That is a phenomenal plan name, btw.
Thanks, it's a bit of wordplay that struck me as I was making the plan. Not only will the scandal caused by the secret be the deathbell of the Church of Eden's influence in Tessen, but the work it's referencing, Hemmingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls", has a main theme of the connectedness of humanity, how even events not directly happening to you will still affect you. A belief antithetical to the Church of Eden, and one that I think would fit into the Pilgrim's philosophy well, for if people are all connected, and every loss makes us just a bit lesser for it, do we not have an obligation to help as many as we can?

Also there's a connection to wedding bells and marrying Selene, but that's weaker than the main one.
When I posted the plan, I took out the action to take a loan, since we already took one last turn. Should I edit it back in, since the plan will use up a lot of our money?
The sabotage and Take'em Out actions are overkill considering how BREAKING NEWS already throws their plans into the trash for the next 4 turns. And the plan Plan Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls costs 49 materials, way more than what we have. Remember that ALL actions this turn get a +2 material cost.
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The sabotage and Take'em Out actions are overkill considering how BREAKING NEWS already throws their plans into the trash for the next 4 turns.
Taking both actions is pretty extreme but BREAKING NEWS mentions that the COE will try to find out who leaked their dirty secret.
Taking both actions creates many more false trails and scapegoats, meaning they have to spend more time on investigating them and making it less likely for them to find anything credible. That's definitely worth 14 Materials.

Anyway, @HeroCooky here are a few action suggestions. Two Learning and a Diplomacy for after BREAKING NEWS.

Diplomacy: I Heard From a Guy...
The Church of Eden is in turmoil thanks to the family life of the local bishop becoming widely know. But they will calm down soon and start looking for whoever aired their dirty laundry. Naturally, the Pilgrims don't want them to succeed. Spreading extra rumors, exaggerating events, and creating false trails could all make the investigation attempts of the Church more difficult, so that's what you're gonna do! All while staying anonymous, of course.
Reward: -?? to the COE investigations?

Learning: Suger, Spice, And Everything Nice (Uses: Food Preservatives)
During the Fall humanity lost much knowledge, some obviously important like medical or technological knowledge, and some less obvious. Food preservation was the second type. While there are methods known even now, they come nowhere near the months or years of preservation that were possible before the Fall or aren't usable for every type of food. Analyzing the preservatives found could be the first step towards fixing this.
Reward: Reduced Storehouse upkeep, Extra income if we ever produce food.

Learning: To Melt and Pour (Uses: Molds Of Binoculars)
Another Artefact that, while not directly useful, can still teach much. In this case, how to make better molds to create tools and weapons. Things created like this won't be as detailed or of high quality as when made by a blacksmith but could be useful to create simpler parts or to mass-produce things.
Reward: Reduced upkeep of the Blacksmiths Abode, Reduced costs for equipment.
When I posted the plan, I took out the action to take a loan, since we already took one last turn. Should I edit it back in, since the plan will use up a lot of our money?
Uh, we have a budget of 23.45 Materials. The Adventurers and Criminals cost 7 Materials each, then there is the Waterwheel for 13 Materials. That makes 27 Materials without Faith action, Learning action, or doctor training. So, uhh it's either another loan or selling some Artefacts.

@HeroCooky Or maybe we could go into debt?
@HeroCooky Or maybe we could go into debt?
Thats... a Bad Idea. Mechanically, this would make you roll at disadvantage for everything, Storywise you would suffer under shortages of everything, resulting in discontent and you having to turn back people that are in need of food/medicine.

I'd recommend either taking out a loan or changing the plan to fit into your budget. Which will be significantly higher next turn, allowing you to pay back your loans.
I just edited the loan action back in, is that enough to cover the expenses until our budget recovers, or should I also sell some artifacts?
[ ] Plan Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls

Actions with material costs listed: 33.34 materials
COE malus (+2 materials per action): 10 actions(?) * 2 = 20 materials. The 10 actions number assumes that this malus only applies to new actions starting this turn and doesn't affect ongoing actions started in previous turns.
Total plan cost: 53.34 materials

We only have 23.45 materials available so this plan is going 29.89 materials over budget. The maximum loan we can take out is 30 materials which is just enough to cover the shortfall.
[X] Plan Reasonable Budget
-[X][Faith] Screw You; Eden!
-[X][Faith] Calm Tensions
-[X][Martial] Retrace The Steps, Part 3, [Insert Witty Title]! (Tech-Scouts)
-[X][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 - (Electronics) - (1/4 Successes) Use: Assorted Lightbulbs, Non-Functional Lightbulb, Drained Battery
-[X][Learning] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics)
-[X][Archeology] Raid The Workshop
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Black Root) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked) 4 mats
--[X] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns)
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Because of SCIENCE! - (Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1)
-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] A Small Loan
-[X][Personal] Marry Selene

This is what we have a budget for. Skipped one Tree action this turn.
Yes, though the risks of getting into debt apply here too.

