We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

Can we recruit them en mass like an imperial guard or is there something preventing mass recruitment?
Can we recruit them en mass like an imperial guard or is there something preventing mass recruitment?
We can but we're trying to do the book first before the flock get's too big and getting their own idea's of what VM wants because it will get big and miscommunication without the book tying up everyone together will abound.
Can we recruit them en mass like an imperial guard or is there something preventing mass recruitment?
They do not occur naturally. They need our power to form and continue to function. So each acts as a power drain when we have very little power input. Plus by the time that becomes less of an obstacle it will probably be entrenched in belief and story that there are not endless swarms but they are elite units for pure maidens, and due to that belief shaping us such belief becomes true. It is why the book is so good right now, we want to shape peoples perception of us before their perception shapes up.
Turn Four - Wild Flailing From All Corners
[X] Plan The Good Book For Good Girls Doing Good Deeds
-[X] Write the Book (DC 50)
--[X] Hero Unit Dana (1 Use Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (2 Uses Left)
-[X] Ears to the Ground (DC 50)
--[X] Manpower Token (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (1 Use Left)
-[X] The Famine Problem Part 3 (DC 50)
--[X] Hero Unit Dana (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Weaving (0 Uses Left)

Business was positively booming! And your business is faith--the nectar of recognition by that which is to that which kinda sorta is only a thing in pretend until it pretends hard enough to become a real thing like all of the other important lies.

In this case though, having a bunch of pretty girls in cute outfits as the champions of the day helps a lot though. Poor Dana seems to be in despair at the whole thing, but you've had good luck reasoning with her! After all, she too is one of those idols that people aspire to be! Martial Glory, a kind heart! The ability to juggle a burgeoning religion between all of the other hats she was wearing!

But seriously, it was honestly just having the pretty girls that seems to have opened the floodgates. Boys desire to be with them! Girls aspire to be like them! Adults grumble about the weather or what's for dinner tonight and grudgingly admit that having food on the table was worth the occasional hassle of dealing with some occasionally odd preaching here and there! That there's no real competition going on and that your first adherents weren't struck down by golden fire may be contributing to your newfound level of success though.

It still stung a bit that you still had to play this silly game of equivocation with a guy who won't even push back. It must be nice to be so huge and successful that you can just ignore the loss of an entire world--even if it's a small frontier, mostly rural world way in the boonies.

For now though, you're still building things up, the more people you have and the more successful you are--the more influence you'll have over events, and that was always the most important thing, right?

[Cult Expansion: 5d12 rolls out to 37. Current progress is 79/100]

More importantly, Dana is making that face she makes again when everything's getting out of hand!

A hop and a skip over a few hours, and…

"You seem stressed" Your image chimes in, splayed out on your Priestess' couch. To her credit, she's finally stopped screaming when you make your appearance--she just sighs and looks up.

"The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me" She complains, waving some meaningless scraps of paper at you. "Would you believe some of the questions I get--no, of course you would, you hear them just as much as I do." She groans and clasps her hands to her face. "It just never, ever ends."

"I'm pretty fond of the ones who are asking when we're going to burst out in an endless tide of green myself!" You supply helpfully. "It's not true but it's a wonderful show of faith!"

"We are not taking over the planet in an endless tide of green" Dana talks you down. "Even if it would solve our problems it would create all kinds of new and interesting ones that are liable to leave us all on fire in the end."

"Don't we want interesting though? Your head tilts at the question. "The status quo does tend to favor our rivals."

"Not when I have to talk people down from doing something stupid in your name." Your image perks up as she continues--raising her voice to counter your kneejerk praise. "We are not a neofeminist revolutionary cell aimed to exterminate the male sex and reign supreme in the cosmos."

"Your point is well taken" You admit after chewing those words over a bit. "That's not one of mine, is it? That's just silly"

"Not anymore, I think he just liked the idea of getting stepped on." Dana sets her papers down. "Despite everything going wrong, I've gotten everything boiled down to three options. Which do you think is the best choice?"

Well, since she's asking...

