Similar to my idea, but Qyburn's save DC is too low.

Instead, we should have Aife, along with Lya and a Myrkrdreki all under Superior Invisibility waiting for the Chronomancer to flee.

Right before it does, Aife uses Miracle to his it with a 30th level (+4 caster level from Bead of Karma and +6 from Moment of Greatness'd Encouraging Harmonic Chorus cast by Lya Baleful Teleport after she uses Assay Spell Resistance. As a Miracle'd spell, it will have a save DC commiserate with a 9th level spell, so a base DC of 36 for Aife, but with another +6 from Lya's spell boosting her. Let's see that fucker resist a 40th caster level and DC 42 Will save. And if it does, Lya and the Myrkdreki will both be there to use Alter Fortune.

The Baleful Teleport will be pointing at an Arcane Mark for maximum familiarity, one placed where we choose and within 55 feet of Viserys' Greater Anticipate Teleportation effect. Viserys will feel the Chronomancer coming and be able to delay its arrival for three rounds. That will give Aife and the others time to return to our position and for Viserys to use Wild Arcana to cast that Tidal Wave spell at minimum caster level.

The Chronomancer appears in our Teleport Trap with everyone waiting for it, right into the teeth of Aife's boosted DC 33 Invoke the Cerulean Sign or whatever other goodies we prepare.
Forgot about the Teleport Trap and wanted to try and keep Aife free to join the ambush. But this sounds overall better then me trying to find feats to maximise Qyburn's DC.

However, use Miracle to still mimic Redirect Teleport, so that we abduct him seamlessly. I'm worried that Baleful Teleport might cause timing problems.

[X] Goldfish
Name a single time-loop we've been privy to in the quest's confines.
Mass-media and other DnD sources don't count, the quest might well have different rules from former after Void did shit with Heaven and disbalanced the Reality out of alignment with all other stuff.

The Seer that fled from Valyria?
We made a paradox by talking to her.
Could have made a hella larger one, too.

No other examples..?

From what we see so far, there is no reason to assume causality will snap back in place, we arent the ones who made the time-travel here, the Aboleth is.
Cause if it wasn't we are dead. Chaos theory over 3000 years, a different supermarket fertilize our mom. Like we have made major changes already and as such should just poof into paradox.
It maybe a time traveler but it can't pull information out of the air, we have left no proof and are under mindblank.

We maybe a major figure in our time but we also have like a dozen gods in that time period, any time shenanigans near our time should be easy to detect.
Time-travel cheese.

[1] Wait out until we leave the time period.

[2] It is psionic.
Track our path to the point of arrival by casting Retrocognition (only Viserys and Lya(?) have psychic slotless Mindblanks, all others will likely leave some impressions after themselves, it isnt exactly Mjndblank's standard territory), or straight up Stone Tell.

[3] Find our spot of arrival.
Find we're a very distinctive Red Dragon (Stone Tell reads all of it perfectly well, see: Varys, who got all of the above from the spell begore), as we travelled as one.

[4] Run search through Aboleth-memory.
Bam, it now knows us.

Aaaand that's assuming he can't get info from the Psionic Eel that tried to ambush with the Shoggoths.
It knew who we are well enough.

Time-travel opens doors for many a cheese.
Anonymity is a lie here.
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Similar to my idea, but Qyburn's save DC is too low.

Instead, we should have Aife, along with Lya and a Myrkrdreki all under Superior Invisibility waiting for the Chronomancer to flee. The Myrkdreki can keep them Incorporeal while they wait.

Right before it flees, Aife uses Miracle to his it with a 30th level (+4 caster level from Bead of Karma and +6 from Moment of Greatness'd Encouraging Harmonic Chorus cast by Lya Baleful Teleport after she uses Assay Spell Resistance. As a Miracle'd spell, it will have a save DC commiserate with a 9th level spell, so a base DC of 36 for Aife, but with another +6 from Lya's spell boosting her. Let's see that fucker resist a 40th caster level and DC 42 Will save. And if it does, Lya and the Myrkdreki will both be there to use Alter Fortune.

