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But the items are already in the hands of Chaos-aligned factions, and what the chaos NPCs are getting up to is "sell them for money". And I'm not aware of any special recent Chaos raiding attempt giving them an unusual amount of things like this, so I think the reasonable assumption is that Chaos has stuff like this passing through their collective hands every few years. Mathilde is seeing a random sample, not a unique opportunity for Chaos.

[x] HALL: No
[x] MEAT: Yes
[x] ARM: No
[x] PAPERS: Yes
Chaos is not united though, and is often at loggerheads.Skaven access to the secrets of the East, or to resources like rubber, do not apply to the Fire Dwarves. Or the Dark Elves. The allure and danger of Uzkulak is that it allows the transfer of such goods from the hands of Destro/Chaos followers who may not know what it is, or how to utilize it, into the hands of Chaos followers who DO.

That's why interception is important.
And why we cant just assume this is routine stuff that wont get into the wrong hands.
If it's a lizardman thing... Well, it's probably not an outright Old One relic but it's almost certainly a slann relic. If anyone's got good enough anti-scrying security to defeat Gold Wizards, it'd be him... and I'm worried for Johann because his magesight is all he's got so if anything screws with that he's really in trouble.

But I may be being paranoid.
Johann caught a glimpse of the Ancestor Gods.
I assume at this point he is better suited than Mathilde to make that sort of judgement about the cognitive effects of Gold spells.

And frankly, I dont expect him to be poking at this on our trip into or out of the Wastes.
A quick scan for obvious danger, then secure it it for later and only investigate when in a place of safety. He wasnt casting investigative Gold spells on skaventech during our raids after all.

Worst come to worst, we trade it to the Gold College for favor and its weight in gold.
Anyone consider that Borek may be kind off cross if we buy more than we had to, even if we give him back the money?

Or with the fact that we are giving away war funds that, even if repaid later, may be critical later in the journey for a reason or another?

@BoneyM , are my fears too paranoid?

As a note, I don't think Ranald would be a god of peasants. Peasants tend to have very strong and definite opinions on liars and cheats, the type of opinions that end with some informal rough justice and a shallow grave. They also tend to believe in traditional social structures and not be a fan of people who are socially disruptive.

Ranald seems much more a god of the urban underclass and of itinerant travellers than of the rural peasantry. His kind of behaviour doesn't work in small communities. You need to keep moving on between them to find another mark or to operate in an urban environment where everyone doesn't know each other.

Considering what peasants do to litle girls when they are suspected magicians, and maybe to innocent Halflings too, that is NOT a knock against Ranald.
I don't think that's the case simply because there are more cheats, thieves and conmen praying to him than downtrodden peasants,
Sure, but if those cheats, thieves and conmen weren't criminals, what would they be? Peasants. They're people who have avoided the life he teaches you to avoid by following his lessons on how to avoid it.
I think we probably have a very expensive project coming up after the bookboon though, assuming that goes through which is outfitting our K8P research institute. I imagine that could easily eat thousands of GP if we're after very high quality tools.
This is a minority position - to my knowledge, most people do not want to create a research institute at Karak Eight Peaks.
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Anyone consider that Borek may be kind off cross if we buy more than we had to, even if we give him back the money?
"Sorry for buying an anti-demon ray gun arm when we're walking into hell, boss."
Assuming of course we can figure it out.

On the surface it's definitely a very Ranaldian thing to do - going shopping for meat and spending expedition money buying a bunch of curios, which is incidentally why I think it's a great decision!
Kinda funny that "Chaos Vegas" actually got used a lot by now, if much less after that we've actually seen it.

I just used it because I couldn't remember any real coastal trade-cities in America off the top of my head and was to lazy to look it up.
Taking two minutes time for that post and we would have Chaos-Boston or something like that now, instead of one of the least fitting major cities for the equivalency.
See, a key part of my arguments is that, while Ranald is a god of those things, he is not the only god of those things, as several more unsavoury gods for criminals exist. Ranald , imho, represents the noble and well intentioned parts of skulldudgery, which is why he is somewhat accepted while other criminal gods aren't, even though they are not chaos gods.

But, again, I do agree that there are at least 4 (ironic, lol) major interpretations of Ranald, each containing many minor ones on the finer details, the whys and hows:

The evil mafia don
The neutral thrillseeker/trickster
The good Robin Hood
The agnostic warp entity.

And if people propose there being more, I wont be suprised.

There are all sorts of overlapping gods, so that doesn't really mean much. Note that several other gods of criminals are proscribed gods. They also tend to be local gods, like Gunndred is a regional deity in Averland. Elsewhere Ranald would probably fill that role.

Consider Borchband the Voice, patron god of political agitators as another example of a gif that overlaps with some aspects of Ranald in some places.
I've been thinking about it and I'm actually tempted by the idea of, rather than "Book Boon", "Blank-check boon" - Belegar giving us the authority to pay for whatever project we think of with his money - we don't become massively wealthy for personal purposes, but when we want to achieve something that's expensive, we always have the funding.

