...so I just realized, that even over re-reading the chapters, I haven't gotten if Vialesk joined the defense pact or not.

Generally, we probably should get everyone receptive for anti-illithid action on board and win that campaign, before turning to Efreeti War - and bringing in Marids having established that we are kinda badass.
OOC: And before anyone complains about the price being so high, remember that last month alone saw roundabout 3 million IM invested into Fleshforging minions and the tax income alone came in at 4.7 million IM. For creating an entirely new species, this is a steal.

@Goldfish, here it is. :V
I'm really looking forward to this.
...so I just realized, that even over re-reading the chapters, I haven't gotten if Vialesk joined the defense pact or not.

Generally, we probably should get everyone receptive for anti-illithid action on board and win that campaign, before turning to Efreeti War - and bringing in Marids having established that we are kinda badass.
From what I understood:
1. Terminus is happening for sure
2. Strongly positive about a defensive alliance, they just need to squabble among themselves for a bit first
On Kobolds

The Mission Goal
At it's core, the goal of this operation is as simple as it is ambitious. To create an artificial race that will then establish itself as one of the major species in the Imperium, if not the entire multiverse. Obviously, this is nothing that can be expected to be done within a few months, but a long-term project that will span decades and centuries to see it's full results, but every journey has to start somewhere. As it is, there is no better time then the current time to begin this project, as it would synergize well with various settlement efforts and the realm is both young and flush with coin, making it much easier to integrate a new ethnicity.

In most planar realms, there is a certain degree of specialization between the races of a realm. Giants often tend towards manual labor and warfare, where their strength is an advantage, while for example Azers and Salamanders have a natural affinity towards smithing and related crafts. By and large, humans act as the jack of all trades that can be found almost in every profession, though compared to their huge population numbers, those humans rising to the pinnacle of whatever art they choose for themselves are exceedingly rare. However, the Plane of Balance currently lacks this diversified ethnic makeup, with non-human inhabitants being only tiny minorities compared to the global population.

As such, there are plenty of niches that would normally be filled by people who are well adapted to the environment or task at hand, which are entirely vacant on the Plane of Balance. One of the biggest gaps is the underground close to the surface, an area that is settled to a small degree by Fey and immigrants from the Plane of Earth. By and large though, huge mountain ranges lay vacant, with no one taming their slopes, driving tunnels through their ridges and extracting the treasures hidden within. Humans are ill adapted to this environment, as they require sunlight and fresh produce to stay healthy, unlike species that can subsist on cavern growing plants and mushrooms or even consume earth and minerals directly. It is here that the Kobold species can find a unique niche, as they are well adapted to living underground and have a certain affinity for artisanship.

Furthermore, the introduction of a species that can comfortably live underground could greatly increase the population density per square kilometer, both in cities and rural areas, simply by expanding settlements into the ground. This has the added benefit that it reinforces the settlement above through sturdy constructions beneath, synergizes well with efforts to improve sanitation, and even provides a certain amount of security against threats from below, as the settlement and resulting perspective shift would allow all inhabitants of a settlement to be more aware and wary of potential threats below them. Lastly, they are still a very adaptable species, like the humans who designed them, allowing them to easily integrate with other underground communities, such as Pech or Ratfolk settlements, to the benefit of both sides.

The goal is therefore not an act of mere hubris, but an attempt to enrich the world and strengthen it for the future.

Imperial Kobold

Standard Racial Traits
  • Ability Score Modifiers: As a rule, Kobolds are fast but weak, yet there is much potential in them. They gain +2 Dexterity, –4 Strength, –2 Constitution, and can choose one attribute to receive a +2 Bonus.
  • Type: Kobolds are humanoids with the reptilian subtype.
  • Size: Kobolds are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on their combat maneuver checks and to Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
  • Base Speed: Kobolds have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Languages: Kobolds begin play speaking Draconic and one additional lanuage. Kobolds with high Intelligence scores can choose additional languages. The languages availableto them are: Westerosi Common, Low Valyrian, High Valyrian, Celestial and Infernal.
Defense Racial Traits

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

  • Great Heritage: Being descendants of dragons and humans, Kobolds have inherited an innate adaptability and cleverness from both sides of their ancestry. They gain a bonus Feat at first level like a Human.
Senses Racial Traits

  • Darkvision: Kobolds can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.

