Ok, first off, I love this update, this update was everything I wanted when the romance options first came up. I think it's really telling though that she's about as awkward and cute with pan now, as she would have been back in eagle castle.
So I am really glad for both the date, and the dragon, and the introduction of the Commander of the Grey Battle Wizards to the August Order of Ducklings.
And can I say that one of the things I loved most about Pan was how supportive she was when we were in private? Taking our own words to remind is that what we have done is worth being proud of, even though it feels more vunerable to judgement from those she really cares about when it is our home and our friends and not just popping in to drop off a package.
Some old business first-
Necromancy isn't just super slow dhar magic, its something entirely different, so is the lore of stealth.
it might be what your saying, it might also be a lot more than that.
And we won't know until we do some real deal research into it.
My hypothesis would be that it is the creation of dhar as an accepted and encouraged phenomena that gives the ability to work it at speed.
Basically, grab harder to work faster, grabbing anything but your own wind hard creates dhar.
A graduate from the University of Altdorf might be able to argue that, but the Colleges haven't even finished their second century yet. Not really a strong argument for a long-term investment.
Also it's in it for the joy of discovery, not knowledge for its own sake. It'd be like offering solutions to a crossword enthusiast.
I would think the thing for to do, if one wanted to convince them to check in every so often with a college, would be to compile the interesting questions. What are the researchers trying to figure out?
It's like trying to assemble a best of collection of crosswords for a crossword enthusiast.
Also, would it even be a big investment? He is not giving anything up except maybe time, and that is the thing he has the most of by magnitudes.
Risk. At a dragon's time scales, every trip outside their own territory has a non zero chance of encounting something that could kill or bind them. So, not usually worth making trips over a few thousand years.
"As in, a Hysh Emperor Dragon?" Regimand asks.
"Handy sort," Johann says, with deliberate casualness. "Wiped out its share of the local foes and then some."
"Far from the worst neighbour we've had," Panoramia agrees.
I have this picture in my head of Mathilde crossing her arms and these two closing ranks and looming at her shoulders, delivering these lines. Our crew has our back, and I love it.
I am SUPER INTERESTED in what the two visiting greys are thinking on their way home.
You know, this almost makes me wonder if we just missed Regimand's own private freak out due to us changing subjects immediately after. Not only are Mathilde and her Ducklings totally nonchalant about the Emperor Dragon that comes over for tea and library visits, but it's a hysh dragon too.
Right? It's like, welcome to the kickflip zone, get with it old man!
[ ] [LIBRARY] Dark Lands: Extensive + Esoteric Imperial (200gc), Marauder Tribes: Extensive Imperial + Extensive Dwarven (200gc), Karaz Ankor: Esoteric Dwarven (150gc, 4DF), Enchanting: Esoteric Imperial (50gc, 2CF)
[ ] [DWARF] Runesmith Briefing on Karag Dum: 2 Gallons AV
[ ] [COLLEGE] Item of Light's Demand: 5 Favor
This fills the anti-demon role that we'd have otherwise wanted a light wizard for, so I like it: it frees that half-slot up for brettonian knights. More heavy calvary for the breakout phase!