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I mean, these guys have already been stated to be different from how Mathilde expected and Dwarfs are valuable slaves, for the sole reason that they are really good at whatever craft they practice. I can see this outpost being willing to sell captured Karag Dum Dawi. I just don't want us to end up in Dum and find out that Mathilde failed to rescue someone because she was essentially afraid. I can't help but feel that'd be catastrophic psychologically.

It's canon lore that Dawi Zhar sacrifice any of their untainted kin they find as soon as they make it to the slave markets
You also spot signs and doorways leading to ancillary halls dedicated to specialty goods that, for various reasons, aren't suitable for sale in the trade hall. There's a Hall of Livestock, which you visit very briefly as you find an empty room that will likely smell of dung for the rest of time; an extremely weary-seeming Officiant tells you there's nothing currently in, as an Ogre tribe pushed out of their hunting grounds bought everything there was. There's a Hall of Slaves, which you spend some time looking at with a churning gut. Slavery in the abstract is a detestable practice, but actually seeing slaves, chained and suffering and waiting to be bought, is something you're not sure you can witness up close without breaking the restrictions you're currently under. Sure, maybe it would be all greenskins or Chaos Marauders enslaved and sold by their rivals, but it's very possible that they'd be innocents taken in raids on the Old World's coastlines and sailed to Uzkulak to be sold. What do you do then? Beggar the Expedition and then burden it with a swarm of hungry noncombatants? Do something drastic and bold that gets you killed for nothing? Try to match your skills at thievery and deception against the greed and paranoia of the worshippers of Hashut, who have spent millennia at Uzkulak honing and practicing their skills and procedures to prevent that exact occurrence?
This bit seems to have been mostly overlooked in the discussions.

An Ogre tribe big enough to clean out all the livestock in a trading hub is kinda concerning.
One that's rich enough to pay the prices necessary for that livestock even more so, especially since WFB lore characterizes Ogres as kinda stupid.
One thats been pushed out of its hunting lands is going to be looking for new food, and they eat people.

And its worth noting that they cleared out the local livestock recently enough that no one has shipped in any replacements.
Suggesting that they may still be out there somewhere along our path.
Something to be wary of.

Especially since Ogre culinary predilections are, and I quote:
Ogre Kingdoms wiki said:
However, the Butchers know full well that their tribe appreciates diversity of the meat as much as the next cave full of predators. Whilst the traditional eating songs resound through the feast halls, the Butchers punctuate steaming platefuls of cavebeast with raw Bretonnian in wild garlic, tough Dwarf-meat served in a gromril case, thick sausages stuffed with the finest Empire soldiery, and — widely seen as a delicacy —tender Elf legs fried in horse blood. This is usually washed down with Ogre beer, a thick, viscous and foul concoction, with equal quantities of honeycomb and hornet swimming in its murky depths. Ogre beer is intoxicating enough to hospitalise a Dwarf, and is commonly taken from a drinking horn snapped from the skull of a beast the owner has killed himself. The greatest feasts are staged after the defeat and subsequent ransacking of a great caravan, the mile-long trading convoys that crawl through the Badlands towards the Ogre kingdoms and finally Cathay. These armoured land-trains are invariably well defended (often by rival Ogre tribes), but when a predatory Ogre tribe does finally manage to conquer one, it finds itself knee-deep in luxury goods, gold and quality firewood. An Ogre tribe can subsist on the sacking of a single great caravan for a full month, and the subsequent feast is often a week-long orgy of food and drink that is heard for miles around. Sadly, these occasions are becoming rare, as the iron rule of Tradelord Greasus Goldtooth the Overtyrant forces the tribes into a new era of mercenary activity and cooperation with the human race. Slowly but surely the Ogre kingdoms have become aware that gold is just as valuable as meat, and far more likely to last the winter.[2g]
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[X] HALL: No
[X] MEAT: Yes
[X] ARM: No
[X] NUT: No

I choose life. Everything not marked yes is a quick way to get painful chases of the death.
I'm rereading sections of the quest, and I'm sure this was discussed to death at one point, but, y'know... closing in on 8 thousand pages...

Is it possible to use the Vitae to make a Qhaysh powerstone?
[X] HALL: No
[X] MEAT: Yes
[X] ARM: No
[X] NUT: Yes

Get the Mission done, get the seed back to the elves, and pick up some curiosity to read on the way to K.D before getting out. Simple, clean, efficient. No arm, because 1) we have no idea who to return it to if they want it back(they probably will) or 2) may be an un-obvious demon and/or Heresy related thing (our windsight, as I understand it, doesn't tell us if it heretical, merely wind-related stuff, like if it produces Dhar).

As for the slaves,...much as I want to help some poor souls, right now isn't the best time. We need to get the expedition that food. Being chased down by Chaos Dwarfs(on the off chance they find out it was us; not likely, but the possibility it might happen must be addressed) because of what we do (beyond buying a few simple souls and leaving) could doom the expedition.

Also, the slaves may not be in the best of health for travelling, much less resisting the temptations of the 4, and it would be irresponsible to bring them with us to Dum. Plus, I'd like to spend the least amount of money, and pay the Expedition leader back for the money we spend beyond the needed amount for food. As we are likely going to attend a slave auction if we go...we'd be able to get nothing here if we wanted slaves to free.