Alternate Racial Traits
The following alternate racial traits may be selected in place of one or more of the standard racial traits above. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options.

  • Beast Bond Some kobolds have a talent for training animals and beasts to help them both on and off the battlefield. Kobolds with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal and Ridechecks. Handle Animal and Ride are always class skills for them. This racial trait replaces Great Heritage.
  • Dragonmaw Your draconic heritage makes you smile- not just because it makes you happy, but also because your powerful teeth and jaws are proof of your kinship with a chromatic dragon. You gain a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage. Once per day, you can deal 1d6 points of additional energy damage with your bite attack. The damage type depends on your scale color: acid for black or green; electricity for blue; fire for red; cold for white. If you have a different scale color, you still gain a bite attack, but cannot deal the additional energy damage. This racial traits replaces the armor racial trait.
  • Dragon-Scaled Some kobolds are hatched with scales of such vivid color that their connection to a particular sort of chromatic dragon seems undeniable. Whether this coloration is just a quirk of a stray egg or a trait shared by all the members of a tribe, these kobolds gain a resistance that makes them especially suited to work alongside dragonsmatching the color of the kobold's scales. Black-scaled and green-scaled kobolds with this racial trait gain acid resistance 5. Blue-scaled kobolds with this racial trait gain electricity resistance 5. Red-scaled kobolds with this racial trait gain fire resistance 5. White-scaled kobolds with this racial trait gain cold resistance 5. This racial trait replaces the armor racial trait.
  • Frightener Like the great dragons, you can strike fear in the hearts of your foes with your majestic presence. Few enemies suspect that you make yourself look more dangerous with simple tricks you learned back when you were newly hatched. You gain a +1 racial bonus to the DC of saving throws against spells you cast with the fear descriptor. This racial trait replaces the armor racial trait.
  • Wings Some kobolds are born with wings that allow them to soar through the skies like their dragon bretheren. You gain a Fly speed of 30 ft. with Clumsy maneuverability. This replaces Great Heritage.
  • Prehensile Tail Your tail is especially flexible and strong, so you've learned to use it to grab small items. You can retrieve small items as a Swift action and draw a hidden weapon as a Move action. This replaces the Armored trait.
  • Shoulder to Shoulder Having lived and worked in close quarters with your tribe-mates, you've learned how to maneuver within their personal space without disturbing them. You can occupy the same space as one other Small ally without penalty. If you share a space with another kobold who has this trait, you each gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC, as you help jostle one another out of the way of incoming attacks. You also gain a +1 racial bonus on aid another rolls. This racial trait replaces Armored.
  • Learned Having an innate understanding of many tasks and crafts makes it easy for you to learn new skills. You gain an additional skill point for each level you possess. This replaces Great Heritage.
  • Talented You have a knack for a certain kind of work. Pick two Profession or Craft skills. You gain a +2 Bonus to these skills and they are always considered Class Skills for you. This replaces Great Heritage.
  • Sturdy You are a lot stronger and hardier then most of your brethren, but some whisper that you are a bit dim for it. You gain +2 Strength and +4 Constitution, but also take a -2 penalty to all mental attributes.
  • Emperor Blessed You have clearly been favoured by the Emperor and have been born with a tiny bit of his grace and might. You gain the following SLAs: 1/daydancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame, comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, read magic. Furthermore, you get a +1 bonus to your CL when casting Fire spells. This trait replaces Great Heritage.
  • Aquatic Water has always been a second home to you. You gain a Swim speed of 30 ft. and the ability to breath water. This replaces Great Heritage.
  • Giant The others in your clutch always looked up to you. Literally. You are Medium sized instead of small. You loose all Size based modifiers and gain +4 STR and -2 DEX. This replaces Great Heritage. Many Kobolds who have this trait are also Sturdy.

