Of Broken Shackles and Paths Not Walked ...
"To Mantarys and Tolos I wish to extend my greeting next, those far-away cities in the east who had been our allies for so long before joining us in full. Even now they stand as bulwark against the madness and depredations of Slaver's Bay, while their own citizens enjoy the prosperity brought by magic and trade with the west."
As the voice of his overlord rolled out of the enchanted mirror, washing over the crowd like the tide, Relath wondered where he could find his own mirror. How much would it cost in coin or favor, for the thought of addressing so many so swiftly without having to move from his throne of gold and treasure appealed to him greatly. Perhaps once Slaver's Bay was taken, the dragon thought, knowing the battle would come sure as the seasons changed. The Dragon King would not bear lands ruled by fools and madmen on his borders, as was only proper... Was Yi Ti better held in check, he wondered?
As his people dreamed of peace and prosperity, the dragon dreamed of power and wealth, and neither begrudged the other their dreams.
Wait, I have a solution... make the Lhazareen emperors of Yi Ti!
True, they'd need to be cat herders to have a chance.
Tell that to the Valyrians...
To be fair, could they do worse than the current gaggle of imperial wannabes?
That origin story is a lie that the Valyrians let the world spread since it obfuscated the real origin story.
Not the best moment for the talk with Namaaru, since we are looking at a long ass number of military and diplomatic campaigns already. Qarth integration. Lhazar integration. Conquest of Norvos. Conquest of Qohor. Pacification of Westeros. Further colonisation of the Sarnori lands. Diplomatic ties with the Summer Isles. Diplomatic missions to our soon to be border regions. Finishing off the Ghiscari. Plane of Fire deployments.How about a dead queen of Sathar, the Waterfall City (can't remember her name in any way)? You should make an appointment for her, too, we must discussing our relationship with her.
And what's next for us? The official oath of the Earls and Lords of Westeros? I know that many of them have already sworn to us, but they did it secretly, and some small landowners simply did not have time to swear to us at all. So, logically, they should all repeat or say their vows for the first time before the Emperor's throne.
And it would be nice to have a reward for our most loyal vassals like the Bruns.
Dothraki remnants. Mindless Great Grass Sea undead. Slavers Bay capturing slaves.[X] Azel
i don't quite remember what the Lahzareen are dealing with but would it be a good place to send some of our baby adventuerrs to help out, gain xp and loot?
The what?! Where is this secret backstory?!That origin story is a lie that the Valyrians let the world spread since it obfuscated the real origin story.
Now combined into ghoul dothraki, making things slightly worse than they were with livin Horselords.
The Red Dragon dominion over the Valyrian Peninsula.
Ohhhhhhh I thought you meant something else.The Red Dragon dominion over the Valyrian Peninsula.
One of the focal backnotes of the entire quest?
Actually looking back on our conversation with Falzath i don't think the blacks went extinct during the war.
he told us that in that time most dragons lived "alone in guarded secret places that fit our natures, whether that be deserts, swamps, or wood"
those are the 3 habitats of Blue, Black and green dragons. so i have a feeling they didn't all die in the war and some lived on. they would all have died from time or adventurers by now but they didn't die in that war.
i wouldn't be surprised if we found a green or black dragon in sothoryos
He awoke a sleeping dragon.
Speaking of which, what is the long-term plan with the Great Grass Sea? Easily "conquerable" with our current resources, I'm sure...but it's just bare scrubland, yes? We'd have to build up the infrastructure from literally nothing. Is it worth it?Now combined into ghoul dothraki, making things slightly worse than they were with livin Horselords.
We're aiming for a long-term annexation of Sarnor. That's going to cover most of the area. For the rest of it, it's plenty fine for farmland and grazing land for herders.Speaking of which, what is the long-term plan with the Great Grass Sea? Easily "conquerable" with our current resources, I'm sure...but it's just bare scrubland, yes? We'd have to build up the infrastructure from literally nothing. Is it worth it?