[Writing the Book: 14 + 10 (Dana) + 10 (Domains: 34/50.]
[Partial Success: One of your two remaining Doctrine Slots may be selected, this action may be retaken at a lower DC anytime before acquiring Cult 1 to attempt to gain the third Doctrine]
Select One Doctrine

[ ] Harvest Witchery:
Cultists of Verdance are gifted in many great secrets of field and seed, capable of feeding the masses even during times of peril and scarcity

[ ] Healers without Borders: The Cult of Verdance expects all initiates to be capable of at least rudimentary first aid, many have also mastered the deeper arts of surgery and pharmaceuticals to provide medical care to anyone and anything that comes to their door.

[ ] Weavers of Life: The Arts of the Biologis have always been the largely forgotten branch of man's sciences, but the Cult of Verdance has embraced this technique, and create wonders and terrors alike with organic materials given time and a need to work.


While Dana did her heroic work hashing together some kind of coherent holy book for the Cult, you found yourself flitting between the lay acolytes who have openly entered the community, seeking to do goodly deeds in your name--as is proper.

Of course, they're a little bit enthusiastic about it, and speak more than is really comfortable--especially since most people aren't actually comfortable about the idea of a lady spirit who helps with harvest and defense of that harvest alike.

Still, your disciples are earnest and helpful enough that it never turns into any distrust or hate. They're just… Endearingly weird and kind of spooking some people off from giving a closer look to your weird fey ways.

You thought you were doing a pretty good job playing along, why are they calling you Fey anyway?

[Ear to the Ground: 36 + 10 (Domain): 46/50]
[Partial Success: Your cultists are considered part of the community--if maybe a bit weird and fey for complete comfort. You will now be able to notice actions being taken by the government as they move--though you lack penetration into anything hooked in enough to give you much advanced intel]

Most importantly of all?

The famine is Finally under control.

The next harvest had just enough people coming around between Dana's impassioned plea, the prior successes, and your allies applying pressure on the neutrals who applied pressure on the conservatives who realized that nobody actually wanted to end up i na position where they are the best source of protein and nourishment in the room of a bunch of hungry people.

Several wide crop rotations are negotiated, and if it's perhaps a little closer than you're comfortable with in a few glitches covered by your supplemental farms? It still works in the end.

People aren't going to starve anymore!

Well, unless something blows up or burns the fields… Flayers don't do that though, do they?

[The Famine Problem Part Three: 29 + 20 (Dana +10, Domain +10: 49/50

['Good Enough' Success: Your Resilience point is traded in to bring overall food supply into the black. The system is still tender and ripe for collapse if the wrong shock is delivered, but people probably won't starve now--yay!]

The governor still seems to be antsy about you and yours, the Flayers are continuing to keep their heads down--and nothing else flew in from out of the darkness to assert dominance.

You think things are going just fine! May they all go this way in the future!

[Governor Hostility Roll: 57: Governor Magistrix is leery at your Cult's growing influence, and has made some noises about bringing it to heel in the future--but no concrete action has bee ntaken yet--even if he retained his house guards, he'd struggle to beat your own forces with the addition of the Flower Knights.]

[Flayers: 25 - 10: 15: The Flayers keep their heads down, the few exceptions getting their heads cut off by the Knights before they can do any real damage.]

[Anything?: 65--Nope]

Eradicate the Flayer Menace (PRIMARY)
Establish your Cult (PRIMARY)
Ensure a famine does not break out on Equinox (SECONDARY)
Minimize damage inflicted to the people of Equinox (SECONDARY)
You are a Scope 1 God (1/3 Tales to Scope 2)
You currently have 3 Tokens of Favor
You have 1 Heroic Cultist
You have a Rank 0 Cult, giving you 1 Manpower Token

Preaching Actions:
[ ] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
-[ ] (Attached Cult Tokens)
-[ ] (Available Domains: Connection)
You should make a splash you think, have Dana do some strong preaching, maybe give her a bit of a nudge here and there? Just generally really show the non-existent flag around.

[ ] Write the Book Part 2. (DC 30)

-[ ] (Attached Cult Tokens)
-[ ] (Available Domains: Connection)
Confusion and odd statements from your lay followers notwithstanding, you should push Dana to finish her work with this, having a little control over how people think of you is better than just assuming it won't turn out to be something silly and embarrassing.