There are three main challenges that will be faced in this project. The first is the issue of ensuring the viability of the population as Kobolds should become as stable and healthy species that can sustain itself and even grow without the injection of more produced individuals. The second is the necessary care and education of the first Kobolds that will be brought into existence, as they will not be born in an existing community or culture, but made in Gogossos. Third and last is the issue of integrating Kobolds into existing communities, but also the creation of new communities to give them the space and opportunity to establish their own culture.

Due to their draconic ancestry, it can be assumed that the first task is easier for Kobolds then for most other species, as inbreeding and genetic drift appear to be much smaller issues for people of draconic descent. None the less, a certain minimum amount of care and consideration should be spent on this issue to avoid disruptions in the project dooming the young race. Factoring this into the considerations, the Minimum Viable Population for Kobolds is likely an order of magnitude lower then that of regular mammals, meaning that a population of as little as 100 individuals has a high probability of being viable, while a population of 1,000 individuals would be almost definitely capable of long-term survival without inbreeding depression or similar issues. Other factors for extinction are mainly sickness and random calamities, which could easily decimate a singular population. Therefore, it must be striven to distribute the population across a large area to minimize these risk, while trying to maintain a population number of at least 100, better 1,000 individuals per location to ensure their viability in case of a complete loss of all other sites.

However, the second issue highlights why it would not be entirely possible to achieve these goals immediately. The logistics of making and caring for 10,000 essential newborn babies would be tremendous and ultimately a disservice to the young species as this scenario invites a very homogeneous and sterile life experience for the first individuals. The first batches should therefore be limited and provided with as much different stimuli as possible to allow subsequent generations to learn not only from outsider teachers, but also their predecessors. While this is hardly a normal parent-child relationship, it is as close as manageable under these circumstances and the experience of having to care for others of their own species is one that should be introduced early into the young culture to prevent social maladjustments caused by too extensive external care.

Which leads us the third issue, namely the establishment of new communities by Kobolds or their integration into existing communities. Here it is hard to plan in advance, as many decisions in this stage will be informed by the experience gained from the teaching of the first few generations. In general though, it should be ensured that a healthy mix of pure Kobold settlements and shared multi-racial settlements exist to provide both the room necessary for a distinct Kobold culture and identity to form, but also to ensure proper integration into existing socio-economic structures. Pure Kobold settlements in remote locales should be avoided at all costs to prevent isolationism or even xenophobia from developing. While these communities should be by definition less dependent on other races then mixed communities, it should still be ensured that regular, productive contact with trade caravans and non-Kobold neighbors exists.

Proposed Plan
As the first generation of Kobolds will be the most important, they should be provided with special advantages to ensure their success. It is important that they can learn quickly, are sturdy and are accepted as leaders and teachers by those who will be born after them. As such, they will receive the Advanced Creature and Suzerain templates. These will henceforth be called G1 Kobolds. The next generation is somewhat less important, but will still quickly become the elders of the young species. Therefore and to avoid to sharp a drop in capabilities, the following G2 Kobolds will receive the Advanced Template. After this point, the production of regular baseline Kobolds can begin.

To ensure adequate care and education, the G1 Kobolds will be divided into classes. Each class will contain 25 G1 Kobolds, one Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy, who will serve as the main teacher and four Advances Fungus Leshy, who will act as farmers that supply plants grown underground as their future settlements will likely produce. Other people will be invited as guest teachers into these classes from time to time, carefully selected to ensure an even balance of viewpoints provided to the impressionable young minds. Furthermore, the Kobolds will be shown the local culture and trades practiced int he location their class is based. These classes will be distributed all over the Imperium, with each Kobolds allocation to a given class being the result of a careful Divination to ensure optimal placement.