That's my reasoning for my vote. Either way, let's hope we aren't biting off more than we can chew.
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Vitae not being Qhaysh doesn't necessarily mean it can't make Qhaysh powerstones. "Conclusion: multiple transformations are possible" after all and she hasn't had opportunity to experiment with exposing Vitae to Qhaysh.
Then you have Qhaysh and not Vitae. Qhaysh is not Vitae and Vitae is not Qhaysh. Still, Qhaysh is much more a process than an actually thing. I don't think you can ever hold Qhaysh like you could hold Uglu. It would be like exposing Vitae to the rain cycle and expecting it to become more of the rain cycle.
Then you have Qhaysh and not Vitae. Qhaysh is not Vitae and Vitae is not Qhaysh. Still, Qhaysh is much more a process than an actually thing. I don't think you can ever hold Qhaysh like you could hold Uglu. It would be like exposing Vitae to the rain cycle and expecting it to become more of the rain cycle.
I'm hardly saying it's likely, but it's absolutely not something we can make definitive statements about.
Hand of Gods as a joint project with Cython might be neat. They are an incredibly knowledgeable and capable individual after all
That'd be fun. You know what would be even more fun? If we convinced the dragon husbando to let us fly over to Lustria for a vacation.
2) may be an un-obvious demon and/or Heresy related thing (our windsight, as I understand it, doesn't tell us if it heretical, merely wind-related stuff, like if it produces Dhar).
How is this applicable to the arm in a manner which isn't applicable to the acorn?
I thought the Candle was enchanted with Boon of Hysh, not Cleansing Glow?
Changing vote. Why? Because that a shitton of meat, and Cleansing Glow, apparently, a touch spell. So, our Light wizards would be forced to chaincasting... I really, really don't think chaincasting in the frigging Chaos Wastes have any resemblance to a good idea.

[X] HALL: No
[X] MEAT: No
[X] ARM: Yes
[X] NUT: Yes
-[] (Papers) Ask a vendor if they have an Elf explorer/author there as a slave. You might be interested. Disapproved by QM.

Btw, I can't find @BoneyM 's reaction to my write-in, if he approved or disapproved it.

We'd have to go to the Slave Hall to get an answer to this question, I'm pretty sure.
We can ask right here and now. If they still have her, we will probably (but not necesarily) need to go there to buy her.
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As someone abstaining from the Hall vote, I don't think the problem is that Mathilde is too scared, as some have suggested, but rather that she's too brave. She suspects—as do I, and many others—that when presented with the opportunity she will, without a doubt, act rashly to save as many souls as she can rather than pick and choose which deserve to be saved more with her limited money. And that would endanger the hundreds of souls already under her protection. Yes, walking away is a certain kind of evil, but so is risking the Expedition. And when morals are not enough to make a choice, then she will, as ever, fall back on her duty and obligations.
But seriously people, can we please not bring highly powerfull, probably and unstable and poltically suicidal artifacts into the choaswastes?
[X] HALL: No
[X] MEAT: Yes
[X] ARM: Yes
[X] NUT: Yes

Mathilde is incapable of checking the 'entire network', and she can't confirm that Karak Vlag has reconnected 'properly' because she has no idea what properly is. The magic is going somewhere, that's the extent of Mathilde's ability to diagnose.
Mathilde: "Yes, the ADSL light is blinking. If there is a problem its between the ISP and the server."
I have read and enjoyed those arguments and especially the omake, but I can't say I agree. They start from the notion that Ranald must be moral and so the Protector is placed at the core of what he is. lying gambling, cheating and stealing to protect. I don't think that's the case simply because there are more cheats, thieves and conmen praying to him than downtrodden peasants, because pesants tend to go with more socially acceptable gods unless they are on the literal brink.
Point of order: Everyone prays to Ranald. As God of Luck, he is rarely the exclusive recipient of their worship, but nobody wants a run of bad luck no matter what trade they are in.
Wait, I think I got it- a lute strung with unicorn hair is one of the casting ingredients for The Dance Without End, a ritual that causes a single person to dance until they die, and anyone that sees them dancing also has to dance until they die.

@BoneyM, that one?
Dang, that thing is an anti-city weapon if not countered.

But seriously people, can we please not bring highly powerfull, probably and unstable and poltically suicidal artifacts into the choaswastes?

If they were like that it's fairly unlikely they'd have survived to be sold without the Dawi Zharr appropriating them or banning them.
Basically all the terms used there other than their magical potency is a guess.
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None that Mathilde found, and in general if you're very lucky, you might be able to find something very low quality. About as many as you can find in stalls at market day in Altdorf, for about the same reason.
I was not thinking about anything they would sell. Obviously, they won't. I was thinking about safeguards of trade area itself. It would make a sense to have something there. Destro factions in single place, everyone invited - and some of them exceedingly hard to put down. Or dangerous in different ways (like anything related to Nurgle). With dwarves mentality, putting some permament protections would make sense. I was thinking in terms bound demons ready to be released in emergency, activated enchantments to scour area from Nurgle pestilence, massive dispels to deal with rituals, etc.

Skavens would love to destroy this place. Chaos would try because chaos. Vampires would love to try to damage this place, because why not, challenge, and worst case they wake up in few centuries. Etc.

I'm just curious whether Chaos Dwarves put anything that Mathilde with her exceedingly sharp magesight can detect.
Is it just me, or do the dwarf lords seem to get more depressed the more they are successful?

I think they all need more Kazador in their lives.

Obligatory lessons from lifecoach Kazador for the win and full restoration of Karaz Ankor?
I suspect we might get told something to the effect of "Fuck off, go check the slave hall yourself."
1) But it's much more likely that we will get something like "Yes" or "No". Because they want to sell her for highest possible price. And they can ask for more from someone who interested not only in her body. Simple.
2) If they'd say "Fuck off", we can just shrug and leave. We lose nothing with asking.
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