Something I've been thinking about. Does meat really go bad that quickly, especially this far north? Meaning, if worst came to worst and Mathilde's spellcasting abilities were unavailable for any reason, would it be possible for the Expedition to replace Mockery of Death with regular actual death for the cows and just stack their bodies on the steam tanks that way? I mean, I doubt the humans or even the famously hardy dwarves would be all that stoked to eat week-old meat or whatever, but AFAIK obligate carnivores like wolves tend to have fairly strong stomachs for this kind of thing - they're not necessarily above eating some carrion in the wild. And the carnivorous mounts are a huge percentage of the expedition's food requirements IIRC. I did some quick google-fu and
this page from the International Wolf Center, which is apparently a thing, says:
Taken mostly from the material under "What do wolves eat?" and the end snippet is from "How much do wolves eat?". Unfortunately, it seems there is no International Demigryph Center, or I'd include some material from them as well.