In total, a class of this stage costs:
25x G1 Kobold (CR 1, 225 IM each) - 5,625 IM
25x Divination Placement (5 IM each) - 125 IM
4x Advanced Fungus Leshy (CR 3, 450 IM each) - 1,800 IM
1x Advanced, Druid Creature Lotus Leshy (CR 8, 2,400 IM each) - 2,400 IM
Facilities and other expenses - 550 IM
Total: 10,500 IM

To ensure the viability of the species, even if the project has to be aborted after the first batch, there should be no less then 1,000 individuals be created in this batch. This amounts to 40 classes, costing 420,000 IM, which will be distributed across the Imperium in the following way:
Sorcerers Deep - 6 classes
Braavos - 4 classes
Volantis - 4 classes
Tyrosh - 2 classes
Lys - 2 classes
Myr - 2 classes
Mantarys - 2 classes
Tolos - 2 classes
Pentos - 2 classes
Golden Fields - 3 classes
Andalos - 3 classes
Basilisk Isles / Gogossos - 3 classes
Painted Mountains - 2 classes
Draconys - 2 classes
Skagos - 1 class

If possible and desirable, students should be shuffled through a few different locales during their education, though this is not mandatory. These classes will be educated until the point where their teachers deem them ready to live on their own and take on students of their own. At this point, all groups are shuffled according to the wishes and desires of the Kobolds and they will become the main teachers of the G2 generation, with their caregivers stepping back and only acting in a consulting role unless serious issues arise. For each G1 Kobold, there will be 2x G2 Kobolds produced, each one costing 150 IM and the full G2 batch costing 300,000 IM.

The second stage works mostly like the first, but it is at this point that serious efforts need to start to establish future Kobold settlements. The main sites are likely beneath and in the major cities of the realm, while pure Kobold communities can be established in the mountainous regions of Andalos, the Painted Mountains and the Basilisk Isles. Furthermore, it should be evaluated of settlements along the Rhoyne, near Valyria, on Skagos or in other sparsely populated areas would be viable and desirable. The G2 stage should resume until permanent settlements can be provided for all Kobolds up to the G3 generation and the G2 generation is adequately educated.

As the last Fleshforge batch, the G3 generation is the first one that receives no enhancements, costing a mere 112.5 IM per individual. In total, 6,000 individuals will be created, costing a total 675,000 IM, thus pushing the total cost of the project to 1.4 million IM plus the cost of the first settlements. At this point, the populations should be stable and self-sustaining, with social structures and culture beginning to develop. Thus this generation of Kobolds should be educated entirely by the G1 and G2 generations, potentially along the first natural born members of the species, though additional aid should be provided if necessary. Lastly, should there be any evidence of genetic defects or diseases in the existing population, it could be considered to create a G4 generation to further diversify the gene-pool, but this is only an emergency options if it becomes evident that there were serious issues with the genetic material used for prior batches.

Thus the project should conclude, with further steps only necessary to address problems that could not be foreseen at the time of writing these lines.

OOC: And before anyone complains about the price being so high, remember that last month alone saw roundabout 3 million IM invested into Fleshforging minions and the tax income alone came in at 4.7 million IM. For creating an entirely new species, this is a steal.

@Goldfish, here it is. :V
Well, so long as we establish an appropriate cultural base *cough* and brainwashing *cough* so that they dont lap up the words of the first random Golden Kobolt Baggie deems a good idea to send down, this has my full support.
(Baggie has a precedent of introducing schism-like behavior by such a messenger before, iirc, so it isn't beyond possiblity he'd try again if he's so desperately low on power).

But like, seriously, fuck 'em Draconic Gods, we'll be fucking angry if they try affecting our socio-cultural experiments civilization efforts.

Worst case for this might be them trying to gain power off the fact that "many more Draconic beings exist", but I think we can turn that right around once Imperial Deity is active anyway - turning all those Lawful Imperial citizens into direct conduits for ID instead.
*feels smug*

gain the following SLAs
Black-scaled and green-scaled.... Blue-scaled... Red-scaled... White-scaled...
When is one of our child-minions going to come up with an idea of a toy line of bright, colorful collectibles with 3* distinct sub-classes within the species (strong, flying, magical), all harboring loyal, pro-imperial personalities, signifying the ideals by which the Imperium lives?
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Well, so long as we establish an appropriate cultural base *cough* and brainwashing *cough* so that they dont lap up the words of the first random Golden Kobolt Baggie deems a good idea to send down, this has my full support.
(Baggie has a precedent of introducing schism-like behavior by such a messenger before, iirc, so it isn't beyond possiblity he'd try again if he's so desperately low on power).