The Baleful Teleport will be pointing at an Arcane Mark for maximum familiarity, one placed where we choose and within 55 feet of Viserys' Greater Anticipate Teleportation effect. Viserys will feel the Chronomancer coming and be able to delay its arrival for three rounds. That will give Aife and the others time to return to our position and for Viserys to use Wild Arcana to cast that Tidal Wave spell at minimum caster level.

The Chronomancer appears in our Teleport Trap with everyone waiting for it, right into the teeth of Aife's boosted DC 33 Invoke the Cerulean Sign or whatever other goodies we prepare.
okay but what do we do about the dead prism dragon? couse it sounds like it was killed by the aboleth which would then be a paradow couse the Aboleth wouldn't kill it unless it was killed before our fight?
[3] Find our spot of arrival.
Find we're a very distinctive Red Dragon (Stone Tell reads all of it perfectly well, see: Varys, who got all of the above from the spell begore), as we travelled as one.
how pray tell would it know we are a red dragon with a gold cloak?

we were under illusions and cloak of khyber the entire time it doesn't know what we look like and we didn't do many dragon things and even so it wouldn't know about the cloak which is the distinct part
Time-travel cheese.

[1] Wait out until we leave the time period.

[2] It is psionic.
Track our path to the point of arrival by casting Retrocognition (only Viserys and Lya(?) have psychic slotless Mindblanks, all others will likely leave some impressions after themselves, it isnt exactly Mjndblank's standard territory), or straight up Stone Tell.

[3] Find our spot of arrival.
Find we're a very distinctive Red Dragon (Stone Tell reads all of it perfectly well, see: Varys, who got all of the above from the spell begore), as we travelled as one.

[4] Run search through Aboleth-memory.
Bam, it now knows us.

Aaaand that's assuming he can't get info from the Psionic Eel that tried to ambush with the Shoggoths.
It knew who we are well enough.

Time-travel opens doors for many a cheese.
Anonymity is a lie here.
It's still divination, our mind blanks should stop it. We run a psionic and magic transparency game right?? That's why all the dispsells worked on powers.

When did we turn into a dragon, I assumed we were in out human shape due the tunnels.

Does the psionic eel know who we are?? I will reread that chapter to confirm it.
how pray tell would it know we are a red dragon with a gold cloak?

The weirwood staff shines like a pale lantern held delicately in your claws, for there is no reason not to show yourself a dragon down here where beasts older and more terrible still lurk.
And after that there is no applying illusions to ourselves until we got to impersonating Iron Men, as far as I find so far.

The dragon is just a dead enemy telling you stuff about the Aboleth out of spite. It's some fluff for a crit knowledge roll.
Ah, so Aboleth didn't do anything to it now, okay.

...I feel like resurrecting the Dragon regardless, as thanks now :V
(In our time ofc)
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Ah, so Aboleth didn't do anything to it now, okay.

...I feel like resurrecting the Dragon regardless, as thanks now :V
(In our time ofc)
same i appreciate it's spitefullness.

and yeah i forgot about the omnipath becouse you kept taking about the aboleth knowing which it doesn't yet
We were in dragon form for the eel fight and a red dragon with gold tipped scales is distinctive.
*Highly unusually colored-Red (Wyrmling's colors on an Adult), molten gold sipping through the scales, with claws of Valyrian steel (iirc? I remember Dark Sister once described morphing into claw-sheathes) and a crown-band with bright rubies weaving around the crest.

We're highly fucking distinctive.

Wha ever did happen to the Omnipath? It looks like it got hit and then fucked off.
Would be fun if it is still in the trap it laid, waiting for us-

@Goldfish, we might be walking straight into it's trap with our quick foray to grab the Aboleth.

Timey-Wimey, even if not warned by Bloodied!Aboleth, it would do it's best just waiting for us to use the wortex again, as we'd be going back to our time at one point.
Is this my masterpiece?

