We didn't do a single newsletter. We did a whole bunch of sheets, with different editorials on different sheets - as Crake ended up confirming when it was pointed out that we had far too much content for a newspaper even before I posted my bit.
The "Imperial Times" wasn't all one big newsletter, it was a mass of pamphlets about various things (with many pamphlets only spread in certain areas). Perhaps some pamphlets were grouped together as a sort of newspaper (with our adventures in it?) but we didn't make an actual newspaper out of this.
The editorials weren't different, though. The stuff that varied by region were the political caricatures.
@Goldfish, I'm pretty sure that some of the updates after we spread the first Imperial Times references Westerosi Lords reacting to some of the stuff in the last few pamphlets I suggested. Therefore they must all have been done.
[] Cooperation deepens between the Empire and the Djinn/Shaitan! The Order of Cryomancers agreed to hold lectures in Sorcerer's Deep to share their ancient lore - all the while a student exchange is being set up with the Shaitan Academy of War and the Order of Arcane Seal!
(the below are the notes for the 12th month, based off the results from 11th month's negotiations)
I don't want to say this. Winter and Cold are feared, let's keep things that way. I don't want any good PR for that sort of magic just yet.

Big problem of Candlekeep Courtier was that his previous exploits opened his story to be attacked through him-
Shall we add him as a part of this month's Imperial Truth, a "redemption arc"-kind of story included, not naming him specifically, but generally giving more credence to the sort of thing in people's minds - and Fey stories, as such?

May or may not do more harm than good, but may also turn out awesome.
Part MMMCCLXXI: Of Mischief New and Old
Of Mischief New and Old

Thirtieth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

A trio of moss-furred wolves the size of horses are not quite enough to make people call out in alarm, not in Sorcerer's Deep, but they are certainly enough to draw stares and exclamations from visitors and locals alike. Not everyone walks in the Godswoods. "They should prove helpful against some of the more esoteric perils of the jungle, magister, not only in battle but their wisdom," you introduce the verdant wolves.

Eyes bright as the summer sun stare up at the surprised Baelon Dortaris. "We will guide and we will guard," the lead wolf proclaims.

To his credit the Myrman does not stay surprised for long, he bows in thanks first to you then to them. "I will see to it that you are all given cabins on board one of the ships."

The false ravens you sent along do not bother with introductions, but fly right up the the masts of the ships looking around high and low about what is to be their new home, somewhat to the journeying mage's disappointment. "They make even fairer messengers than the ones the Citadel use do they not, Your Grace?" he asks a little hesitantly.

"As long as they are given interesting enough tasks," you reply with a a smile. "That should not be much of a chore where you are going." With a nod towards the silver haired man who had kept silent so far you add. "Investigator Baedar knows the way of keeping them happy." And more besides, the Inquisition often makes use of the greater ravens with their power to turn unseen and deliver poison to any who would interfere with their tasks, but that you do not speak of.

Dany picks up the conversation smoothly, drawing forth a sealed writ you had made up just this morning. "Once you have decided upon a permanent base we can transport a few engineering crews with lyres and titan tools to help build shelter against the jungle. We cannot afford to draw them from their tasks for more than a day or two, but that should grant you a solid anchor to build from..."

"Your generosity humbles us, Your Grace, Your Highness," Investigator Baedar says, sounding a little short of words at the strike of good fortune.

"If it is all the same to you, investigator, I would rather inspire diligence than humility, I have found it gets more results," you reply, drawing a laugh from magister Baelon and a suspicious cough from his previously silent manservant. You are pleased to see the man takes the break in decorum in good humor, not all the marks of slavery vanished with the collars, though from the easy way they stand by each other you suspect these two had a relationship more akin to lord and long-standing valet than master and slave.

"Er... would itbe possible to have access to the arcane tools on the first month of the next year?" Wisdom Gyles interjects, speaking quickly as though afraid he might lose his nerve if he slows down. "Depending on how long it takes us to find a suitable position for a base we might not be able to clear it in time."

"Worry not, the trees of Sothoryos burn just as readily as Stepstones weeds. It should not take more than a few minutes," you interject. "The soil produced should be even more fertile then the traces here on the islands."

The silence that follows in the wake of your words is deafening. Thankfully, before it can stretch out too awkwardly, the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps creaking on boards of the pier interrupt it. Turning you see a second older investigator carrying his sea chest aboard, followed by a familiar red haired girl.

"Hello Lilly, come to see the expedition off?" you greet her first, to spare the child from trying to figure out protocol. Almost two months in Sorcerer's Deep have done her well. She has shot up an inch or two in height and her face has filled in some with proper food, not whatever the band of brigands could steal or forage in the Rainwood.

"Yes, Your Grace," she replies with a boldness you suspect she does not entirely feel, but decides to make use of anyway. "I wish I was going with them, but master Tobyis says it's not safe and I don't think I'm skilled enough to stow away yet."

"Well keep working at it, I'm sure you will get one or the other soon." Dany encourages. So to the sound of many thanks the two you depart back to the keep.

As you approach, an odd shadow passes over you on its final test flight before deployment next month. It's been a long time since you had to hide him in a cupboard.

"You know," Dany says frowning. "I wonder what happened to those wisps in the swamp, the ones that nearly killed it and tried to force us to go after some."

"Easy enough to discover," you close your eyes in though and spell-craft. "They are in the Feywild, the hag apparently caught up with them and bound them in lanterns to illuminate her hut."

"Couldn't have happened to a more worthy bunch of nuisances," your sister grumbles.

What do you do next?