Edit: make sure that you only spend what you know you have/will have. RNG has a tendency to punish hubris.
23.45(min. +18,92=42.37+loan of 20 materials=62.37 putting us firmly above Bomrek's calculations, with some room to maneuver if some costs weren't accounted for.

So yeah, @EyeOfSauron you should be fine if you take out a loan of 20 materials.
Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on Oct 5, 2020 at 9:23 AM, finished with 28 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls
    -[X] Wear The Dress
    -[X] Calm Tensions
    -[X] Screw You; Eden!
    -[X] Retrace The Steps, Part 3, [Insert Witty Title]!
    -[X] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 - (Electronics) - (1/4 Successes)
    --[X] Assorted Lightbulbs, Non-Functional Lightbulb, Drained Battery
    --[X] +6FF
    -[X] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (Untranslated Book On Chemicals)
    --[X] Assorted Books In Multiple Languages, Translated Transcripts
    --[X] +4FF
    -[X] Raid The Workshop
    -[X] Improved Waterwheels For Iron
    -[X] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Black Root) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Blacksmiths Abode)
    --[X] A Small Loan (20 Materials)
    -[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Take 'Em Out - Church of Eden
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Study Sessions - (5/8 Turns)
    -[X] Criminal Organisations - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Sabotage - Church of Eden
    -[X] Marry Selene
    [X] Plan Weddings and Smoke Screens
    -[X] Wear The Dress
    -[X][Faith] Calm Tensions - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Faith] Screw You; Eden! - (-2 Materials) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Diplomacy] BREAKING NEWS! READ ALL ABOUT THE SINFUL BISHOP! - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Martial] Scout Out. - (Tech-Scouts) - (TOP-01) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Learning] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (Untranslated Book On Chemicals) - (0/1 Successes)
    --[X] +4FF
    -[X][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 - (Electronics) - (1/4 Successes)- (Uses: Drained Battery, Non-Functional Lightbulb,)
    --[X] +6FF
    -[X][Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers (WO-02) - (0/1 Successes)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Salt Refinement - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-4 Materials)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Black Root) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Personal action] Marry Selene
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Blacksmiths Abode)
    -[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Take 'Em Out - (COE) - (-7 Materials)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Study Sessions - (-2.34 Materials) - (6/8 Turns Complete)
    -[X] Criminal Organisations - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Sabotage - (COE) - (-7 Materials)
    [X] Plan Reasonable Budget
    -[X][Faith] Screw You; Eden!
    -[X][Faith] Calm Tensions
    -[X][Martial] Retrace The Steps, Part 3, [Insert Witty Title]! (Tech-Scouts)
    -[X][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 - (Electronics) - (1/4 Successes) Use: Assorted Lightbulbs, Non-Functional Lightbulb, Drained Battery
    -[X][Learning] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics)
    -[X][Archeology] Raid The Workshop
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Black Root) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked) 4 mats
    --[X] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns)
    -[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Because of SCIENCE! - (Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1)
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] A Small Loan
    -[X][Personal] Marry Selene

Voting is now closed. Boni can be assigned in the next three hours, until 20:00 CET.

@Profectus, @Warmach1ne32 please choose which action you wish to assign your boni to:

Calm Tensions: DC 25
Secret Of The Circuit: DC 45/70/90 rolled with +48
Translations For Beginners: DC 40/45/50 rolled with +56
Criminal Organisations: DC 0 rolled with -15

Edit: Warmach1ne32 gave +5 to: Criminal Organizations.
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My suggestion is that the criminal organizations roll should be boosted, mainly because I don't like the idea of finding out what happens when you fail a DC 0 roll.

Other than that, Calm Tensions is the only remaining action that has no guaranteed success.