- Location
- florida
According to the map we have some pretty substantial gardens around dragons roost.
Hm. What would we even put in there? Phase spiders? Dinosaurs?

Maybe we can get some of these things.
According to the map we have some pretty substantial gardens around dragons roost.
Yeah, but those gardens will pale in comparison of both scope and quality.According to the map we have some pretty substantial gardens around dragons roost.
Hm. What would we even put in there? Phase spiders? Dinosaurs?
Maybe we can get some of these things.
Use bard and don't draw attention to it.Does anybody know of a template that gives perform as a skill?
Oddly enough bard creature template doesn't do that...
Excellent. We'll have the best wards ever. Ideally we can start poking around for Celestial and Fiendish wards but I honestly doubt we'll get access to those in a timely fashion, so Genie wards it is.Sounds feasible, though it will take research to ensure everything is layered into a coherent whole.
Regarding the Imperial Gardens, we're thinking a seamless blend of Prime Material and Extra-Planar creatures, right? For Prime Material I can dig up all the best exotic animals you'd keep in a garden (no predators, unfortunately). Between Westeros, Essos, Sothoryos, and the Summer Islands there are plenty of things that'd look great. Exotic birds, monkeys, tiny dinosaurs, etc.We used to make buildings with a discount of between 90% and 99% of the nominal construction cost, and we buy most metals at 1/1000th the price. Add to that that we can make literally impossible things, like making stained glass windows out of pure and perfect gemstones the size of a grown man...
The nominal value of the building itself, without land price, will probably be in the range between 40 and 400 billion €. Which isn't even taking into account the value of all those parks and gardens.
Which reminds me that we need to add a small legion of Leshy gardeners, truly exotic animals and so on and so forth.
Considering the size of everything, we could include a few closed predator habitats.Regarding the Imperial Gardens, we're thinking a seamless blend of Prime Material and Extra-Planar creatures, right? For Prime Material I can dig up all the best exotic animals you'd keep in a garden (no predators, unfortunately). Between Westeros, Essos, Sothoryos, and the Summer Islands there are plenty of things that'd look great. Exotic birds, monkeys, tiny dinosaurs, etc.
Smart well-fed predator guards sound great. 👍 They'll keep the animals and the guests in line.Considering the size of everything, we could include a few closed predator habitats.
Though I'm more in favour of making smart predators that double as security, such as a large school of Tuogou's living in the waters.
Also, Magebred and Advanced for everyone!
Your company is blocking Imgur?That's great... IF ONLY I COULD SEE IT!
Damned company firewalls!
Any popular image hosting site, really. It'd have to be preeetty obscure.
This one?Any popular image hosting site, really. It'd have to be preeetty obscure.
Nope...This one?
It tanks the quality and resolution, but should get the point across.
Woah! Back from the depths of Romanian anarchy!
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.Treasures Beyond Price
First Day of the First Month 294 AC
The turning of the year is heralded with an air of frantic anticipation, with light and song and olive branches, or so the bards would sing. There are all those things, it is true, but also more drinking to go with the feasting you paid for across the realm and somewhat overworked lawmen for when the drinking gets out of hand. In Sorcerer's Deep, the fey are out in force, louder and brighter than ever before, none more so than the mischief makers out to make a name for themselves, many apparently looking to catch Glyra's eye. There was a thought that would have once sent a chill down your spine... these days, well it's more of a cool breeze.
There will doubtless be more chaos abroad tonight thanks to them, but the targets will at least somewhat deserve it in some shape or form, and the worst that is likely to come of it is broken bones. The Sealord follows your gaze over the head of a veiled Djinn merchant to the wicked-eyed fey juggling flaming balls with a rueful look that says louder than words: Better you than me.
Of course there is a celebration in Braavos also, lanterns hung upon the prows of serpent boats, and in Volantis banners of black and crimson hang upon the ancient walls. So it is in Tyrosh, where the Red Priests raise praise to R'hllor the Red, in Myr where the Glassmakers' Guild had set to spinning bright figures of glass in all manner of fanciful shapes, and in Lys where the forge-guardians move freely through the streets draped in flowers. Even in Lorath, newly accepted into the realm, and distant Sallosh, you had made coin available to pay for festivities to mark the day and you do not regret spending a single penny of it.
Lost 100,000 IM
Although for Sorcerer's Deep this celebration may seem akin to the tourney three months prior, this is far more, it is the Empire's Day more than it is yours, and you have never been prouder for it, a warm comforting feeling in your chest that you would say is your heart if you did not know that in draconic form it would be the fundamantum, seat of one's breath and elemental power. Generally a feeling associated with a dragon beholding his or her hoard...
"Try not to fall asleep atop it now, that would be awkward to explain," Varys hisses slyly in your thoughts. Traitor that she is, she also projected the thought aloud, to judge from Dany's giggle and the smiles on Garin, Lya, and even Vee's faces. Ser Richard manages to maintain his composure, though from the gleam in his eye you suspect a hard-fought battle.
Jests aside, you are very much awake amd standing in front of the mirror projector, aware that countless citizens are watching across the realm through newly installed mirrors. At your left sits Embra Rebys, more than happy to help spread glad tidings in silvered glass, and to your right the Sealord, the Governor General in the formal parlance of the wider Empire.