[] Deal with the wisps and the hag somehow
-[] Write in

[] Learn more rumors from Yi Ti and the Summer Islands

[] Write in

OOC: The wisps did not roll well in the background, but if you guys still want to poke them Viserys got enough of a location fly through the Feywild after them.
Last edited:

Big problem of Candlekeep Courtier was that his previous exploits opened his story to be attacked through him-
Shall we add him as a part of this month's Imperial Truth, a "redemption arc"-kind of story included, not naming him specifically, but generally giving more credence to the sort of thing in people's minds - and Fey stories, as such?

May or may not do more harm than good, but may also turn out awesome.
Redemption requires contrition, I think that guy's story would fall pretty flat unless we altered it a lot. Even past that we making his story stronger won't help him with the fey politics of his job since the damage is already done. His current task is saving face and forming up his support base; more power would help, but not that much more than a fistful of magic items. Better to use it on Glya or something.

I think we should mix add some positive magical creatures to the section warning about various dangerous monsters to help reinforce that magic != face eating monsters.

A separate section on the basics of different types of magic would be good too. Information makes people feel like they have more control, even if it doesn't help much. Details on where a witch gets their power, and how that differs from a wizard or a sorcerer, would make people more comfortable around them.
[X] Learn more rumors from Yi Ti and the Summer Islands

Let them be, I see no reason why they are worth entering the Feywild for us.
We did promise to deal with the Hag, did we not?

[X] Deal with the wisps and the hag somehow
-[X] Move in to capture the hag, dealing on the promise you made so long ago - and incidentally getting some very nice decorations for yourself.
-[X] Make sure to hide/ward your presence in every way possible, so as to escape even incidental detection by beings that can make Feywild into a deathtrap for you.

@Goldfish, how sensible would be the deployment of Nirah (Champion of Yss) against Golden Company (and possibly all the shit Timmie'll summon once we show off Red Dragon Orb on our person), considering, well, she'll not find any water there?
Admittedly, there are only a few bits about her that are specific to water-combat - but still?
Nirah, Champion of Yss, Voice of the Timeless One

Advanced Divine Cleric Creature Sea Serpent
(CR 20)
Size/Type: Gargantuan Magical Beast (Aquatic, Cold)
Hit Dice: 15d10 + 255 (337 HP)
Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative) + 9 (DEX) = +13
Speed: Ground: 20 ft + 30 ft (Haste) = 50 ft, Swim: 60 ft + 30 ft (Haste) = 90 ft
Armor Class: 46 (-4 Size, +9 Dex, +24 Natural, +1 Dodge, +6 Shield), Touch 22, Flat-Footed 36
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+35
Attack: Bite +33 (4d8+35 plus Grab & Poison), Tail Slap +31 (3d8+10 plus Grab)
Full Attack: Bite +33/+33 (4d8+35 plus Grab & Poison), Tail Slap +31 (3d8+10 plus Grab)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Capsize, Constrict (3d8+20), Swallow Whole (8d6+20 Bludgeoning damage, AC 18, HP 18), Poison (1d6/1d6 STR damage, Fort DC 38 negates), Breath Weapon (Every 1d4 rounds, 60 foot cone, 15d6 Acid damage, Reflex DC 38 for half damage), Frightful Presence (20 ft radius, Will DC 26 negates)
Special Qualities: DR 10/Magic, Fast Healing 5, SR 27, Darkvision 120 ft, Low-Light Vision, Immune to Acid & Cold, Resist Fire 30, Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects, Telepathy 100 ft, Resist Electricity 5
Saves: Fort +34, Ref +26, Will +22
Abilities: Str 48(52), Dex 24(28), Con 39(44), Int 18(20), Wis 22(28), Cha 18(20)
Skills: +35 Concentration, +10 Knowledge (Arcana), +23 Knowledge (Religion), +10 Knowledge (The Planes), +15 Listen, +27 Sense Motive, +25 Spellcraft, +19 Spot, +31 Swim
Feats: Divine Metamagic, Extra Turning (x2), Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Spellcasting Prodigy, Still Spell
Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Truespeech
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Capsize (Ex): The Divine Serpent can attempt to capsize a boat or ship of its size or smaller by ramming it as a charge attack and making a combat maneuver check. The DC of this check is 25 or the result of the boat captain's Profession (Sailor) check, whichever is higher.

Prepared Divine Spells (Caster Level 15): Spell DC = 10 + 9 (WIS) + 1 (SP) + 4 (MoL) + spell level
Level 0: (6/day): Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Message, Read Magic
Level 1: (4+3/day): Barbed Serpent Chains, Clarion Call, Conviction, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith, Sign
Level 2: (4+3/day): Augury, Boneshaker, Close Wounds x2, Divine Insight, Ironskin, Resist Energy
Level 3: (4+2/day): Alter Fortune, Battlemagic Perception, Blindness/Deafness, Deeper Darkness, Hydrophobia, Venomfire
Level 4: (4+2/day): Air Walk, Assay Spell Resistance, Divination, Divine Power, Hallucinogenic Smoke, Panacea
Level 5: (4+2/day): Caustic Blood, Constricting Coils, Greater Command, Revivify, Righteous Might, True Seeing
Level 6: (3+2/day): Banishment, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal, Invoke Deity, Wind Walk
Level 7: (2+1/day): Destruction, Dictum, Regenerate
Level 8: (1+1/day): Nine Lives, Shield of Law

