Stealing Lost Souls
Twelfth Day of the Second Month 294 AC
Distasteful as it may have been, the simplest way to acquire Unsullied in order to divine what dark blessings had been bequeathed upon them would have been to buy them. Unfortunately, the 'Good Masters' of Astapor were not in the business of selling their slave soldiers by the tens as they once did, but only by the hundred or thousand 'lest they mingle with other folk and forget themselves'. Somehow that piece of mortal cruelty heaped atop all the rest had the gift of angering Tyene.
Now was not the time to be concerned with the philosophy of this miserable realm. They had a kidnapping to organize of one made twice a slave, by mortal masters and infernal powers both. The question that lay before them as they looked over the map Malarys presented, was who should they choose? Before them stretched Meereen, one wrought of ink and parchment and filled with all manner of painted metal pins to mark the Great Houses and their possible allegiance, as well as the ailing trading concerns and the very richest of craftsmen who could afford to buy a hundred slaves, as much for the prestige as the protection.
"I would judge the most likely Unsullied centuries to have been empowered by their goddess' pact with Hell would be the ones assigned to keeping order in the streets or guarding the walls," Ceria offered. "The more leverage Baator can apply in a crisis, the more likely they are to be the last ones left standing when the dust clears, not to mention minimize harm done to the infrastructure. I'm assuming they care about that, after all devils may not need to eat but their slaves surely do."
"They do, yes," Malarys nodded. "Alas, they will also be the most readily missed and most likely to spark a renewed search for us. While they are unlikely to find those of us here unless we want to be found, the inquisition presence in the city is far more fragile and unlikely to last long against the kind of opposition reported in Yunkai, the kind we faced last month."
"What about faking the hand of the Red Faith? They already have some idea of that thanks to the clash in Yunkai, so we could play to their assumptions," Tyene mused aloud.
"The masters are afraid of nothing so much as a slave revolt. The threat of one with the Red God on their side will more likely than not to push them into rash action," Ting spoke up unexpectedly. "When a bear is met with a beehive, the bear might be stung and scrambling, but the bees die in earnest."
Where do your agents attempt to kidnap an Unsullied from?
[] The garrison, most likely to be heavily watched, nut almost guaranteed to have who you are searching for
[] The peacekeepers, their tasks give the opportunity to make their kidnapping look like a robbery gone wrong, though there are not many robbers who would dare meddle with and Unsullied patrol
[] The great Houses, you already know of one which serves the Lord of the Ninth, perhaps they are tangled up in his
[] The merchants, least likely to raise serious hue and cry, but also least likely to be the key to what you seek
[] Write in
OOC: Power just ran out, I was concerned I could not get this out in time but it came back just in time to write this up before going to bed. Hope it does not feel rushed. Not yet edited.