I love when we do this crazy stuff. Shows that Viserys is still a young man.

And also that we don't really take Westeros seriously any more
It's literally our playground.
Hopefully we can play this off in a way that minimizes how much the guy we're trying to talk to pays attention to this. Depending on what this guy's sense of humor is like he could easily take this as an indication of how seriously we take him.

Obviously we don't take him that seriously, but we don't want him to notice that.
I love when we do this crazy stuff. Shows that Viserys is still a young man.

And also that we don't really take Westeros seriously any more
Well, what do you expect when nobody on the entire continent is more then a mild annoyance?

Ultimately, Westeros is just an inconveniently large chunk of free real-estate that went unconquered so far because doctors agree that young Imperium's should not swallow failed countries larger then themselves in one sitting.
If there is one good thing about Westeros it is that Viserys can have fun there when he wants to.

Man if Viserys wasn't a ruler he could just make stories for a living. Perhaps acting or just traveling.
Well, what do you expect when nobody on the entire continent is more then a mild annoyance?

Ultimately, Westeros is just an inconveniently large chunk of free real-estate that went unconquered so far because doctors agree that young Imperium's should not swallow failed countries larger then themselves in one sitting.
It's also a Petri dish for fey and alien monsters to train themselves against religious fanatics in. Even if we didn't want to conquer it, leaving it to self governance would be a bad idea.
If there is one good thing about Westeros it is that Viserys can have fun there when he wants to.

Man if Viserys wasn't a ruler he could just make stories for a living. Perhaps acting or just traveling.
Yes, he could make a living as literally any trade, by faking being a master of that trade.

Seriously, he could pretend to be, oh I don't know, a master blacksmith. Even make some basic enchanted weapons through rituals. :V

Or, for instance, pretend to be a world famous bard, and then actually become world famous. As a fake-ass bard.

He can make any mask he wears 100% authentic and real if he wears it enough.
Obviously we don't take him that seriously, but we don't want him to notice that.
Well, Viserys can just smile and say "I try to enjoy myself in between solving literally everyone's problems." Seriously, can you blame the guy? If you just extrapolate from all that we've accomplished in nine months since the Conquest of Tyrosh, he is a young King going full-bore 24/7 and never slowing down. And Viserys... had a good laugh at nobody's expense without acting in a way that would cause Lord Ashford to lose face.

Even if it's clear Viserys isn't taking this tournament seriously, there's literally zero indication that anything happening is worth taking seriously. As far as Viserys should be assured, Lord Ashford is a diehard loyalist who fought on his side in the rebellion. Obviously both Viserys and Lord Ashford know its more nuanced than that in truth, but without any obvious bad blood between our Houses, at this point it is just quibbling over how loyal he will be to the Targs. Does his loyalty end at the Tyrells?

It's not a good look if it does, because the Tyrells are in the dog house. We've floated enough information of their doings to prominent Reacher Lords at this point that people shouldn't bother pointing at Mace to Viserys and go "ask him". The authority Mace has is literally sand slipping through his fingers at this point.
How big is this tournament anyway? Like who is here exactly? Any of our supporters here? Anyone that is thinking about joining us or going against us?
How big is this tournament anyway? Like who is here exactly? Any of our supporters here? Anyone that is thinking about joining us or going against us?
We'll probably find out tomorrow from @DragonParadox.

The thing about the Reach, is you've got a few different flavors of "Loyalist".

There's people who are surprisingly loyal who we just haven't poked our heads towards at all, but have absolutely zero qualms about swearing fealty to us without any conditions attached.

And then you've got people who, while not mercenary about their loyalty (you're less likely to see straight up Frey-ish-ness in that regard, Reachers also have to guard their prestige and reputation jealously against their rivals) they are certainly less than enthusiastic to support us without some conditions or a few qualms to talk about first.

And then you have people like the Tyrells who would stab us in the back the minute it became convenient to them because they are thirsty AF when it comes to accomplishing their ambitions. You have to hold those ones at arms length because they are also impulsive.
Man I hope that Ser Geralt and Buttercup become the in-universe answer to the Dread Pirate Roberts - a title we pass down to someone to accumulate fame until they in turn pass them on to other worthies.
We can make a CR 15 Black Knight and a Shapechanged Leshy sorcerer bard. A d they can travel around as renowned knights.
I don't know what's going to be funnier. The utter betrayal on someone's face who is a huge fan of Buttercup discovering Buttercup is just a false cover, the baffled surprise at discovering it is actually us, Viserys Targaryen, or the supreme disappointment at the knowledge that Viserys isn't actually a renaissance man who can sing and play an instrument in addition to all of the other things he does, and actually in fact is a filthy cheater who cheats.
Ironically, Perform is one of the few skills he doesn't possess himself.
[X] Ser Geralt and the Slaying of the Ice Fey at the Edge of the World

Too bad we can't sing about the time he slew the hero killer demon mount within a single second or against the mythic devil champion in a one on one duel.
[X] Ser Geralt and the Slaying of the Ice Fey at the Edge of the World

Too bad we can't sing about the time he slew the hero killer demon mount within a single second or against the mythic devil champion in a one on one duel.
Or the time he time he ganked a CR 19 Serpentfolk Archmage that was hiding 20 feet inside a stone wall.
Man I hope that Ser Geralt and Buttercup become the in-universe answer to the Dread Pirate Roberts - a title we pass down to someone to accumulate fame until they in turn pass them on to other worthies.

Seems like a good cover for eventual children to go out and explore the world with.

Honestly I expect these shenanigans to end with an invitation to the Red Keep. We'll have to take our harp, and over our performance, gradually revert to our true appearance. See how long it takes people to notice.