Supernatural Abilities:
Divine Serpent:
  • Hasted (Su): The Divine Serpent benefits from a constant Haste spell effect.
  • Reflective Hide (Su): Divine Serpent has a silvery sheen to its skin and is permanently protected by a Spell Turning effect.
  • See in Darkness (Su): The Divine Serpent can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by Deeper Darkness spells.
  • Enhanced Attributes (Ex): The save DC for each of the Divine Serpent's special attacks, spells, and spell-like abilities increases by +4 (already included in stats).
  • Regrow limbs (Ex): If the Divine Serpent loses a limb, head, or body part, a new one grows in 1 round. It cannot be slain by a Vorpal weapon's head-severing ability.
  • Truespeech (Su): The Divine Serpent can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a Tongues spell (caster level equal to HD). This ability is always active.
  • Raging Blood (Su): Each time damage is dealt to the Divine Serpent with a Piercing or Slashing attack, its blood sprays outward in a 5-foot cone, dealing 1d4 points of Acid damage to all within range (no saving throw). It is not harmed by its own blood.
  • Spells: The Divine Serpent casts Divine spells from the cleric list and from the Protection, Strength, and War Domains as a 5th-level Cleric, though it does not gain extra Domain spell slots. This ability stacks with the spellcasting granted Cleric Creature template.
  • Frightful Presence (Ex): When the Divine Serpent makes a loud hiss, it inspires terror in all creatures within 20 feet that have fewer Hit Dice or levels than it has. Each potentially affected opponent must succeed at a Will save (DC 25) or become Shaken - a condition that lasts until the opponent is out of range. A successful save leaves that opponent immune to the Divine Serpent's frightful presence for 24 hours.
Animated Extreme Shield: AC Bonus: +3 + 3 (Enhancement) + 5 (vs Ranged), Weight: 25 pounds
  1. Lesser Crystal of Arrow Deflection: You benefit from a +5 bonus to AC versus ranged attacks.
  2. Animated: Upon command, this shield floats within 2 feet of you, providing protection as if you were using it yourself but freeing up both her hands.
Crown of the Serpent Lord: +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +5 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +6 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, +5 Resistance bonus to Saving Throws
  1. Use Prestidigitation, Greater Mage Hand and Unseen Servant At Will, and Celerity 1/Day
  2. 1/Day as a Standard Action, you can increase your Divine caster level by +4 for 10 minutes.
  3. 1/Day: Negate Stun, Daze, Confusion, or Fascination (Does not include the effects of Chronomancy)
Mantle of Serpent Lord:
  1. 3/Day sacrifice a spell slot to use Summon Monster spell of same level
  2. You are protected by a Blur spell, granting a 20% miss chance on attacks made against you. It functions continually unless suppressed as a Standard Action. Another Standard Action restores the effect.
  3. Aspect of the Starry Sky:
    • Glow as if affected with a Light spell at will.
    • Convert any spell of 1st level and above to Magic Missile.
  4. Aspect of the Wide Earth:
    • Convert any Spell of 5th level and above to Teleport
    • Carrying capacity is doubled.
  5. Aspect of the Sullen Sea:
    • Hold breath for up to 12 hours before having to make a Constitution check.
    • Convert any spell of 4th level and above to Freedom of Movement.
  6. Aspect of the Golden Sun:
    • Immunity to blindness and dazzling effect
    • Convert any spell of 3rd level and above to Fireball.
  7. Harmony of the Four Aspects:
    • Benefit from Cold, Electricity, & Acid Resistance 5.
    • Convert any spell of 5th level and above to Commune.
TOTAL: 26,752 IM (not including commissioned Mind Blank ring)

Equipment: Animated Extreme Shield, Crown of the Serpent Lord, Mantle of the Serpent Lord, Mind Blank Ring
Last edited:
Of Mischief New and Old

Thirtieth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

A trio of moss-furred wolves the size of horses are not quite enough to make people call out in alarm, not in Sorcerer's Deep, but they are certainly enough to draw stares and exclamations from visitors and locals alike. Not everyone walks in the Godswoods, after all. "They should prove helpful against some of the more esoteric perils of the jungle, not only in battle but in their great wisdom," you introduce the verdant wolves.

Eyes bright as the summer sun stare up at the surprised Baelon Dortaris. "We will guide and we will guard," the lead wolf proclaims.

To his credit, the Myrman does not stay surprised for long. He bows in thanks, first to you and then to the wolves. "I will see to it that you are all given cabins oboard one of the ships."

The false ravens you sent along do not bother with introduction, but instead fly right up to the masts of the venture's ships, looking around high and low at what is to be their new home, somewhat to the journeying mage's disappointment. "They make even fairer messengers than the one's the Citadel, do they not, Your Grace?" he asks a little hesitantly.

"As long as they are given interesting enough tasks," you reply with a a smile. "That should not be much of a chore where you are going." With a nod towards the silver haired man who had kept silent so far, you add. "Investigator Baedar knows the way of keeping them happy." And more besides, the Inquisition often makes use of the greater ravens with their power to turn unseen and deliver poison to any who would interfere with their tasks, but that you do not speak of.

Dany picks up the conversation smoothly, drawing forth a sealed writ you had made up just this morning. "Once you have decided upon a permanent base, we can transport an engineering crews with a Lyre and Titan Tools to help build shelter against the jungle. We cannot afford to draw them from their tasks for more than a day or two, but that should grant you a solid anchor to build from..."

"Your generosity humbles us, Your Grace, Your Highness," Investigator Baedar says, sounding a little short of words at the strike of good fortune.

"If it is all the same to you, investigator, I would rather inspire diligence than humility. I have found it gets more results," you reply, drawing a laugh from magister Baelon and a suspicious cough from his previously silent manservant. You are pleased to see the man takes the break in decorum in good humor. Not all the marks of slavery vanished with the collars, though from the easy way they stand by each other, you suspect these two had a relationship more akin to lord and long-standing valet than master and slave.

