on the way back we should grab it for him if it still their
on the way back we should grab it for him if it still their
My impression was that they belonged to his successor.Personally, I'm surprised that nobody's commented on Qretch having a tank full of pet rat-fish. That's oddly adorable.
It probably belonged originally to his predecessor, given that the secret mechanism to open the hidden vault was in one of the tank's decorations. His successor probably kept it around, out of pride/prestige of having Moulder creations serving as personal pets.
Would Mathilde be able to beat a bull-centaur in combat?
We could keep a few of those coins and dangle them in front of Qrech. Or the banner of the Combe would work too.![]()
Well, unless that's not just a Bull Centaur, but actually a hero-character or better.TT-wise she should have no problems, her stats are better across the board (which isn't surprising seeing as she is obviously a Hero or a Lord and they are just Special Units which you buy in squads of size 3-12)
Depends on his wargear. Out of the box Bull Centaur Tau'Ruk is somewhat weaker than Mathilde, but with proper gear he can be more challenging. But unless his gear or the situation allows him to act first (his native initiative is lower than Mathilde's) then Mathilde whacks him with her sword and his wargear turns into a pumpkin.Well, unless that's not just a Bull Centaur, but actually a hero-character or better.
(Narratively, I agree she should be fine unless she runs into one that's obviously higher tier- decked out in better gear, for example)
Do we test our shiny new spell first? Or wait for when it is absolutely needed?[ ] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
- Will only be necessary during the roughest patches
MoneyB said:Distant Leagues, an Explorer's Quest - Turn 32-A
You rise at dawn, the light of the northern sun prodding you into wakefulness as you make your way to the cookfires. Though if it hadn't, you suspect that the now routine cacaphony of whistling steam engines, clamoring engineers, growling wolves, and screeching demigryphs would have done so regardless. Exchanging nods as you pass Magister Egrimm and his choir, you grab your share of hunter's stew and find a place to sit. You're still not sure if he's intentionally been keeping an eye on you or if it's just been coincidence that he's been around so often, but after what happened in the Battle of High Pass, you suppose his company's not the worst thing that could happen.
[Roll, Intrigue, 14 + 13 = 27. Eh, nothing to see here.]
The view's nothing to write home about. Well, despite you literally taking notes about it for home, anyways. Opening your journal to your bookmark, you begin once more. You really do hope that the Jade Order's been receiving your missives, it'd be a shame if your recollections ended with you. With eight years' worth of travels, the Zorn Uzkul is definitely not among your favorites. Dirt and stone as far as the eye can see, with hardly any Ghyran visible to your magesight. The tedium is broken up only by the variable quality of the Skull Road itself, with the odd overturned cobblestone or patches of sand lying scattered across the path. The dwarves' grumbling about poor road conditions is nothing new, so you make sure focus instead on some colorful descriptions of the demigryphs as the Knights of Taal's Fury depart to scout.
[Event Roll, 93 + ??? = ???]
Wait. That's not a rock formation on the road. Putting away your journal, you squint at the brown structure in the distance. Are those... barrels? Barrels on a road? Is this a trap? As the alarms sound and the wagons roll to a halt, you prepare yourself for—
Wait. That's Lady Magister Mathilde. She's missing her signature hat and staff, but the figure is unmistakably hers as she nonchalantly flips through a series of papers with odd markings on them. Is that Eltharin? No, nevermind that. What is she doing? How did she get there? What's in those barrels?
The Lady Magister ignores all those questions and more as she goes about her business with an aura of smug satisfaction. When a party of dwarves moves to inspect and secure the cargo, at least one answer is confirmed. Apparently, the barrels hold meat, emblazoned with the insignia of Marienburg. How convenient.
[Gain 2 weeks' worth of provisions]
To be continued.
Consonance said:
oliveolave said:I found this spell in the Grey spellbook, Smoke and Mirrors. While the range is limited, this is a Lady Magister we're talking about here. Maybe she teleported to Marienburg and came back?
FasterThanLight said:
Away Team said:That's ridiculous, we're on a dwarf expedition. Trading with the Chaos Dwarfs is a big no-no. Besides, the barrels have Marienburg symbols. Now, we know that Asarnil lives in Marienburg, so maybe she got it when she was visiting the city to recruit him?FasterThanLight said:
BoopGrin said:Huh. That makes a disturbing amount of sense. And the rumor mill had rising tensions there, too. Maybe she stole from them and smuggled the meat for the expedition so they wouldn't be found. Taking away their best asset and raiding their supplies. Because Grey Wizard Things.
UnImagined said:I don't know, how'd she do that if space is supposed to be tight? It does fit the bill, but I don't think it's feasible.BoopGrin said:Huh. That makes a disturbing amount of sense. And the rumor mill had rising tensions there, too. Maybe she stole from them and smuggled the meat for the expedition so they wouldn't be found. Taking away their best asset and raiding their supplies. Because Grey Wizard Things.
ualg said:Bag of holding? I would expect a LM to be able to make a personal pocket dimension.UnImagined said:I don't know, how'd she do that if space is supposed to be tight? It does fit the bill, but I don't think it's feasible.
Shortly after dawn, the Expedition trundling along the Skull Road comes across you sitting atop a stack of barrels in the middle of the empty wasteland as you skim through the books. You project an air of aloof smugness as you ignore the many bewildered questions directed your way, which redouble after someone finds the markings on one of the barrels confirming that they came from a Marienburg trade ship.
Oh. This. This is a delight. As soon as i finished this paragraph, I reread it. Just because of the disconnect between "we know how Mathilde got this food, and it is perfectly sensible" and the perspective of other characters: "Wait. What? How?... What!?
Normally, the audience knowing something characters don't know is a cause of tension, but here it is inverted into a delightful... smug.
Is that it? Is the opposite of tension not a neutral relaxation, but an active smug?
We tested it in K8P, before we left.Do we test our shiny new spell first? Or wait for when it is absolutely needed?
The caches have been there for a long time and were placed by the Redbeards, not by the expedition:Guys i have a shocking and upsetting idea. I think Magister Horstmann might be a traitor. I know i know, it's disturbing to consider, but the idea is that the Lord of Change knew enough to sabotage caches the expedition only placed a few days or hours before.
I know it's likely that a LoC could have divined those locations, but lets be honest, would it without any prompt?
How would any of the wizards know where they were? If they were lost to betrayal, it would have to have been one of the Rangers.Dotted throughout High Pass, carefully-hidden stockpiles that the Redbeards have been preparing for half a decade.
You know, I keep trying to learn about these jump-chain quests or whatever they're called, but can never really get into them for a multitude of reasons, most particularly that it's really hard to find the first jump or one that's actually sizable. Can someone give me a good link for a good one?So, since Mathilde-of-the-Many-Titles and Golden Age Dwarf Santa are both Companion options in the new Karaz Ankor jump, I wrote a little thing. Yes, I'm linking both this thread and the other one, because I'm posting this in both.