Infiltration Actions

[ ] Ears on the Spire (DC 75)
-[ ] (Attached Cult Tokens)
-[ ] (Available Domains: Connection)
Dana's family seems to be making troubling noises, and that's... Not such a good thing considering that they're the ones who can declare the populace in rebellion and get everyone killed when the Assassins are dispatched, you should try to see if you can find some brave folk to slip up there and just... Keep tabs on things, you know?

Charity Actions

[ ] Good Works (DC 50)
-[ ] (Attached Cult Tokens)
-[ ] (Available Domains: Connection)
The best way to become popular as a god is to have your followers do nice things in your name. You do nice things for people and people do nice things for you, that's just the basics of how civilization works, is it not? That's the idea anyway

Kinetic Actions

[ ] Reconnaissance in extreme force (DC 75) (1 Manpower Token Required to open up)

-[ ] (Attached Cult Tokens)
-[ ] (Available Domains: Weaving, Endurance, Death)
The first deployment of the Flower Knights was a success story--and it seems to have the enemy spooked. Maybe you should send them in again to see if you can spook them even more? Decisions decisions...
"Amazing, a turn where literally everyone on the board failed to significantly advance their agenda."

Which is why you don't really have any new choices at this point, the last turn rolled out to be something of a wash for everyone involved, you ticked over a few outstanding projects though and got a pretty good cult expansion roll but mostly just sort of were part of the pile of fail that turned this turn into a full out comedy hour routine but had the advantage of the momentum your rolling body already had to get something done really slowly.

So, uh, enjoy your free turn? Hopefully this kind of thing doesn't last...
I suggest we take one of these for our doctrine:
[ ] Harvest Witchery: Cultists of Verdance are gifted in many great secrets of field and seed, capable of feeding the masses even during times of peril and scarcity
[ ] Healers without Borders: The Cult of Verdance expects all initiates to be capable of at least rudimentary first aid, many have also mastered the deeper arts of surgery and pharmaceuticals to provide medical care to anyone and anything that comes to their door.

They're going to be easier to swallow for the average person than messing around with biology the way weavers of life does. If we're going to grab that one, and given our domains I'm honestly not sure we need our mortals playing around with biology, I'd rather we take it as our last slot.
Well, this sort of thing never lasts; it's usually either we advance or someone else does; nothing truly stagnates.
First, I would like to retract a statement I made earlier.
It's not like we could've reached the next level without a really good roll on Aggressive Expansion,
Because holy cow did I underestimate the bonus we got from taking care of the Flayers. I thought it was just +1D12 like a miracle, but NOPE! We got a whoppin' 4 extra rolls out of it, and an Angressive expansion very much could've tipped us over the edge.

So, um, sorry about that people.

[ ] Healers without Borders: The Cult of Verdance expects all initiates to be capable of at least rudimentary first aid, many have also mastered the deeper arts of surgery and pharmaceuticals to provide medical care to anyone and anything that comes to their door.
Also definitely in favour of this. Particularly the part where we will heal anything that asks us for help.

With the sweet poison called kindness we shall eliminate our foes.
I'm more inclined towards Healers without Borders. Not only does it scratch my itch of being a good god, but it's the option that will likely generate the most goodwill.
so i say we take write the book again so we have the chance to get those nice 3 doctrines out of it before our next cult growth has us become to large for that
Are we going to get another chance to choose these specific doctrines, or will they be rerolled when we get another?
Select One Doctrine

[ ] Harvest Witchery:
Cultists of Verdance are gifted in many great secrets of field and seed, capable of feeding the masses even during times of peril and scarcity

[ ] Healers without Borders: The Cult of Verdance expects all initiates to be capable of at least rudimentary first aid, many have also mastered the deeper arts of surgery and pharmaceuticals to provide medical care to anyone and anything that comes to their door.