"Er... would it be possible to have access to the arcane tools on the first month of the next year?" Wisdom Gyles interjects, speaking quickly as though afraid he might lose his nerve if he slows down. "Depending on how long it takes us to find a suitable position for a base, we might not be able to clear it in time."

"Worry not, the trees of Sothoyos burn just as readily as Stepstones weeds. It should not take more than a few minutes," you interject. "The soil produced should be even more fertile then the traces here on the islands."

The silence that follows in the wake of your words is deafening. Thankfully, before it can stretch out too awkwardly, the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps on the creaking boards of the pier interrupt it. Turning, you see a second older investigator carrying his sea chest aboard, followed by a familiar red haired girl.

"Hello Lilly, come to see the expedition off?" you greet her first, to spare the child from trying to figure out protocol. Almost two months in Sorcerer's Deep have done her well. She has shot up an inch or two in height and and her face has filled in some with proper food, not whatever the band of brigands could steal or forage in the Rainwood.

"Yes, Your Grace," she replies with a boldness you suspect she does not entirely feel, but decides to make use of anyway. "I wish I was going with them, but master Tobyis says it's not safe, and I don't think I'm skilled enough to stow away yet."

"Well, keep working at it. I'm sure you will get one or the other soon," Dany encourages. Shortly after, and to the sound of many thanks, the two of you depart back to the keep.

As you approach, an odd shadow passes over you on its final test flight before deployment next month. It's been a long time since you had to hide him in a cupboard.

"You know," Dany says frowning. "I wonder what happened to those wisps in the swamp, the ones that nearly killed you and tried to force us to go after some witch."

"Easy enough to discover," you close your eyes in thought and spellcraft. "They are in the Feywyld. The hag apparently caught up with them and bound them in lanterns to illuminate her hut."

"Couldn't have happened to a more worthy bunch of nuisances," your sister grumbles.

What do you do next?

[] Deal with the wisps and the hag somehow
-[] Write in

[] Learn more rumors from Yi Ti and the Summer Islands

[] Write in

OOC: The wisps did not roll well in the background, but if you guys still want to poke them Viserys got enough of a location fly though the Feywyld after them. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.
We did promise to deal with the Hag, did we not?

[X] Deal with the wisps and the hag somehow
-[X] Move in to capture the hag, dealing on the promise you made so long ago - and incidentally getting some very nice decorations for yourself.
-[X] Make sure to hide/ward your presence in every way possible, so as to escape even incidental detection by beings that can make Feywild into a deathtrap for you.

@Goldfish, how sensible would be the deployment of Nirah (Champion of Yss) against Golden Company (and possibly all the shit Timmie'll summon once we show off Red Dragon Orb on our person), considering, well, she'll not find any water there?
Admittedly, there are only a few bits about her that are specific to water-combat - but still?
Nirah, Champion of Yss, Voice of the Timeless One

Advanced Divine Cleric Creature Sea Serpent
(CR 20)
Size/Type: Gargantuan Magical Beast (Aquatic, Cold)
Hit Dice: 15d10 + 255 (337 HP)
Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative) + 9 (DEX) = +13
Speed: Ground: 20 ft + 30 ft (Haste) = 50 ft, Swim: 60 ft + 30 ft (Haste) = 90 ft
Armor Class: 46 (-4 Size, +9 Dex, +24 Natural, +1 Dodge, +6 Shield), Touch 22, Flat-Footed 36
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+35
Attack: Bite +33 (4d8+35 plus Grab & Poison), Tail Slap +31 (3d8+10 plus Grab)
Full Attack: Bite +33/+33 (4d8+35 plus Grab & Poison), Tail Slap +31 (3d8+10 plus Grab)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Capsize, Constrict (3d8+20), Swallow Whole (8d6+20 Bludgeoning damage, AC 18, HP 18), Poison (1d6/1d6 STR damage, Fort DC 38 negates), Breath Weapon (Every 1d4 rounds, 60 foot cone, 15d6 Acid damage, Reflex DC 38 for half damage), Frightful Presence (20 ft radius, Will DC 26 negates)
Special Qualities: DR 10/Magic, Fast Healing 5, SR 27, Darkvision 120 ft, Low-Light Vision, Immune to Acid & Cold, Resist Fire 30, Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects, Telepathy 100 ft, Resist Electricity 5
Saves: Fort +34, Ref +26, Will +22
Abilities: Str 48(52), Dex 24(28), Con 39(44), Int 18(20), Wis 22(28), Cha 18(20)
Skills: +35 Concentration, +10 Knowledge (Arcana), +23 Knowledge (Religion), +10 Knowledge (The Planes), +15 Listen, +27 Sense Motive, +25 Spellcraft, +19 Spot, +31 Swim
Feats: Divine Metamagic, Extra Turning (x2), Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Spellcasting Prodigy, Still Spell
Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Truespeech
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Capsize (Ex): The Divine Serpent can attempt to capsize a boat or ship of its size or smaller by ramming it as a charge attack and making a combat maneuver check. The DC of this check is 25 or the result of the boat captain's Profession (Sailor) check, whichever is higher.