But like, seriously, fuck 'em Draconic Gods, we'll be fucking angry if they try affecting our socio-cultural experiments civilization efforts.

Worst case for this might be them trying to gain power off the fact that "many more Draconic beings exist", but I think we can turn that right around once Imperial Deity is active anyway - turning all those Lawful Imperial citizens into direct conduits for ID instead.
*feels smug*

Also, When is one of our child-minions going to come up with an idea of a toy line of bright, colorful collectibles with 3* distinct sub-classes within the species (strong, flying, magical), all harboring loyal, pro-imperial personalities, signifying the ideals by which the Imperium lives?
I'm reasonably confident we can keep most of them fervently loyal to us. The wonders of not treating our subordinates like shit. 👌
[X] Learn more about the officers and crew, official briefings will only tell one so much
@Azel, that's a very ambitious project. Well planned and interesting, for sure, and it sounds like it would be fun to implement. I don't have any issues with it being a long term project for the Imperium and it seems like something we could manage in the background with frequent IC interactions and plenty of interlude opportunities.

Some thoughts;
  • 1) What's the time frame? This reads like a multi-year project, three at the very least, if not many more. Realistically, even with magic and Forge -programmed basic knowledge, I can't see how any one of the initial generations could be introduced and properly educated, and integrated in less than a year, and that's pushing it, IMO.
  • 2) Teachers are essential, and you have those well in hand, but don't overlook the potential of Lesser Phoenixes. Velen's people are good at their job and we have a very good working relationship with them. They would volunteer in droves to help acculturate and educate the Kobolds.
  • 3) I really don't think Suzerain Creature fits for the G1 Kobolds. It's an extremely powerful social template (one that could arguably be made a +2 CR template in some cases), which isn't really a problem on its own, but there are bound to be issues when every class is full of amazing leaders but no followers. Suzerain Creatures are going to have strong personalities, and strong personalities clash with one another, often violently.
    • a) Rather than all G1 Kobolds being Suzerain Creatures, either none should be and a different template used entirely, or only one should be so blessed per class.
    • b) Rather than a second template, we could instead advance the G1s Racial HD. Just pushing them to 3 HD gives them a nice head start, extra skill points, and an additional feat.
    • c) We don't have access to the Suzerain Creature template and it's so specialized and esoteric that I'm not sure we can develop it purely through research.
    • d) Draconic Creature would be a good alternative secondary template for the G1s. Thematic and it beefs the G1s up a bit more, which is helpful because even with the Advanced template, as Small creatures they are physically quite unimpressive. It also boosts their Charisma, which would make them better leaders of future Kobold generations.
  • 4) Although your reasoning is good for the creation and introduction of the Kobolds, we need a fitting IC spark that prompts the development rather than pulling the idea and plan out of nowhere. I think this should be Lady Saenena's idea. She was the one who saved the ancient Valyrian lore which allowed for the re-creation of the Kobolds, after all. A logical extension of her research would be to reintroduce them to the world.
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I like it.

Haven't Kobolds existed before, tho?
Yep. We know of them from a couple of Viserys' Dragon Dreams (remember the Golden Kobold?), and Lady Saenena had gathered some lore about them prior to the Doom. It was all destroyed, but she was able to reproduce it, along with working out how to grow them in the Flesh Forge.
I like it.

Haven't Kobolds existed before, tho?
Yep. We know of them from a couple of Viserys' Dragon Dreams (remember the Golden Kobold?), and Lady Saenena had gathered some lore about them prior to the Doom. It was all destroyed, but she was able to reproduce it, along with working out how to grow them in the Flesh Forge.
The one Bahamut taught Wings of Cover to, right?

So, we are not creating a new race as much as reviving it. Ten times less hubristic!
Just making our own tweaks on what's there. Ours are going to be so much more awesome.
Ours are going to be so much more awesome.
And an absolute fucking Haram Heresy by Timmie and Baggie's standards too, I bet.

