Since I'm not doing an update today I thought I would cover these.
@egoo @Azel
The War of Tomorrow: The creation of the Legion, the widespread use of alchemy, the increasing use of launchers, and the invention of anti-gravity vessels armed with steam powered weaponry has changed how war will be conducted in the future, but at the same time, many of these things are still rough and simple, the associated doctrines untested and there is much room for improvement. See about investing more time and effort to improve upon what you have and to fill any gaps left in your military doctrine and technology.
I need some tactics suggestions here before I decide on progress and cost
Razor Wire: While the easy availability of earth moving magic has made it much easier to erect battlefield fortifications, many of the Legions officers see still room for improvement. They are asking for something that can be incorporated into other defenses to block an enemies movement, but which does not hinder their own soldiers ranged attacks and which is vulnerable to hostile earth movement magic or alchemical weapons. There has been some talk about using spiked metal rods or something similar for that purpose.
Progress: 0/18; Cost: 15,000 IM)
Proximity Alarms: Your have been in the possession of
plans for enchantments that trigger an effect when something comes close to it for a while now. See about developing a cheap and reusable item that can be used to detect intruders. Maybe even Serpentstone can be triggered this way, which would allow you to even take pictures or recordings of your targets.
Progress: 0/25; Cost: 30,000 IM)
Proximity Alarms, Advanced: With the basic alarm items having been a success, it is time to incorporate some other features from things you have encountered over the years, such as the Aberration detecting pearls in use in the Imperium. See about incorporating means into the alarms to trigger different reactions for different kinds of creatures that are noticed by them.
Requires "Proximity Alarms" to be completed; Progress: 0/33; Cost: 60,000 IM)
Proximity Fuses: Your have been in the possession of
plans for enchantments that trigger an effect when something comes close to it for a while now. At the same time, battlefield reports from the Moonchasers have indicated that one of the core shortcomings of alchemical steam cannon ammunition is that they often only detonate after piercing their target or burying themselves into soft ground, greatly limiting the force they deliver on the enemy. See about incorporating proximity fuses into the shells so that they can detonate before hitting the ground or their target, thus maximising the impact of their payload.
Progress: 0/33; Cost: 75,000 IM)
Air Burst Shrapnel Shells: The new shells made with proximity fuses are proving much more devastating then the simpler designs, but there is already talk about making them even more efficient. Nearly all explosive devices in Imperial use are incorporating dedicated shrapnel in their design, but it is becoming apparent from the new shells that much of that shrapnel is going nowhere useful. See about improving the shell design so that most of the energy and shrapnel is focused forward at the target instead of into all directions.
Requires "Proximity Fuses" to be completed; Progress: 0/44; Cost: 90,000 IM)
High Explosive Armor Piercing Shells: Multiple times you have fought the Efreeti already and while the steam cannons of the Imperial Airforce can pierce the heavy adamantine armor of your enemies with either solid shot or explosives, it still takes quite a few hits to reliably destroy an enemy vessel. The most devastating hits are always those explosive shells that find their way into the much soft innards of a hostile craft, usually by having multiple explosive rounds fired at the same spot until one flies through a hole blasted by earlier hits. However, some cannoneers have proposed to look into a new type of shell that would combine the ability of solid shot to penetrate the armor while also carrying explosives that would trigger once the shell is inside the enemies vessel.
Progress: 0/55; Cost: 150,000 IM)
Improved Alchemy: The Imperium hungers for alchemical goods and much effort was poured into producing as much of them as possible, but it still does not even remotely satisfy the demand. Especially the military can devour concoctions such as Alchemists Fire or Explosive Packs at an astonishing rate. See about to either improve the output of your alchemical factories or to discover alternatives to these substances that are easier to mass-produce.
Progress: 0/50; Cost: 200,000 IM)
A New Fortress: After having built a few steam cannon batteries to defend important locations, some common problems and design concerns have been noticed. The cannons should be on a high location with wide firing arcs to maximize their utility while the battery should be kept compact to make it easy to ward. At the same time, the crew and boiler remain the greatest weaknesses of the installations, the former since they are often housed in much more vulnerable camps near the batteries and the latter since the whole battery could be disabled if the boiler was hit. See about creating a standardized design for future cannon batteries to address these issues.
Progress: 0/25; Cost: 50,000 IM)