Prepared Divine Spells (Caster Level 15): Spell DC = 10 + 9 (WIS) + 1 (SP) + 4 (MoL) + spell level
Level 0: (6/day): Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Message, Read Magic
Level 1: (4+3/day): Barbed Serpent Chains, Clarion Call, Conviction, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith, Sign
Level 2: (4+3/day): Augury, Boneshaker, Close Wounds x2, Divine Insight, Ironskin, Resist Energy
Level 3: (4+2/day): Alter Fortune, Battlemagic Perception, Blindness/Deafness, Deeper Darkness, Hydrophobia, Venomfire
Level 4: (4+2/day): Air Walk, Assay Spell Resistance, Divination, Divine Power, Hallucinogenic Smoke, Panacea
Level 5: (4+2/day): Caustic Blood, Constricting Coils, Greater Command, Revivify, Righteous Might, True Seeing
Level 6: (3+2/day): Banishment, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal, Invoke Deity, Wind Walk
Level 7: (2+1/day): Destruction, Dictum, Regenerate
Level 8: (1+1/day): Nine Lives, Shield of Law

Supernatural Abilities:
Divine Serpent:
  • Hasted (Su): The Divine Serpent benefits from a constant Haste spell effect.
  • Reflective Hide (Su): Divine Serpent has a silvery sheen to its skin and is permanently protected by a Spell Turning effect.
  • See in Darkness (Su): The Divine Serpent can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by Deeper Darkness spells.
  • Enhanced Attributes (Ex): The save DC for each of the Divine Serpent's special attacks, spells, and spell-like abilities increases by +4 (already included in stats).
  • Regrow limbs (Ex): If the Divine Serpent loses a limb, head, or body part, a new one grows in 1 round. It cannot be slain by a Vorpal weapon's head-severing ability.
  • Truespeech (Su): The Divine Serpent can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a Tongues spell (caster level equal to HD). This ability is always active.
  • Raging Blood (Su): Each time damage is dealt to the Divine Serpent with a Piercing or Slashing attack, its blood sprays outward in a 5-foot cone, dealing 1d4 points of Acid damage to all within range (no saving throw). It is not harmed by its own blood.
  • Spells: The Divine Serpent casts Divine spells from the cleric list and from the Protection, Strength, and War Domains as a 5th-level Cleric, though it does not gain extra Domain spell slots. This ability stacks with the spellcasting granted Cleric Creature template.
  • Frightful Presence (Ex): When the Divine Serpent makes a loud hiss, it inspires terror in all creatures within 20 feet that have fewer Hit Dice or levels than it has. Each potentially affected opponent must succeed at a Will save (DC 25) or become Shaken - a condition that lasts until the opponent is out of range. A successful save leaves that opponent immune to the Divine Serpent's frightful presence for 24 hours.
Animated Extreme Shield: AC Bonus: +3 + 3 (Enhancement) + 5 (vs Ranged), Weight: 25 pounds
  1. Lesser Crystal of Arrow Deflection: You benefit from a +5 bonus to AC versus ranged attacks.
  2. Animated: Upon command, this shield floats within 2 feet of you, providing protection as if you were using it yourself but freeing up both her hands.
Crown of the Serpent Lord: +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +5 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +6 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, +5 Resistance bonus to Saving Throws
  1. Use Prestidigitation, Greater Mage Hand and Unseen Servant At Will, and Celerity 1/Day
  2. 1/Day as a Standard Action, you can increase your Divine caster level by +4 for 10 minutes.
  3. 1/Day: Negate Stun, Daze, Confusion, or Fascination (Does not include the effects of Chronomancy)
Mantle of Serpent Lord:
  1. 3/Day sacrifice a spell slot to use Summon Monster spell of same level
  2. You are protected by a Blur spell, granting a 20% miss chance on attacks made against you. It functions continually unless suppressed as a Standard Action. Another Standard Action restores the effect.
  3. Aspect of the Starry Sky:
    • Glow as if affected with a Light spell at will.
    • Convert any spell of 1st level and above to Magic Missile.
  4. Aspect of the Wide Earth:
    • Convert any Spell of 5th level and above to Teleport
    • Carrying capacity is doubled.
  5. Aspect of the Sullen Sea:
    • Hold breath for up to 12 hours before having to make a Constitution check.
    • Convert any spell of 4th level and above to Freedom of Movement.
  6. Aspect of the Golden Sun:
    • Immunity to blindness and dazzling effect
    • Convert any spell of 3rd level and above to Fireball.
  7. Harmony of the Four Aspects:
    • Benefit from Cold, Electricity, & Acid Resistance 5.
    • Convert any spell of 5th level and above to Commune.
TOTAL: 26,752 IM (not including commissioned Mind Blank ring)

Equipment: Animated Extreme Shield, Crown of the Serpent Lord, Mantle of the Serpent Lord, Mind Blank Ring
If we do manage to keep the wisps in their little bottles without stomping on Dany's slavery button we should use them to illuminate the larder. I have a feeling that it'd make them a lot more polite in the future. :V
We did promise to deal with the Hag, did we not?

[X] Deal with the wisps and the hag somehow
-[X] Move in to capture the hag, dealing on the promise you made so long ago - and incidentally getting some very nice decorations for yourself.
-[X] Make sure to hide/ward your presence in every way possible, so as to escape even incidental detection by beings that can make Feywild into a deathtrap for you.

@Goldfish, how sensible would be the deployment of Nirah (Champion of Yss) against Golden Company (and possibly all the shit Timmie'll summon once we show off Red Dragon Orb on our person), considering, well, she'll not find any water there?
Admittedly, there are only a few bits about her that are specific to water-combat - but still?
Nirah, Champion of Yss, Voice of the Timeless One

