[X] Azel

Well, that was nice after the diplomatic screwup that was the Yi-Ti. So what is our stance on getting them bufffalo or Yaks? Great meat, will, milk, and a pretty good beast of burden.
Of Broken Shackles and Paths Not Walked

"To Mantarys and Tolos I wish to extend my greeting next, those far-away cities in the east who had been our allies for so long before joining us in full. Even now they stand as bulwark against the madness and depredations of Slaver's Bay, while their own citizens enjoy the prosperity brought by magic and trade with the west."

As the voice of his overlord rolled out of the enchanted mirror, washing over the crowd like the tide, Relath wondered where he could find his own mirror. How much would it cost in coin or favor, for the thought of addressing so many so swiftly without having to move from his throne of gold and treasure appealed to him greatly. Perhaps once Slaver's Bay was taken, the dragon thought, knowing the battle would come sure as the seasons changed. The Dragon King would not bear lands ruled by fools and madmen on his borders, as was only proper... Was Yi Ti better held in check, he wondered?

As his people dreamed of peace and prosperity, the dragon dreamed of power and wealth, and neither begrudged the other their dreams.

I've been rereading some of the old posts, and this caught my attention when I was looking at the first empire celebration.

I bet Relath is very disappointed in Yi Ti right now. And didn't he make investments in the Yi Ti expedition to grow his hoard? He's probably making plans right now, if only to squeeze even more gold from the land.
How about a dead queen of Sathar, the Waterfall City (can't remember her name in any way)? You should make an appointment for her, too, we must discussing our relationship with her.

And what's next for us? The official oath of the Earls and Lords of Westeros? I know that many of them have already sworn to us, but they did it secretly, and some small landowners simply did not have time to swear to us at all. So, logically, they should all repeat or say their vows for the first time before the Emperor's throne.
And it would be nice to have a reward for our most loyal vassals like the Bruns.
Not the best moment for the talk with Namaaru, since we are looking at a long ass number of military and diplomatic campaigns already. Qarth integration. Lhazar integration. Conquest of Norvos. Conquest of Qohor. Pacification of Westeros. Further colonisation of the Sarnori lands. Diplomatic ties with the Summer Isles. Diplomatic missions to our soon to be border regions. Finishing off the Ghiscari. Plane of Fire deployments.

There's a lot to do.

As for the swearing, all our lords, governors and assorted people have sworn to us publicly before the foreign dignitaries got received.
[X] Azel

i don't quite remember what the Lahzareen are dealing with but would it be a good place to send some of our baby adventuerrs to help out, gain xp and loot?
Dothraki remnants. Mindless Great Grass Sea undead. Slavers Bay capturing slaves.
Nameless Greater Deity and other Deities come into existence. They get together and make The World of Form. Implication that the Spheres around the World of Form was already there before them notwithstanding...

The Nameless sees the work they have wrought, and gets greedy. He wants all of it. So he makes a minion that will have innate advantages on this world that other sides do not, so that he can maintain control over it.

Enter Tiamat.

Tiamat promptly, high off the Concept of Greed, does what is expected of her, and promptly betrays her master by tattling. Then wheedles the control she was created for out of them, claiming she would watch over it like a common guard dog.

She promptly betrays them too, and births her spawn, the Chromatic Dragons.

Somewhere along the way the Kinstrife happens, a mirror to canon D&D's grand mind control dragon genocide that made Metallics and Chromatics murder the shit out of each other. Most Metallics, if not every, main Metallic Dragon dies. And almost every Chromatic dies of the other breeds, with some exceptions. There were rare examples of Blue and Green out there, though they were borderline extinct. The Whites seemingly fled the battlefield for the Far North.

The Blacks seem to be completely extinct.

But the Reds? They are in good form, and they camp out on one of the hugest concentrations of leylines and arcane energies surging from the Fourteen Fires. They breed and they dominate the scurrying wingless creatures left behind there. Being Dragons, who breed with anything, they decide that's a fine way to get some more useful servants who they don't even need to really invest in. Just sleep around like a giant sleaze and get some children who can cast spells? And you don't even have to pay for it?


It went wrong.

The Fourteen, then the Fifteen, led a MASSIVE rebellion. It was brother against brother. Sister against sister. It was so horrific that it made fratricide of all things No Go with Meraxes, and presumably even the others were tired of slaying their extended family, so they agreed and wrote up the Crimson Code, which governed the dragonlords after they mutiliated their forebears into simple warbeasts. No killing your fellows on the Senate, except during special times of the year where you can let all the rage and bloodlust out and sate your ambitious inclinations.

Eventually people got it in their head to attribute humble origins to these madmen, that they herded sheep around a fiery peninsula, which while fertile, is probably more obviously filled with free floating elemental energies than you can shake a stick at.

The Valyrians let them. And they purged anything related to True Dragons, or the idea dragons could even be more intelligent to begin with. That didn't always work *cough*Saenena*cough* But it did its job.

Until they all died in a massive explosion. The end.

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Actually looking back on our conversation with Falzath i don't think the blacks went extinct during the war.
he told us that in that time most dragons lived "alone in guarded secret places that fit our natures, whether that be deserts, swamps, or wood"
those are the 3 habitats of Blue, Black and green dragons. so i have a feeling they didn't all die in the war and some lived on. they would all have died from time or adventurers by now but they didn't die in that war.
i wouldn't be surprised if we found a green or black dragon in sothoryos
Actually looking back on our conversation with Falzath i don't think the blacks went extinct during the war.
he told us that in that time most dragons lived "alone in guarded secret places that fit our natures, whether that be deserts, swamps, or wood"
those are the 3 habitats of Blue, Black and green dragons. so i have a feeling they didn't all die in the war and some lived on. they would all have died from time or adventurers by now but they didn't die in that war.
i wouldn't be surprised if we found a green or black dragon in sothoryos

Well when you sent that expedition into the interior you did find a Kongamato which is a sort of dragon, albeit one of a sort that is generally counted lesser than True Dragons (less intelligent and no sorcery). Now the question of its origins, if it is descended from True Dragons that went into hiding or if its species branched out much earlier is anyone's guess. It's not like even the dragon or its corpse knew the answer.
that;s kinda my point yeah. we also know that Sothoryos was still weird enough that some magic beasties survived so who knows if there are some blue/green/black dragons or eggs out there that survived the years. hell we might even find one in one of the Serpentfolk cities
If we ever find a Green or a Black, if it can be a half-decent vassal we'll diplomance it. If not, we'll harvest it. Dragons are amazing loot either way.

That said I seriously don't expect to find one any time soon.
Speaking of which, what is the long-term plan with the Great Grass Sea? Easily "conquerable" with our current resources, I'm sure...but it's just bare scrubland, yes? We'd have to build up the infrastructure from literally nothing. Is it worth it?
We're aiming for a long-term annexation of Sarnor. That's going to cover most of the area. For the rest of it, it's plenty fine for farmland and grazing land for herders.