Good Guy Orc with a strong latent connection to fire, and a more technically focused style to make up for inferior physical strength. One can get away with being a little weaker if you're acting three steps ahead of the other guy and have the potential to really fuck someone up with a touch (If we can tap into that Fire affinity eventually).
The way I see it, while he's not a physically impressive specimen, he has a towering intellect and superlative potential as a captain or general, which is hampered by the fact that Orcs have trouble wrapping their heads around a leader who isn't also the strongest in a straight 1v1 duel.
We'll have to lean hard on the elemental affinities to help compensate for this, but our character's high latent potential in all fields but Air is no fucking joke. Hunted is a dangerous pick--but it also feels right--there's a lot of powers out there invested in keeping the Orcs as a bunch of brutes who can be easily twisted to one cause or another, and seeing someone pop out who could theoretically continue pushing Thrall's agenda once he falls off the wagon would be concerning to some of them.
Now, of course, the other flipside of this is "Potential doesn't really mean anything if you can't rise to the challenge", and poor physical strength and mediocre spiritual resistance kind of makes us catnip for CORRUPTION, which is frustratingly common in Warcraft.
On the other hand, to raise it up requires a brutally expensive premium, and I want our CP to be balanced, so welp.