Advanced Divine Cleric Creature Sea Serpent
(CR 20)
Size/Type: Gargantuan Magical Beast (Aquatic, Cold)
Hit Dice: 15d10 + 255 (337 HP)
Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative) + 9 (DEX) = +13
Speed: Ground: 20 ft + 30 ft (Haste) = 50 ft, Swim: 60 ft + 30 ft (Haste) = 90 ft
Armor Class: 46 (-4 Size, +9 Dex, +24 Natural, +1 Dodge, +6 Shield), Touch 22, Flat-Footed 36
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+35
Attack: Bite +33 (4d8+35 plus Grab & Poison), Tail Slap +31 (3d8+10 plus Grab)
Full Attack: Bite +33/+33 (4d8+35 plus Grab & Poison), Tail Slap +31 (3d8+10 plus Grab)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Capsize, Constrict (3d8+20), Swallow Whole (8d6+20 Bludgeoning damage, AC 18, HP 18), Poison (1d6/1d6 STR damage, Fort DC 38 negates), Breath Weapon (Every 1d4 rounds, 60 foot cone, 15d6 Acid damage, Reflex DC 38 for half damage), Frightful Presence (20 ft radius, Will DC 26 negates)
Special Qualities: DR 10/Magic, Fast Healing 5, SR 27, Darkvision 120 ft, Low-Light Vision, Immune to Acid & Cold, Resist Fire 30, Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects, Telepathy 100 ft, Resist Electricity 5
Saves: Fort +34, Ref +26, Will +22
Abilities: Str 48(52), Dex 24(28), Con 39(44), Int 18(20), Wis 22(28), Cha 18(20)
Skills: +35 Concentration, +10 Knowledge (Arcana), +23 Knowledge (Religion), +10 Knowledge (The Planes), +15 Listen, +27 Sense Motive, +25 Spellcraft, +19 Spot, +31 Swim
Feats: Divine Metamagic, Extra Turning (x2), Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Spellcasting Prodigy, Still Spell
Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Truespeech
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Capsize (Ex): The Divine Serpent can attempt to capsize a boat or ship of its size or smaller by ramming it as a charge attack and making a combat maneuver check. The DC of this check is 25 or the result of the boat captain's Profession (Sailor) check, whichever is higher.

Prepared Divine Spells (Caster Level 15): Spell DC = 10 + 9 (WIS) + 1 (SP) + 4 (MoL) + spell level
Level 0: (6/day): Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Message, Read Magic
Level 1: (4+3/day): Barbed Serpent Chains, Clarion Call, Conviction, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith, Sign
Level 2: (4+3/day): Augury, Boneshaker, Close Wounds x2, Divine Insight, Ironskin, Resist Energy
Level 3: (4+2/day): Alter Fortune, Battlemagic Perception, Blindness/Deafness, Deeper Darkness, Hydrophobia, Venomfire
Level 4: (4+2/day): Air Walk, Assay Spell Resistance, Divination, Divine Power, Hallucinogenic Smoke, Panacea
Level 5: (4+2/day): Caustic Blood, Constricting Coils, Greater Command, Revivify, Righteous Might, True Seeing
Level 6: (3+2/day): Banishment, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal, Invoke Deity, Wind Walk
Level 7: (2+1/day): Destruction, Dictum, Regenerate
Level 8: (1+1/day): Nine Lives, Shield of Law

Supernatural Abilities:
Divine Serpent:
  • Hasted (Su): The Divine Serpent benefits from a constant Haste spell effect.
  • Reflective Hide (Su): Divine Serpent has a silvery sheen to its skin and is permanently protected by a Spell Turning effect.
  • See in Darkness (Su): The Divine Serpent can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by Deeper Darkness spells.
  • Enhanced Attributes (Ex): The save DC for each of the Divine Serpent's special attacks, spells, and spell-like abilities increases by +4 (already included in stats).
  • Regrow limbs (Ex): If the Divine Serpent loses a limb, head, or body part, a new one grows in 1 round. It cannot be slain by a Vorpal weapon's head-severing ability.
  • Truespeech (Su): The Divine Serpent can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a Tongues spell (caster level equal to HD). This ability is always active.
  • Raging Blood (Su): Each time damage is dealt to the Divine Serpent with a Piercing or Slashing attack, its blood sprays outward in a 5-foot cone, dealing 1d4 points of Acid damage to all within range (no saving throw). It is not harmed by its own blood.
  • Spells: The Divine Serpent casts Divine spells from the cleric list and from the Protection, Strength, and War Domains as a 5th-level Cleric, though it does not gain extra Domain spell slots. This ability stacks with the spellcasting granted Cleric Creature template.
  • Frightful Presence (Ex): When the Divine Serpent makes a loud hiss, it inspires terror in all creatures within 20 feet that have fewer Hit Dice or levels than it has. Each potentially affected opponent must succeed at a Will save (DC 25) or become Shaken - a condition that lasts until the opponent is out of range. A successful save leaves that opponent immune to the Divine Serpent's frightful presence for 24 hours.
Animated Extreme Shield: AC Bonus: +3 + 3 (Enhancement) + 5 (vs Ranged), Weight: 25 pounds
  1. Lesser Crystal of Arrow Deflection: You benefit from a +5 bonus to AC versus ranged attacks.
  2. Animated: Upon command, this shield floats within 2 feet of you, providing protection as if you were using it yourself but freeing up both her hands.
Crown of the Serpent Lord: +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +5 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +6 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, +5 Resistance bonus to Saving Throws
  1. Use Prestidigitation, Greater Mage Hand and Unseen Servant At Will, and Celerity 1/Day
  2. 1/Day as a Standard Action, you can increase your Divine caster level by +4 for 10 minutes.
  3. 1/Day: Negate Stun, Daze, Confusion, or Fascination (Does not include the effects of Chronomancy)
Mantle of Serpent Lord:
  1. 3/Day sacrifice a spell slot to use Summon Monster spell of same level
  2. You are protected by a Blur spell, granting a 20% miss chance on attacks made against you. It functions continually unless suppressed as a Standard Action. Another Standard Action restores the effect.
  3. Aspect of the Starry Sky:
    • Glow as if affected with a Light spell at will.
    • Convert any spell of 1st level and above to Magic Missile.
  4. Aspect of the Wide Earth:
    • Convert any Spell of 5th level and above to Teleport
    • Carrying capacity is doubled.
  5. Aspect of the Sullen Sea:
    • Hold breath for up to 12 hours before having to make a Constitution check.
    • Convert any spell of 4th level and above to Freedom of Movement.
  6. Aspect of the Golden Sun:
    • Immunity to blindness and dazzling effect
    • Convert any spell of 3rd level and above to Fireball.
  7. Harmony of the Four Aspects:
    • Benefit from Cold, Electricity, & Acid Resistance 5.
    • Convert any spell of 5th level and above to Commune.
TOTAL: 26,752 IM (not including commissioned Mind Blank ring)

