I had a bizarre and probably stupid idea to get ourselves a Harpy minion (either Flesh Forge one or recruit an existing one) and have them take over the Cult of the Harpy to use for our own purposes.

It'd never work, unfortunately. Harpies don't measure up against Devils, and while we can stack templates on them like Cleric Creature or Sorcerer Creature that'd be a mate of the Third Circle at most which is just a smallfry.

Really makes me wonder what kind of PC classes they had back in the old days to stand up to a budding kingdoms of dragon-blooded sorcerers ruled by Half-Dragon Old Bloods.
We could whip up some undead in the shape of harpies and have them steered with Greater Bloodclot Molds.

If you want to go heresy, go full heresy.
You may be onto something, @Goldfish.
Reforming the Cult of Harpy by overtaking what little remains of it before we take over Slavers' Bay in earnest, and later 'revealing' this sect we'll make? Very actively changing the tenets, the belief, and as such the Deity behind it?

Sound just about what Harpy Goddess deserves.

Oh wait, shit, that's our usual MO at this point already.
Reforming the Cult of Harpy by overtaking what little remains of it before we take over Slavers' Bay in earnest, and later 'revealing' this sect we'll make? Very actively changing the tenets, the belief, and as such the Deity behind it?

Sound just about what Harpy Goddess deserves.

Oh wait, shit, that's our usual MO at this point already.
Bonus points for goading the Great Harpy into such sheer mindless rage that she puts down an avatar for us to kill. ;)

Then we can puppet her corpse around after getting enough for a trophy via one of our NecroMolds and decimate her religion beyond all repair.
Ngl, I wonder where the "One-eyed Hunter", that fought off the Harpies the first time around, is while all of this is happening.

Hell, chances are, all out assumptions it was Baggie the garbage bag Bahamut were wrong and it was an agent of Asmodeus all along.

Ngl, I wonder where the "One-eyed Hunter", that fought off the Harpies the first time around, is while all of this is happening.

Hell, chances are, all out assumptions it was Baggie the garbage bag Bahamut were wrong and it was an agent of Asmodeus all along.

Him being an agent of Asmodeus would be all kinds of amazing. Imagine him surprising us by trying to snipe Viserys.
Gonna add a level up for Moonsong to my plan, ya'll.

Grand Destiny seems like a perfect thematic spell for her, IMO, and very useful as a Moonchaser captain, too.

That said, I was thinking about Lesser Entice Fey instead. It doesn't have any significant combat applications, but it would fit Moonsong pretty well, I think. She could use it to start building a Court or Troupe of her own. There's a lot of space on a Moonchaser and there are a lot of very small Fey who wouldn't occupy much of it. What do ya'll think?

[] Moonsong Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Bard
-[] Skills (11 points): +1 Diplomacy, +1 Escape Artist, +1 Hide, +1 Listen, +1 Move Silently, +1 Perform (Comedy), +1 Profession (Officer), +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spot, +2 Perform (String Instruments)
-[] Spells:
--[] 4th Level: Grand Destiny

BTW, I'm keeping track of level ups on my character sheet page. I've got a list of level ups which we've voted on but which haven't been applied yet, as well as level up we still need to vote on.

If someone has an unapplied level up, their page has the relevant information below the spoiler window. I've been sending DP an updated character sheet with a level up applied just about every morning for the past several days. We'll get them all taken care of eventually.
Unapplied Level Ups: Sarell, Wyla, Velen, Ser Gerold, Rina

Pending Level Up Votes: Ser Richard, Moonsong, Morwyn, Tuin, Soft Strider, Anya
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Just a heads up, but I am working on a large project which I think you will all be somewhat excited about, though I'm not sure how relevant it will be for a while.
Just a heads up, but I am working on a large project which I think you will all be somewhat excited about, though I'm not sure how relevant it will be for a while.
Take this "informative"-rating as [press "x" to Sarcasm]-option.
I'll be waiting.
i mean lvling Morwyn, Tuin and Anya would be usefull right now
They would be more relevant than Moonsong, I'll admit, but DP doesn't like us to vote for more than one level up at a time, and they still have to be applied. With that in mind, I'm going to remove the Moonsong level up from my vote and add in one for Richard instead. We've already got his Mythic rank voted on and waiting to be applied, so if we vote on his level up tonight I can update his sheet first thing in the morning.

Not sure where to put Richard's skill points, ya'll. His build isn't really reliant on them and he doesn't really have many skills that need to be topped off. I think just putting them into Spellcraft might be for the best, as it works with his other abilities, including being a good complement to his new feats.

@Crake, I really want Richard's Gambit, but the Cut from the Air and Smash from the Air feat combo is really powerful and fits Richard so well.

[] Richard's Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Paragon Knight
-[] Feats: Cut from the Air, Smash from the Air
-[] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +4 Spellcraft
@Crake, I really want Richard's Gambit, but the Cut from the Air and Smash from the Air feat combo is really powerful and fits Richard so well.