It does a complete end-run around the idea of "we don't want Belegar bankrupting himself on something too big" because we could choose exactly how much of his money we spend on a case by case basis. And it avoids the whole confusion of what book-boon means (Does it just mean funding? Does he fail if he can't find a specific book that was published two centuries ago? Does it mean a building with constant guards?) because we can step-by-step buy whichever pieces we like.
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There are all sorts of overlapping gods, so that doesn't really mean much. Note that several other gods of criminals are proscribed gods. They also tend to be local gods, like Gunndred is a regional deity in Averland. Elsewhere Ranald would probably fill that role.

Consider Borchband the Voice, patron god of political agitators as another example.

I am not using him not being proscibed as proof, I am merely stating that gods stand for ideals and ways of thought higher than the sum of their domains and the proof of that is that there ARE eviler gods who share domains with him. If that wasn't the case, every single war god would be a monster, but except for Khorne and Khaine, they seem to be all heroic, because they stand for something more complex than the sum of their individual domains as material realities.
This is a minority position - to my knowledge, most people do not want to create a research institute at Karak Eight Peaks.

I don't think that's true, we'll see after the expedition, there's been an awful lot of talk about making a research institute in Karak 8 Peaks after the Bookboon goes through. I don't think it can be said to be a minority position before it's put to a vote but I suppose this could be like the Liber Mortis vote where there was a very vocal minority that didn't want to read it whilst the vast majority was for it.
No, many of them are merchants and some of them especially when it coems to the deceiver would be courtiers and other nobles.

I was thinking of making a post about this, but Ranald is in some ways a god of the relatively wealthy. He's a god of people rich enough to have portable goods and coin, and to exist in a market rather than the subsistence and barter economy of the rural peasantry.

I am not using him not being proscibed as proof, I am merely stating that gods stand for ideals and ways of thought higher than the sum of their domains and the proof of that is that there ARE eviler gods who share domains with him. If that wasn't the case, every single war god would be a monster, but except for Khorne and Khaine, they seem to be all heroic, because they stand for something more complex than the sum of their individual domains as material realities.

Ulric is also worshipped by chaos marauders from Norsca who sacrifice innocent Imperial citizens in his name, etc. Etc
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with the amount of stuff we have to do.

I'm going to vote for 'Free Agent' (Kragg Style) when we decided what mathy's job is going to be in the future.

e.g do want we want most of the time, sometimes do stuff for people that we like.
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I don't think that's true, we'll see after the expedition, there's been an awful lot of talk about making a research institute in Karak 8 Peaks after the Bookboon goes through. I don't think it can be said to be a minority position before it's put to a vote but I suppose this could be like the Liber Mortis vote where there was a very vocal minority that didn't want to read it whilst the vast majority was for it.
I'm pretty confident that this is indeed the case, but concede that we haven't actually had a vote on it or anything. I only mentioned it so that people wouldn't vote with the idea that they needed to save money for something we planned on needing lots of money for.
[X] HALL: No
[X] MEAT: Yes
[X] ARM: No
[X] NUT: No

Visiting the hall is a terrible idea. The Chaos Dwarves have had centuries to sharpen their defences, and many of those who have passed through will have been better than Mathilde at Intrigue. I guarantee you that more than a few Druchii corsair captains were well above intrigue 25 *edit* and really wanted to not have to pay for slaves.

I don't trust the meat frankly. The sample lends me negaive confidence and the stupidly high asking price suggests to me that the official is getting desperate and is trying a hail mary before as the price is just shy of the value being low enough that Zharr-Naggrund is going to take them.
Edit: It was pointed out to me that we actually have magic that can unspoil spoiled meat (cleansing glow, light magic). So I'm changing to yes on that.

Don't fancy the arm as another item to add to the research pile.

The Seed is stupidly overpriced and the seller clearly knows it. Since he's a druchii there is some chance that he can feel the power within it even if he can't use it (Morathi tends to keep tight control of Druchii sorcerers but that doesn't mean they can't have magic senses). Given Mathilde's clearly alone I'd wouldn't be surprised if the thing's a stalking horse that contains a tonne of power without actual use, but the stupid asking price will attract customers who are: both magically inclined (potentially good value for capture away from the market) and rich (stupid asking price). It absolutely isn't an Acorn of the Oak of ages or something stupid because the gate guard explicitly asks about that sort of thing and I wouldn't bet on the Chaos Dwarves not having their own ways to detect magic.
"Have you brought any of the following goods to Uzkulak: bound Daemons, precious stones or metals from Nehekhara, any seed, bud, fruit, or cutting from Athel Loren ...

All in all I think it's a lot more trouble than it's worth.

The rubbings are relatively cheap, potentially very interesting and satisfies the need to buy something (in case the Chaos Dawi take exception to window shoppers).
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