A. It is armor for a war-lizard.
B. The Adventurer Guild has local branches in every city, independent, but linked to the main hall in the capital.
C. It is dead. All flesh was burned to ashes, the metal has been melted into slag, and both have been buried deeply.
... A war-lizard. What kind of monstrosity was that, that they used it alongside Knights and Walkers!?
Anyway, if the Plague Engine is dead it's probably some other machine in the ruins. Maybe whatever the Plage Engine tried to reach in the Pit?
1. Yes. If you succeed, you can spend the next turn training them further, to increase their survival chances.
2. Only for this war. Though you will have an option to turn the survivors (if there are any) into a 3/6 Unit if you do.
3.a. Yes. Lobbing liquid flame at someone trying to murder you is very conductive towards your survival.
3.b. As long as you can justify how a Pilgrim got the idea, anything goes. Though no coil-/railguns, you barely have an idea what the concept of guns is. For now.
4. Yes. Less so for the Camo-Cloaks, but still a reduction.
5. Yes.
6. Yes.
7. Yes.
Ugh, I screwed up the numbering.
It sounds like we could stack quite a few bonuses on our volunteers. While
Daycare and
Beautification would be nice, they only save us 2% Piety this turn. Given the example of possible Piety loss by events we have from the Mutated children(-29%), letting the volunteers take heavy casualties or even worse, losing them all, would probably be worse and we should do whatever we can to avoid that.
Although; the other religions probably have special rules to prevent Piety loss from military casualties. It would fit with how they don't spend many resources on training their volunteers and with what we saw in the Salvation Lost, Salvation Found Sidestory.
@HeroCooky 3b was more a question because the Military tab lists slings/bows as Basic Ranged, so I'm curious if we have to research crossbows to get them.
1. Also, could we research smoke bombs based on
Firebombs? Instead of causing fire, they would cause a huge smoke cloud, allowing our scouts to escape.
1.a. If we can research smoke bombs, can we do that now or would we first need to develop
2. Would our volunteers get the casualty reduction from
Bloodbark if we plant it this turn?
Anyway, I think we should focus on getting as many bonuses for our volunteers as possible. That way we can avoid any Piety loss from casualties, avoid the Goodwill cost for more Units, and can make a Unit with the Training level: Trained out of the survivors. We also need a better income stream to finance stuff like
We Are One People!, in the future.
[] Plan: Military preparations
-[] Of Books And Pilgrims
-[] Get The Permit
-[] Seek and Train Volunteers - (Basic Melee/Basic Ranged for training, other equipment next turn)(1.1 Materials)
-[] Firebombs (1 Material)(Parfume +5 to Chemicals)
--[] Smoky Sneaking (1 Material)
---[] +5FF
-[] Prepare an Expedition (WO-04)(Turns 3)(House Mirn support: N)
-[] Digging Holes - (Jewel)(4 Materials)
-[] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Bloodbark)(8 Materials)
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Selling Artifacts(Shattered Robotic Arm, Lizard Cuirass)(+7.57 Materials)
-[] Too Much To Do - (Build A Training Field - (Basic))(5 Materials)
-[] Too Much To Do - (A Bloody Mess)(Serrated Ax)
-[] Too Much To Do - (Digging Holes - (Silver))(4 Materials)
Ok, this should get as many bonuses for our volunteers as possible. The Ashleaf Trees and mines should also give us more Materials, which is important because the turn after the volunteers leave we have to repay the Merchants. I will probably switch (Digging Holes - (Iron) for (Digging Holes - (Jewel) if we don't research new melee or ranged weapons. What we have is so cheap that we don't need the extra price reduction from the ironmine.
I might switch Digging Holes - (Silver) for a Learning Action, depending on what HeroCooky says about the research projects. Silver would be nice because of the Medikits, but I think we could also get them from the Herbalists.
Learning Actions depends on what we want our volunteers to do. Firebombs and smoke bombs would be great for saboteurs, while better weapons would be more suited to ambushers, the crossbow, in particular, would be great for ambushing people.
I might also switch a few things, depending on the answers to Bomrek's questions.
Edit: Switched (Digging Holes - (Iron)) for a Learning action (A Bloody Mess). Next turn we can then get the crossbows and smoke bombs.
Edit2: Switched the Ashleaf Trees for the Jewel mine. That should give us enough Material to buy everything we need next turn. I also added one more Artefact to be sold and one Artefact+our Faithful to boost our Learning action.