Equipment: Animated Extreme Shield, Crown of the Serpent Lord, Mantle of the Serpent Lord, Mind Blank Ring
Knowing that the Wisps are serving on lamp duty, I would be perfectly happy to leave them to their fate, to be honest.

I don't think we should ask Nirah to help against the Golden Company at all. That's power and ability all out of proportion with the threat. If he and Yss don't mind, however, Nirah could certainly be of aid when Tiamat responds to our provocation. He's as faste on land as a horse and can fly faster than a Phantom Steed using a Wind Walk spell.
If we do manage to keep the wisps in their little bottles without stomping on Dany's slavery button we should use them to illuminate the larder. I have a feeling that it'd make them a lot more polite in the future. :V
That wouldn't be slavery, though. We would just be keeping more fodder in the Larder...and benefiting from their illumination as a side-effect.
No, this feels empty. Someone carried our vengeance for us. No, I'd rather rescue them or something just to show causality that it is irrelevant to our schemes.
That wouldn't be slavery, though. We would just be keeping more fodder in the Larder...and benefiting from their illumination as a side-effect.
I mean, it's not like we aren't keeping a whole lot of beings in bottles there anyway - we aren't sacrificing any Mammon's Devils for several months now, after all.

Had the bottled entities kept their cognitive abilities/not been in stasis, I bet the room would have had... interesting conversations happening in it.
No, this feels empty. Someone carried our vengeance for us. No, I'd rather rescue them or something just to show causality that it is irrelevant to our schemes.
I don't particularly like going after them in the first place, but if we're doing this we should do it properly. Saving them would be a bit much just to prove a point to some irrelevant misfits who will probably just run with the opportunity.

On the other hand, letting them sit through a few cycles of the larder from front row seating before pitching a job to them might be fun and useful.

Just imagine how that realization would go:

Wisp: "where am I?" *flares light*
*sees rows upon rows of demons, devils, and deep ones, stored like glorified pickles in a root cellar*
Wisp: "... I've made a terrible mistake"

Edit: fixed messed up sentence.
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I don't think we should ask Nirah to help against the Golden Company at all. That's power and ability all out of proportion with the threat. If he and Yss don't mind, however, Nirah could certainly be of aid when Tiamat responds to our provocation. He's as faste on land as a horse and can fly faster than a Phantom Steed using a Wind Walk spell.
Ah, but the point is, we'd face her best and greatest either in the Fortress - or in the fields with the rest of GC.

We can't reasonably take the Adamantine Golem, Hadhayosh, and Nirah in the Shadow Fortress.
We can, however, utilize them in the fields.

...lWhile bombarding shit with the Mooncahser and the Wyverns. And with 26 Furies buffed to their gills. And the OP-Elementals of Vee. Etc.
Ah, the smell of Overkill in the morning...

An absolute overkill?
Sure, but in case Tiamat does summon an Avatar (and/or a bunch of high-CR dragon-Outsiders) there they may just be invaluable in stopping her.

We'd want to face the best she has, too - so we can put the Well of Eternity on her Avatar/Champion and suck her dry.
Wait, shit, not like tha-
Here's a prepared template for the second edition of the Imperial Times. I've kept a lot of the framework established in the first edition, changing the language a bit to show that we're simply continuing some of the previously established topics. I also added a continuation of "An Exile's Journey", this time focusing on our adventure in Mantarys.

The political caricature section hasn't been included simply because I'm not good at coming up with that kind of stuff and don't know if we should do another round of those so soon, when we can instead use that space for to focus more on other information and articles.

We can add or remove whatever is needed, but this seems like a good starting point.
[] The Imperial Times Issue #2: Included in the link is a variation of that logo with a depiction of Viserys in Dragon-form and Planetos guarded by his wings during his rest, depicted upon the title page.
-[] Details: The Broadsheets will each have an Arcane Mark differentiated with each Issue #. This will make tracking them with a proper ritual and foci (the Marker key) simple for any properly trained mage or expert. The Broadsheets will be hardened by sorcerous means, the batches not being overly bulky, enough that there's no reason that Viserys couldn't do it himself to maximize potential Hardness rating.
--[] Finally, while true that many of these will be pointlessly lost, or at least have access restricted as people either cast them aside from baseless superstition, or the enemy gets better at disposal, that doesn't mean that attempts to maximize its spread and retention shouldn't be made. We have Inquisition assets in two of the locations they are bound for. Where possible, they will ensure some of them stay in circulation.

-[] Editorials: Continue providing information seeking to inform people of the state of the world, nothing that a well-traveled sailor could not pick up in a port, but purged of the most outlandish inaccuracies and seeking to educate and inform--hopefully the fact that most of what is happening in the world is actually quite riveting when given the right prose will keep people passing it along as-written.
--[] Continue with the serialized set of stories and fables, supported by visually expressive art.
---[] They will tell about Fey, the kind we deem acceptable, about how to spot Devil/Demon/Daemon cultists, about the spheres and so on and so forth (the point is twisting the narrative of those supernatural creatures that are seriously affected by it, to more sensible and useful direction, while also giving general population a minimal understanding of basic concepts we want them to know).