It will be a weird as fuck meeting between our Kobolds and whatever remained of the old ones, hidden in the far-off reaches of the world(s).

We are going to civilize them!
And an absolute fucking Haram Heresy by Timmie and Baggie's standards too, I bet.

It will be a weird as fuck meeting between our Kobolds and whatever remained of the old ones, hidden in the far-off reaches of the world(s).

We are going to civilize them!

Yeah that culture clash would be pretty big if our Imperial Kobolds ever met some original Kobolds.
I personally second throwing Draconic into the kobold genepool. It's flavorful. Plus, don't we not have Suzerain?

On a completely different topic, whatever happened to those Wemics we saw born in an interlude waaaaaaaaaay back towards the beginning of the quest?
@Azel, that's a very ambitious project. Well planned and interesting, for sure, and it sounds like it would be fun to implement. I don't have any issues with it being a long term project for the Imperium and it seems like something we could manage in the background with frequent IC interactions and plenty of interlude opportunities.

Some thoughts;
  • 1) What's the time frame? This reads like a multi-year project, three at the very least, if not many more. Realistically, even with magic and Forge -programmed basic knowledge, I can't see how any one of the initial generations could be introduced and properly educated, and integrated in less than a year, and that's pushing it, IMO.
  • 2) Teachers are essential, and you have those well in hand, but don't overlook the potential of Lesser Phoenixes. Velen's people are good at their job and we have a very good working relationship with them. They would volunteer in droves to help acculturate and educate the Kobolds.
  • 3) I really don't think Suzerain Creature fits for the G1 Kobolds. It's an extremelypowerful social template (one that could arguably be made a +2 CR template in some cases), which isn't really a problem on its own, but there are bound to be issues when every class is full of amazing leaders but no followers. Suzerain Creatures are going to have strong personalities, and strong personalities clash with one another, often violently.
    • a) Rather than all G1 Kobolds being Suzerain Creatures, either none should be and a different template used entirely, or only one should be so blessed per class.
    • b) Rather than a second template, we could instead advance the G1s Racial HD. Just pushing them to 3 HD gives them a nice head start, extra skill points, and an additional feat.
    • c) We don't have access to the Suzerain Creature template and it's so specialized and esoteric that I'm not sure we can develop it purely through research.
    • d) Draconic Creature would be a good alternative secondary template for the G1s. Thematic and it beefs the G1s up a bit more, which is helpful because even with the Advanced template, as Small creatures they are physically quite unimpressive. It also boosts their Charisma, which would make them better leaders of future Kobold generations.
  • 4) Although your reasoning is good for the creation and introduction of the Kobolds, we need a fitting IC spark that prompts the development rather than pulling the idea and plan out of nowhere. I think this should be Lady Saenena's idea. She was the one who saved the ancient Valyrian lore which allowed for the re-creation of the Kobolds, after all. A logical extension of her research would be to reintroduce them to the world.
1. However lomg it takes.
2. No Good indoctrination of the entire species. Thank you.
3. I really don't share this interpretation
-a) See above. I don't share your worries.
-b) The species would advance entirely by class level, so thus shouldn't be possible.
-c) This us genuinely odd, as I could have sworn I picked it from the Forge post.
-d) That one isn't helping. They need higher mentals first and foremost to learn faster and lead later on.
4. I'm not sure why Viserys couldn't have the idea on his own.
3) I really don't think Suzerain Creature fits for the G1 Kobolds. It's an extremely powerful social template (one that could arguably be made a +2 CR template in some cases), which isn't really a problem on its own, but there are bound to be issues when every class is full of amazing leaders but no followers. Suzerain Creatures are going to have strong personalities, and strong personalities clash with one another, often violently.
  • a) Rather than all G1 Kobolds being Suzerain Creatures, either none should be and a different template used entirely, or only one should be so blessed per class.
  • b) Rather than a second template, we could instead advance the G1s Racial HD. Just pushing them to 3 HD gives them a nice head start, extra skill points, and an additional feat.
  • c) We don't have access to the Suzerain Creature template and it's so specialized and esoteric that I'm not sure we can develop it purely through research.
  • d) Draconic Creature would be a good alternative secondary template for the G1s. Thematic and it beefs the G1s up a bit more, which is helpful because even with the Advanced template, as Small creatures they are physically quite unimpressive. It also boosts their Charisma, which would make them better leaders of future Kobold generations.
Regarding the Suzerain template, I'd argue for it because of the strong personalities. They won't get along perfectly, sure, but that's the same with every set of siblings. They'll learn to work together and be stronger for it. And inevitably a few of them will rise to the top.
If Suzerain isn't available and we can't get it either, then I'd at least go for Half-Dragon and it's +2 INT bonus over Draconic Creature.
Though that would be 75,000 IM extra for G1.
If Suzerain isn't available and we can't get it either, then I'd at least go for Half-Dragon and it's +2 INT bonus over Draconic Creature.
Though that would be 75,000 IM extra for G1.
Considering the value of the project and the wonderful fatness of the treasury I don't think an extra 75,000 IM is all that big a deal.
I'd like to add...
When is one of our child-minions going to come up with an idea of a toy line of bright, colorful collectibles with 3* distinct sub-classes within the species (strong, flying, magical), all harboring loyal, pro-imperial personalities, signifying the ideals by which the Imperium lives?
I approve of this heresy.

