Has Yss' temple in tyrosh been build yet btw becouse i don't think it's ever been mentioned again. what types of hydra do we have again?
Has Yss' temple in tyrosh been build yet btw becouse i don't think it's ever been mentioned again. what types of hydra do we have again?
Yes it's been built. It hasn't been mentioned because it's not that important a detail.

As for Hydras, we have a standard hydra type which has been enhanced by Yss to be able to live outside of swamps.
[X] Azel

Curious, should we send a expedition group with Argos to explore Loraths' various labyrinths?
I have to admit I find it a bit weird that she's so invested in the forge-internal politics.
Unlike the other players in this game she has a lot of value outside the forge, she's a dragonrider, she can do Diplo and Intrigue actions, she's even the kind of person we'd trust with regular holdings and titles outside of her field of magic.

Basically she has half a dozen ways to gain our favor, why would she be so concerned with the internal hierarchy in the Fleshforge where she spends only a fraction of her time and competes against full-time made scientists?
Because she is used to being a leader and top achiever in all she does. The idea of just settling for not being top-dog in something she cares about is alien to her.

And it's supposed to be weird. Her motivations aren't rational in this. She has her issues, due to her history and the loss of her entire homeland, and this is how they manifest.
Possibly because her personal interests in terms of magic are really wrapped up in internal forge politics, but also more likely because he needed to have some kind dysfunction to balance out the more blatant and unbalanced ones that the others displayed. For her, it is needless politicking and scheming where none is truly manifesting because the ostensible leader in charge of overall efforts' official policy on office politics are "don't".
It seems more that I'm going against some established head-canon for some people when fleshing out a character that barely got any spotlight so far.
More chapters about the depravity of Lady Elaheh are always a welcomed sight in my book.

And that viewpoint, ouch, Lady Saenena you need to get yourself some well-deserved break. Relax, take a chill and have a good time with your family. That's what kids are for. God Knows that that's what Viserys' gonna do.
Didn't we get a rumor post about the Labyrinth at one point? IIRC, something strange came out of it?
Those Who Walk the Path: News out of Lorath that would have been dismissed as foolishness in earlier years but is given far more credence in this age of marvels. Men have emerged from the heart of the maze claiming to be the lost eunuch priests of the Blind God who had found the Path of Enlightenment, which is the key to all mazes and riddles of life. They freely offer soothsaying and healing to a grateful people while the magisters fume in their palaces. It is doubtful the current state of affairs can last for long.

this post from a long while ago
7th month 292 to be precise
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Emerald Storm: A noxious green cloud spewing multicolored lightning has moved out of the Smoking Sea in the past months. It has been spotted many times by ships plying the open ocean. Of those ships that fall under its shadow nothing is heard of again

is this still a thing? this is a rumour from the 6th month 290 ish so i was wondering if this cloud was still around and that we'd need to deal with it at some point. or at least send someone to do so
Mess with Illithid psionics and insult the Elder Brain when they try to read it's mind?

Also yeah @DragonParadox, what happened to those guys who went out of Lorath's maze?

They never came out, but there have bene rumors of priests of Bhorash around.

Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Mar 5, 2020 at 9:24 AM, finished with 92 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Meet with the Harvest Prince and the Fisher Prince at the same time.
    -[X] The core offer is simple. Peaceful integration into the Imperium with all the benefits that entails, such as economic stimulus packages.
    --[X] In particular, promise them to invest in the Bay of Lorath area, increasing local economic activity and thus strengthening the city itself as the focal point of this trade.
    --[X] Point out that if they join, you will be the one (or your council at least) to arbitrate conflicts between Braavos and Lorath. You are not promising preferential treatment or anything, but they can expect disagreements to be arbitrated and resolved in a speedy and final fashion, entirely without the need for violence.
    --[X] Otherwise they obviously get the agrarian care package of rituals and Leshies to prop up their economy. You can also negotiate a deal with local Triton tribes on their behalf for maritime endeavors.
    -[X] The political system will be reformed in the following way:
    --[X] The Three Princes will act as the Governor of Lorath, making decisions by simple majority. You will help them picking a good successor for the third spot if they want, or stay out of it, depending on their wishes.
    --[X] The Humble Assembly will be dissolved.
    ---[X] Hereditary land-owners will be awarded the corresponding feudal titles as vassals of Lorath. That means they gain more autonomy in their own holdings while loosing influence on Lorath at large.
    ---[X] The guilds are getting shafted, but they will remain an important power-block in the new Imperial council that replaces the assembly. Sell it to the lower rungs of the guilds as a way for them to bypass the guildmasters on their path to power and watch them flock to the idea.
    ---[X] The appointed members get completely shafted. If they are worth caring about, they will have a shot at a council position. If not, then why bother pandering to them?
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Hunter Jellyfish; CR 7
N Huge Magical Beast (aquatic)
Init +7;
Senses blindsight 120 ft.; darkvision 60 ft.; watersense 60 ft.; low-light vision

AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +7 natural, –2 size)
hp 94(9d10 + 45)
Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +4

Speed swim 80 ft.
Melee 2x Claw+13 (2d6+19; 19-20/x2)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.

Str 24, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 4
Base Atk +9
Feats Power Attack, Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Greater Overrun, Improved Critical (Claw), Improved Natural Attack (Claw)
Skills Escape Artist +11, Perception +11, Stealth +3, Swim +19; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +10 Escape Artist, +10 Stealth
SQ Jet

Poison (Ex)

The skin of the Hunter Jellyfish and it's claws are coated in nettle cells, making it dangerous to touch it. Any creature attacking a Hunter Jellyfish with natural attacks, grappling it or otherwise touching it with bare skin is affected by it's poison. Likewise, the claws of the jellyfish carry the poison too.
Contact; save Fort DC 19; frequency 1/round for 1d6 rounds; effect 1d6 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The DC of the save is Constitution-based.

Jet (Ex)
A Hunter Jellyfish can press water through it's body to propel itself forward once per round as a full-round action at a speed equal to four times its swim speed. It must move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.

Watersense (Ex)
Hunter Jellyfish can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with water.

This is the baseline version. The usual modifications would be making it Mighty, or stacking Advanced an Druid Creature so that it can get the spell Venomfire.