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@DragonParadox, can we visit the slave markets again?
Actually I think he kind of has a point, although I don't think mind rape is the solution, what we need is a helm of opposite alignment, and criminals donning it should be voluntary, but having all criminals sentenced to execution, get a divination of what afterlife they're destined for, and offering those who are destined for undesirable afterlives such as the Lower planes, the opportunity to choose death of personality, though things like a Helm of opposite alignment or even mind rape, would be kinder than executing them.There is a difference between what you order directly and what happens "naturally"; we can hardly take responsibility for the entire world. We should do what we can to avoid stuff like that, but unless you think we should soul gem anyone we execute then the Abyss will have to keep until we have the Imperial deity set up.
That's not how which afterlife you go to work, you aren't judged and sent to an afterlife based on the judgement, elemental alignment, simply has an attraction effect on souls with the same alignment in them, so the Abyss attract CE, Heaven attract LG, and Limbo attract TN, altering a beings mind is altering what elemental alignment is in their soul, and so altering which afterlife they're naturally pulled towards.Just because something has been reprogrammed to be "Good", or at least not a malignancy upon the face of reality, doesn't mean it's past deeds don't already condemn it to the Abyss. I think it might be worse for such a creature, since they're now Good but are going to end up in the Abyss anyway. DP has long since ruled that spells like Atonement don't exist in this setting, so I doubt the Alignment-altering properties of Mind Rape would be any more allowed to affect a being's ultimate fate.
Yeah mind rape isn't a way to save someone, but if you could get ahold of a cheap way to mass cast it, it's a way to provide oblivion, to souls who would otherwise go to the Lower planes, where they would be tortured until they ceased to exist, so if we had an easy way to provide it, to criminals who get the death sentence, I would want to offer it on a voluntary basic, so criminals could choose oblivion over eternal torture.They would not have to redeem themselves, they would be a different person metaphysically... and possibility horrified to the point of self-destruction at how they came to be. There is a reason you don't use and evil spell to make people good.
Would this work @DragonParadox, or are the old gods against having souls just passing though their afterlife, even if said souls pay for the trip?
Maybe we can just try for the curious Archmage routine? Powerful enough to go where we want when we want, powerful enough to do so with a minimum of fuss, and with the wealth needed to participate in a high end auction. We don't have to be representatives of a foreign power, a cabal of mages, or even a transformed Dragon. Just a Human looking to buy some lore.
Okay alternative way, instead of sending souls though the Greendream, if we grow soulless bodies in the Fungus/Flesh Forge, and have said bodies there at the Heart Tree while an undead sacrifice itself, can they transfer the undeads soul into the soulless body, while using the surplus boon energy(if there are any) to grow reagents?They are against it. It would seriously damage the tranquility of the Grendream if used on mass.
Okay alternative way, instead of sending souls though the Greendream, if we grow soulless bodies in the Fungus/Flesh Forge, and have said bodies there at the Heart Tree while an undead sacrifice itself, can they transfer the undeads soul into the soulless body, while using the surplus boon energy(if there are any) to grow reagents?
So it need a research option, the old gods can't just drag the soul halfway into the Greendream, then spit it out into the soulless body, before it can disturb the tranquility of the Greendream?That is both doable and there is a research option for it, developing a ritual to raise the ancient dead when you have their souls. Just keep in mind that not all of them will be sane or present enough to take the option.
I feel like you are setting us up to get into more trouble than needed here.Depending on how @DragonParadox wants to play it, Metatron was an important leader on Mt. Celestia before the Sundering who kept important records. There's virtually no chance he isn't either dead or presumed such/gone missing, so that's why it will be regarded as an alias.
Keep in mind, the reason this is even a vote to begin with is if we are someone faceless, we are going to have just as much scrutiny, or more likely MORE scrutiny if we are too forgettable.I feel like you are setting us up to get into more trouble than needed here.
Did we not agree that it's just a quick in-and-out trip?
Meant not to pick up the attention of anyone, even pointedly not going for the best bids out there if those are bet on by more dangerous locals?
[X] Craft a reasonable one-use persona, using all necessary precautions.
I don't feel like this is much of a "I should do fewer of 'write-up'-votes", DP![]()
Honestly, I would not mind meeting them... but now's not a good time, I guess.Masquerading as a goddamn Planetar or a Solar is way more conspicuous than I'm comfortable with. Are you trying to get us a private meeting with the Infernal general stationed in Heaven's Shore?
[X] egoo
It does not direct the nature of the scrutiny in a good way at all. The last group of powerful Good Outsiders to pass through was Lucan's group, and they were ferried into a direct meeting with the top brass running this place specifically because of how odd it was that there were unaccounted for angels of that level of power in their ranks.Keep in mind, the reason this is even a vote to begin with is if we are someone faceless, we are going to have just as much scrutiny, or more likely MORE scrutiny if we are too forgettable.
Picking a guise is to direct the nature of that scrutiny and provide a cover if necessary. @DragonParadox can back me on that.
I don't feel like this is much of a "I should do fewer of 'write-up'-votes", DP![]()