[ ] Weavers of Life: The Arts of the Biologis have always been the largely forgotten branch of man's sciences, but the Cult of Verdance has embraced this technique, and create wonders and terrors alike with organic materi
My thoughts on the doctrine options:

1) Food is good, and is actually the likely candidate for enforced doctrine adoption if we don't get the Book off the ground. Inquisiton is likely to complain on subverting people by pandering to their base nature

2) Healing is also good, and not something we have really dipped into just yet. Inquisiton is likely to tell horror stories of us as the second coming of Dark Eldar torturer-surgeons or smth.

3) Genetic Engineering. Really potent, will have Inquisiton double down on the "second coming of Nurgle" angle, and is probably the high risk high reward option.

All things considered, including our other known doctrine... Genetic Engineering will give us a more combative bent as Battle Maidens will feed into it as a known angle we took with geneengineering, Healing will give us something of an enforced neutrality angle of healing and protection, and Farming will be... Something something my brain refuses to tell me aaargh.

[x] Healers without Borders
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So we can not retake the choices? Those few missing points feels like its taunting us! For the book, I much prefer the healers option.
well for this turn and last turn almost all our rolls were around 30 so... hopefully the trend brakes?

[X] Healers without Borders

Also this.... granted it will probably bite us in the ass every once and awhile as it does sound like something someone WILL take advantage of at some point (It's 40k, everything comes around a screws over everyone at some point) but it would probably be a great boon for us overall as it would be harder for us to be demonized letting us settle in easier as well as being a kind of unique trait in the 40k universe. Plus since we are sort of a spawn of nergal gaining that nigh unstoppable resilience even if we're achieving it through different means just feels right.
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Gotta finish the book as the life weavers option looks nifty and versatile as fuck, although for now we should probably grab the healers without borders one. Harvest Witchery doesn't really grant anything Life Weavers doesn't.
[x] Healers without Borders

We can go full-on Splicers/Guyver after we get the planet under control and the Inquisition is less likely to hear about us.
[x] Healers without Borders
We can go full-on Splicers/Guyver after we get the planet under control and the Inquisition is less likely to hear about us.
Ehhh, we'll be well beyond the size cap before that, at which point we won't be able to take the action anymore, the cult will be too large. That's a next turn option
we are voting for a plan aswell as the doctrine keep that in mind. i say we take the book again and try to get 3 doctrines out of it before we likely grow to a to large cult next turn. besides that ear on the spire and good works?
Also this.... granted it will probably bite us in the ass every once and awhile as it does sound like something someone WILL take advantage of at some point
Undoubtedly. I can think of many many assholes who would gleefully take advantage of this specifically to put us into hot water with their enemies.
[X] Healers without Borders

So since we also need a plan to go along with our doctrine:

[X] Plan Practice As You Preach
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Manpower Token (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (2 Uses Left)
-[X] Write the Book (DC 30)
--[X] Hero Unit: Dana (1 Use Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (1 Use Left)
-[X] Good Works (DC 50)
--[X] Hero Unit: Dana (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (0 Uses Left)

Write the book is a no-brainer I think we're all in favour for, plus with both Dana and Favour we only have a 10% chance of failure. Meanwhile, aggressive preaching all but guarantees we get Cult Level 1, which will give us an additional action and probably unlock some more stuf.

Finally, as we pick up Healers without borders as our doctrine, now is the perfect time to go out and conduct some good works(healing). For fluff reasons I orignally wanted that to be a manpower action (have it be our common members who do the good deeds), but the odds of it working are too small to not dedicate Dana to it. I'll just have to imagine that she also has a decent chunk of our cult behind her as she works.

Also, every option is only affected by a single Domain, which makes spending Favour easy to decide.
[X] Weavers of Life

[X] Plan Practice As You Preach
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Manpower Token (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (2 Uses Left)
-[X] Write the Book (DC 30)
--[X] Hero Unit: Dana (1 Use Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (1 Use Left)
-[X] Good Works (DC 50)
--[X] Hero Unit: Dana (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (0 Uses Left)

Huh, I'd been just about to post a plan with the exact same choices beyond name, figured I'd check the thread first and what do we have? Apparently I need to pick up my game. :V
I'm really not comfortable putting off the Necrons for another turn.
This should give us the tools to actually do something about the Necrons next turn when they inevitably set something on fire. As is, we don't really have sufficient tools to actually do jack squat about them.
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