And an absolute fucking Haram Heresy by Timmie and Baggie's standards too, I bet.
Way ahead of you. There's a whole Omake idea.
I think we met a Kobold in Bahamut's little shrine on the Plane of Earth?
A living one, not just old dreams.
Nope, that was a half-dragon.
No Good indoctrination of the entire species. Thank you.
...I feel like no one's going to do that, so I will have to.
Offense is taken for the best birbs.

Won't Suzeren, if it breeds even partially into the larger population, make them significantly more powerful en-mass (DP forbid, Level Adjustment may happen)?
I approve of this heresy.
We can also go the "Power Rangers"-route with this.

I grew up on Mystic Force-series, it is still the best Rangers-series to my memory, fite meh!
...I feel like no one's going to do that, so I'll have to.
Offense is taken for the best birbs.
I definitely see where Azel is coming from, though. This is a highly delicate operation, and I'd rather they pick their own alignments after being raised and experiencing the world for themselves rather than getting overly influenced one way or another so early in their development. It's why the Neutral Leshys are perfect.
...I feel like no one's going to do that, so I will have to.
Offense is taken for the best birbs.

Won't Suzeren, if it breeds even partially into the larger population, make them significantly more powerful en-mass (DP forbid, Level Adjustment may happen)?
We can also go the "Power Rangers"-route with this.

I grew up on Mystic Force-series, it is still the best Rangers-series to my memory, fite meh!

On that subject, here's a supervillain template. All we need now is a way to cast Enlarge Person from the moon.
I definitely see where Azel is coming from, though. This is a highly delicate operation, and I'd rather they pick their own alignments after being raised and experiencing the world for themselves rather than getting overly influenced one way or another so early in their development. It's why the Neutral Leshys are perfect.
Oh, i'm not arguing, I get and largely agree with the reasoning.

The Phoenixes are the best birbs however, and it'd be unfair not to take offense over that.

They have way more uneducated and maladjusted people to tend to anyway, the Kobolds will be under lots of watchful eyes that will take care of things well enough.

Fayah birbs tend to go after overlooked people instead.
Won't Suzeren, if it breeds even partially into the larger population, make them significantly more powerful en-mass (DP forbid, Level Adjustment may happen)?
Unlikely. The probability of Advanced somehow remaining is much higher and even that is likely slim. As far as my interpretation goes, these templates represent more someone being a paragon of a species, not any real difference between them and others like Half-Dragon or so.

To put it in CK2 terms, the G1 would all get Genius, G2 gets Smart and G3 nothing, with the prevalence of Genius and Smart diminishing with each natural born generation as these genes scatter and no longer sum up to such great benefits.

After a few generations, all you should see is a higher amount of Kobolds with Elite Array then Standard, as opposed to other races. And a prevalence of mental stats being assigned the +2 bonus they have.