Much had changed since that day you and Dany had come to present yourselves before him for the first time, though not perhaps from the day you had gone into voluntary exile from Braavos. That had been the day Ferrengo Antaryon had begin to see you as something more than just another player of the game of kings and princes, an ally to be trusted. More than that perhaps, you would go so far as to call him a friend as much as your respective positions allow.
You begin with the matter of security: "The recent troubles affecting sailing and shipping have not escaped my notice, and we will soon have viable responses to sudden and inclement weather that strikes upon the more vulnerable southern and northern routes, even despite use of divination to ensure safe travel." Continuing with a figment illustrated presentation of the Moonchaser and Wyverns, including the cheaper Hastati variant of the craft that is to be providing much of the aerial security of the Empire without sacrificing combat power. The more common Princeps variant had already contributed significantly to the War of the Three Spheres, particularly considering the relative newness of the design.
"Goodness yes, you do have a gift for understatement," Embra says cheerfully. "On the time scale the war has been fought it would be as if hmm... someone designed and built an entirely new sort of ship between one of your sunsets and sunrises."
"High praise, and I thank you for it, my lady, though it is more properly delivered to Wisdom Lya and the other Scholarum mages who made it posibile, mingling old lore from this world and beyond with new innovation. We have forgotten much from past ages, it cannot be denied, but through hard work and perseverance we may yet remember much of it and add to it new arts undreamed."
The discussion continues in that vein, with the Sealord asking many of the questions you would have expected from him, matters of cost, maintenance and, infrastructure. He may not be any sort of military commander, but he has a fine eye for logistics, even arcane logistics, that leaves Embra almost shocked, though you doubt most people watching would be able to tell.
The next bit of news you deliver is likely to have less of an immediate impact on the lives of many citizens, though you suspect it will be more spoken of: "Many of you might have been subject to a moment of panic earlier in the last month, when a vibrant display of light flashed across the sky, prismatic and shifting colors. Worry not, for this is as much a cause for celebration as anything else. A guardian of life, an architect of innovation, and a stalwart friend to the realm has made their official entrance to the world stage."
You then go over some of the efforts Zathir has involved himself with, from creating a culture of education in Sorcerer's Deep that has contributed to making it one of the most comfortable, equitable, and wealthy places to live, as well as among the safest, along with the ways those innovations will spread to other parts of the Empire in the months and years to come.
From there you expand from the segment seamlessly into the efforts to raise the Sept of Reconciliation, the Seven Swords bearing spell-steel for a moment present in illusory seeming. Lastly, you linger upon the efforts earlier this month between the Scholarum, Volantis, and the Red Faith in cleansing the fire-tainted manse of the malice that had cost so many lives, as well as hopeful efforts to rebuild it into a library, that the light of knowledge may shine in place of devouring flames.
Of course, preserving knowledge is well and good, but you need people who can make use of it and that means education on what would have previously been an unimaginable scale. For the sake of the landowners, you go over the numbers, explaining how the extensive use of ritual lore requires fewer working hands in the fields.
The youth of today, you explain, will have more opportunities to improve themselves in ways that were previously unavailable to them, and of course many doors opening due to state recruitment. A small part of you wonders if you look a touch absurd talking about 'the youth', being barely more than seven and ten yourself, but it has been a while since someone who is not a dragon, deathless spirit... or the Sealord called you young.
From there you go on to outline several improvements to the realm's fiscal policy made over the last several months, as well as the opening of recent branches of Astral Currents and its effect on the winds of trade, from actual percentages to those who can follow the terms to more tangible benefits, goods that have been made available in different parts of the realm, almost common these days, when before they could be somewhat rare. All this, you hasten to add, was not done through mighty sorcery for the most part, though that contributed somewhat, but the sheer organization and logistics behind it all, directing trade with such ease as never before.
In regards to foreign policy, you outline some of the ongoing negotiations between Lorath, Saath, and Omber, the warm welcome from even as far south as the Summer Isles and entwined fortunes of Ibben, to the arrival of the Trade Fleet to the port of Yin.
Furthermore, you also spend some time discussing improving relations with some of the realms of Marid and the injection of skilled workers from Vialesk and other parts yet unknown to the world, going over their culture somewhat with the help of Embra. Though she had not studied the realms of the sea-born as much as others, she has come prepared for the discussion today, presenting expert accounts of their culture and history in a manner that is neither overwhelming nor alien to most of your watchers. In fact, you suspect many people might find Omber stranger than Vialesk when this is done. You conclude with an account of your own diplomatic efforts with Armun Kelisk and the Opaline Throne, institutions trading technical knowledge and research already shared.
Lastly, you thank Embra and the Sealord for their presence and of course their efforts in helping to build all that you have just spoken of a reality. "And thank you all, citizens of the realm for all you have done to build the Empire we are all a part of, and all that you shall no doubt do in the days to come."
What do you do next?
[] Write in
OOC: The palace did not fit in this update but it will be covered. There is some really cool fluff there. Not yet edited.