[] Richard's Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Paragon Knight
-[] Feats: Cut from the Air, Smash from the Air
-[] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +4 Spellcraft
I feel as though we are missing out on something substantial by doing this. The utility of being able to do this is when Richard is in close proximity to someone he is trying to protect, but often he is called to tie down someone who is trying to dive-bomb the backline.

Being able to punish his opponents for either attacking him, or attacking his charge if they are adjacent, would allow him to severely curtail issues as by their very nature it frees up later rounds' action economy by eliminating a threat, whereas his having these feats acts as a one-time disincentive for Ranged Touch Attacks. It also does nothing against AoE.

[] Richard's Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Paragon Knight
-[] Feats:
Richard's Gambit
-[] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +4 Spellcraft

This is my vote, for those interested.
@Crake, I really want Richard's Gambit, but the Cut from the Air and Smash from the Air feat combo is really powerful and fits Richard so well.

[] Richard's Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Paragon Knight
-[] Feats: Cut from the Air, Smash from the Air
-[] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +4 Spellcraft
I'm definitely supporting this combo. It's just too good. Nothing says anti-magic like obliterating any incoming spells.
I feel as though we are missing out on something substantial by doing this. The utility of being able to do this is when Richard is in close proximity to someone he is trying to protect, but often he is called to tie down someone who is trying to dive-bomb the backline.

Being able to punish his opponents for either attacking him, or attacking his charge if they are adjacent, would allow him to severely curtail issues as by their very nature it frees up later rounds' action economy by eliminating a threat, whereas his having these feats acts as a one-time disincentive for Ranged Touch Attacks. It also does nothing against AoE.

[] Richard's Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Paragon Knight
-[] Feats:
Richard's Gambit
-[] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +4 Spellcraft

This is my vote, for those interested.
You need to choose two feats instead of only one. He gets a feat for being level 18, and then a bonus feat from his class.
[X] Moving right along...
-[X] Viserys sacrifices a 9th level spell slots to Summon a Nalfeshnee as a Standard Action, then casts Time Stop as a Swift Action. While Time Stopped, he uses an 8th level slot to Summon a Hezrou and another 8th level slot to Summon 1d3 Vrocks. He will also cast Freezing Glance. He Summons all of the Demons as near to enemy Devils as possible.
--[X] Once Time Stop ends, Viserys will target one of the Judgement Devils with Freezing Glance as a Free Action, direct his Summoned Demons to attack where he judges they will be most useful, then moves to join Richard and the Seeker in melee.
-[X] Dany casts a Reached Chained Sacramental Seal spell, targeting as many Devils as possible, but placing priority on the Judgement Devils.
-[X] Teana places a Brilliant Barrier between herself and the Erinyes targeting her, then casts Shadow Healing on herself. If she is healed by Benerro before she can heal herself, she instead targets a surviving enemy with Amber Sarcophagus.
-[X] Garin targets the Judgement Devils and remaining Erinyes with another Quickened Darkbolt spell, then does the same with a Maximized Darkbolt spell, either hitting those which he missed, who resisted the first salvo, or who he simply could not target, then using any left over bolts for other Devils.
-[X] Benerro moves to cast a Heal spell on Teana.
-[X] Richard and the Seeker proceed to murder any enemies in their paths.
-[X] Mereth focuses on bringing down her fellow Erinyes, using all five of her ranged attacks, then activating her Belt of Battle to make five more attacks if any remain living. She prioritizes those which are most heavily injured or failed to succumb to Viserys, Dany, and Garin's attempts to Stun, Petrify, bind, or Daze them.

[X] Richard's Level Up
-[X] Class: +1 Paragon Knight
-[X] Feats:
Pierce Magical Protection >>> Richard's Gambit, Cut from the Air, Smash from the Air
-[X] Maneuvers:
Greater Insightful Strike >>> Diamond Nightmare Blade
-[X] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +4 Spellcraft

I'm definitely supporting this combo. It's just too good. Nothing says anti-magic like obliterating any incoming spells.

You need to choose two feats instead of only one. He gets a feat for being level 18, and then a bonus feat from his class.
Thinking about it right now.
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@Goldfish, I don't see Moonsong covered in your charactersheets. Do you have her somewhere else?
I haven't gotten around to making individual sheets for most of those who ended up overflowing onto the second page when DP had to make room because of the size limits per post.
I feel as though we are missing out on something substantial by doing this. The utility of being able to do this is when Richard is in close proximity to someone he is trying to protect, but often he is called to tie down someone who is trying to dive-bomb the backline.

Being able to punish his opponents for either attacking him, or attacking his charge if they are adjacent, would allow him to severely curtail issues as by their very nature it frees up later rounds' action economy by eliminating a threat, whereas his having these feats acts as a one-time disincentive for Ranged Touch Attacks. It also does nothing against AoE.

[] Richard's Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Paragon Knight
-[] Feats:
Richard's Gambit
-[] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +4 Spellcraft

This is my vote, for those interested.
You're missing a feat there. Richard gets two this level up.

What if we retrained one of his current feats to make room for all three?

Richard's Gambit could be a replacement for Combat Rhythm, since they lend themselves to very different approaches to combat.