Friendly Spider-Fish Abomination
- Location
- Formerly of the Far Realm
LOL, check it out. The tally can include pictures! 

Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Feb 9, 2020 at 4:18 PM, finished with 45 posts and 14 votes.
[X] Team Viserys keep to the plan to deal with the temple first, that is the heart of their power.
-[X] Team Vee will halt Elemental Summoning for the time being. Instead, escorted by Team Minotaur, the Adamantine Golem, and Team Havoc's as of yet undeployed Nekro-Kraken (now under Maester Qyburn's direct control), will make their way close enough to the dimensional breach into the Dreamlands that Vee can attempt to seal it using her Dimensional Lock spells. Their Fireflies and Glass Golems will be used to spring traps rather than attempting to bypass them, where possible.
-[X] Team Yss, while still in reserve, prepares to intervene should more Nightmare Dragons exit the dimensional breach before it can be closed.
-[X] Team Malarys:
--[X] Malarys will use his Reached Sacramental Seal spell to imprison the Stunned Nightmare Dragon before it can regain its senses.
--[X] Rina will direct her Fell Drain Boreal Wind against the remaining Drakes. If a Nightmare Dragon comes within range, she targets it with all four chains from her Fell Drain Barbed Chains spell. If not, she instead targets the nearest one with Boneshaker, timed so that she can interfere with its movements in some detrimental manner, especially if it is attempting to dodge Tyene's Sunbeam.
--[X] Waymar targets the two new Nightmare Dragons with a Born of the Three Thunders augmented Extraordinary (ignores SR) Lightning Lance. While the potential damage is nice, the goal is to Stun them using the special effect from the Born of the Three Thunders ability.
--[X] Tyene casts Assay Spell Resistance, then uses a Sunbeam spell, targeting one of the new Nightmare Dragons in an attempt to Blind it.
-[X] The Moonchaser, Wyverns, and Erinyes Kill Squads will continue harrassing the Drakes so that they cannot interfere with our other people.