[X] Plan "Bending Time and Space!"
-[X] The group bends their collective wits and powers to the task of slipping back through time to shortly before our first battle with the Chronomancer, including contacting the Ferryman for direct assistance if necessary.
--[X] Assuming the group is able to use the time loop's cyclical nature to travel back once more, they will find a suitable location from which to work that will allow Viserys to cast the Tidal Wave spell to match what we originally saw when the Chronomancer fled.
--[X] The site will be prepared with a Teleport Trap spell (DC 40 Will save, 38th caster level to overcome SR) as an added measure to supplement the Arcane Mark Aife will use as a Teleportation target and to prevent another incident of fleeing Chronomancer.
---[X] Aife, accompanied by Lya and a Myrkdreki, will return to the site of the battle while hidden using Superior Invisibility spells and rendered Incorporeal by the Dragon. While affected by Lya's Encouraging Harmonic Chorus spell, Aife will cast Assay Spell Resistance then cancel her Moment of Greatness buff to use Miracle to duplicate the effects of Divert Teleport (DC 42 Will save, 40th caster level to overcome SR) immediately before the Chronomancer attempts to flee, directing it to our prepared site. Lya and the Myrkdreki will both use Alter Fortune to assist with the spell if the Chronomancer somehow resists.
---[X] The Chronomancer's destination will be within range of Viserys' Greater Anticipate Teleportation effect, allowing him to prevent its arrival for 3 rounds. This will give Aife, Lya, and the Myrkdreki plenty of time to return to the rest of the group before the Chronomancer arrives.
---[X] Before it arrives in our trap, Viserys will use Wild Arcana to duplicate the Tidal Wave spell at minimum caster level and without any effort to prevent it from being Dispelled, cast and timed to coincide with what we originally saw when the Chronomancer first fled.
----[X] Aife, still boosted by Lya and under another Moment of Greatness spell, will use a Quickened 30th level Invoke the Cerulean Sign (DC 36 Fortitude save, 40th level to overcome SR) as soon as the Chronomancer arrives followed by a Reached Sacramental Seal (DC 38 Will save, 37th level to overcome SR) spell, Lya will target it with a Wild Arcana'd Amber Sarcophagus (29th level to overcome SR), and Viserys will use Assay Spell Resistance and target it with a Wild Arcana'd Scribe's Binding spell (DC 36 Fortitude save, 32nd level to overcome SR). Qyburn and the Myrkdreki Twins each use Alter Fortune, if necessary, once for Aife's spell, once for Lya's, and once for Viserys'. Richard remains on standby to fucking murder the Chronomancer if it somehow avoids being captured.
--[X] Once the Chronomancer has been captured or its eviscerated remains cleaned up and the site sanitized, we quickly depart the area and begin the journey back to our own time.
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@DragonParadox, I linked the weird NWN version of Invoke the Cerulean Sign in my plan because it lists the caster level to HD numbers rather than just the effects, unlike the various iterations of DnDTools, which shows the effects but not the thresholds for them.

At 30th caster level, that spell is almost guaranteed to fuck up the Chronomancer unless it has more than 30 HD, which is possible but unlikely.
I just hope this doesn't become a "Bill and Ted" situation where we keep timelooping to set up traps to counter the traps in order to set up our traps.
@Goldfish, wrong plan name.

[] "Bending Time and Space!"
(I wastly recommend STBlackST's stuff. Try this playlist of re[censord]ation)

Now prepare the paln for contact with the Eel and it's trap? and we're jazzy :V
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@Goldfish, wrong plan name.

[] "Bending Time and Space!"

Now prepare the paln for contact with the Eel and it's trapn and we're jazzy :V
Acceptable alternative. Plan name updated.

We can only prepare so much for the arrival of yet another surprise enemy here. If it shows up at all, we'll just have to kill or capture it, but I don't think it was able to follow us out of the tunnel.