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While I dont know about players picking 'safe, well-known options just because its comfortable' is fair in this case when it comes not wanting to leave K8Ps. (actually scratch that, its not .)

but it is a well-know Game design problem: I forget the name, but its a sub-theory of GNS theory and Role-playing game theory (ya, you can actually get a job studying how/why people play D&D.)

but its something like this:

A game is designed to have branching paths affected by player choice.

the victory condition is survival and progression.

the fun* is derived from coming into contact with things that challenge the victory condition and overcoming them.

to active the fun* players attempt to win* as they are victory orientated, trying to figure out the correct answers to survive and progress.

however: when having a large amount of narrative freedom (Tabletop role-play is the example usually used.) a phenomenon appears there the desire to win* causes players to avoid change, challenge, risk or discomfort.

not that they aren't necessarily having fun, but they might be avoiding the 'best' way to play because, as smart individuals (or at least logical individuals) going down the side dungeon that the GM is pointing them to is stupid.

a big example used was Spelunky: the designer said that the game tested badly when there was no time limit and the players could slowly and steadily getting everything and explore every room, even though that was the smartest way to play.

it was once the ghost was added and the pressure was applied that the game tested fun*

So I guess the question is: are people looking to avoid pressure by staying in K8Ps, or do they actually have stuff they want to do still? (example: I know pickle wants to do the map thing.)

Edit: I found a video while I was trying to find the name of the theory.

Its really good as it also argues the other side a bit ( the xcom 2 turn timers were a bad attempt to control this.)
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[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
Though the offer came through the Chamberlain of the Imperial House, this has Heidi's fingerprints all over it. You're not sure if the offer is for exactly what it says or as a cover for beings her catspaw as she plays politics, but either way it would be a position extremely close to the levers of power, and one that would let you have a huge amount of influence over the likely future Emperor.

This one just speaks to me for some reason.
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