-[] The Great Sept of Sorcerer's Deep: A beautiful new temple to the Seven has been raised in Sorcerer's Deep, staffed by Westerosi septons and septas, and guarded by Westerosi knights selected by the lead Septon and armed with enchanted weapons provided by the Dragon King. Go on to use this as an example that the Faith of the Seven can exist comfortably within the Imperium.
--[] Include an image of the Great Sept's exterior and another of the interior, showing the Sept filled with worshipers.

-[] Introducing the Earth Mother: Speak of the rediscovered Earth Mother, a benevolent goddess who has just recently awakened from the slumber of ages. She cares nothing for war or conflict and only desires the safety and continued well being of every man, woman, and child in the world.
Use this as an opportunity to mention a new Fertility Ritual courtesy of the Earth Mother which will soon be made available. Like the ritual currently being used by farmers throughout Essos and even Westeros, this ritual will increase crop yields, but to an even greater degree. Knowledge of this ritual will be free to all who are interested, of course, as it is a gift feely given by the Earth Mother.

-[] Announcing the Expansion of the Scholarium: With the recent addition of Volantis to the growing Imperium, that great city's own institution of magical learning, the Mysterium, has now joined the Imperial Scholarium.
This merger further ensures that all Imperial mages will receive as fine an education as can be provided, with experienced mages from all over the world becoming available to provide instruction on both how to use magic, and just as importantly, when to use it. Citizens can rest assured that a Scholarium trained mage knows the laws pertaining to magic and the consequences of disregarding them.

-[] Behold, the Heart Trees of Healing: Now numbering nearly two dozen strong with the latest round of 19 that were grown in the past month, the Healing Heart Trees of the Old Gods are available to all citizens of the Imperium and those who may choose to visit from further afield. Not only can these trees heal painful and debilitating injuries, it is also within their power to remedy crippling conditions such as blindness and deafness.
-[] Include an image of a Healing Heart Tree being grown by Viserys, along with the pile of broken magic items used to fuel their growth, with a brief caption to explain that no blood magic was used to raise the trees.

-[] Propaganda Posters (Continued from previous issue): Pro-Imperium propaganda along the lines of recruitment for the the imperial institutions—Legion, the Scholarum, the Inquisition, the Imperial Administration, the Diplomatic Corps, etc. These will come in the form of illustrated posters captioned by truespeech.
--[] For the Inquisition the posters will be along the lines of security and trust, focusing mainly on the need for citizens to cooperate and share intel for the good of the empire. (the Inquisition recruits on their own, that shouldn't be messed with). The themes of this poster will focus on the various threats that the Inquisition regularly squares off against -- mainly fiends, but also Deep Ones.
--[] For the Legion the posters will focus on the need citizens to cooperate, but also on recruitment. These will be images of glory and righteousness, of liberation and justice. Your basic army recruitment stuff, but embellished as much as we can. They'll illustrate how the Legion defends the Imperium, brings law to godforsaken cities, frees whatever slaves they come across, etc. It's a rallying cry to join in, to see the nearest recruiter, etc.
--[] For the Scholarum again the need to cooperate, but this one is more an advertisement that they're a legal and certified means of magical expertise, be it for crafting or other things. This could be split in two different approaches—the first being like some university's advertisement, detailing the courses and the resources (geared towards those who are more interested in learning and research), and the second being a call to duty for all eligible mages to rise to serve (this would mirror the Legion posters in a way, with an obviously arcane bent to it).
--[] For the Diplomatic Corps and the Imperial Administration the general idea is to portray how vital their jobs are and what lives they touch. For the latter, for example, focus on the imperial works in progress, how the materials are being shipped there, the roads being built to connect the Imperium in full, etc. "One Empire". It basically writes itself.

-[] Continue adding to the newly serialized "Monster's Manual", focusing on common threats to the individual regions.

-[] "An Exile's Journey, Part Two" In addition to the mentioned free informational document section, we will produce a serialized re-telling of our adventures, putting our utter genius with words and public address to use.
--[] Although the timeline of events doesn't perfectly mesh with the summarized events from part one of the retelling, this time we will focus on sharing some of our adventures that lead up to the liberation of Mantarys from Demons and their misguided cultists.
---[] Despite having barely settled into our new home, what would soon be known as Sorcerer's Deep, dire warnings of approaching calamity shared with us by a Celestial being prompted a mad dash across the continent of Essos.
----[] On swift shadow steeds we journeyed, faster than any flesh and blood horse could hope to match, and we were still nearly too late to prevent an army of Demons from being Summoned by a madman. With the aid of our Companions and newfound allies, however, the Listener and his insane ambitions were crushed and the people of Mantarys freed from bondage and Demonic cruelty.
-----[] Now Mantarys rises as a shining example of prosperity and light, guided by the wise Celestials who helped us defeat the Listener, and lead by the wise and powerful Yrael.
-----[] While details will be scarce by necessity and sensitive information excluded, we will take this opportunity to introduce Yrael and his fellow Archons as spirits of light and order who wish to help mankind in this new age of magic, and the Minotaurs, formerly of Mantarys, as innocent men and women who were transformed against their will by merciless Demons, but who now wish to rise above their unfortunate origins and make a new life for themselves in the Imperium.
------[] To Be Continued
EDIT: Gonna add some more stuff based on some of @TalonofAnathrax's recommendations from last week.

Here's the ones I think we could focus on:
  • ADDED - Upcoming : new fertility ritual blessed by the Earth mother! Who is she? Here are some basic precepts!
  • Latest war news : Companions, Zherys, various Dragons, Teana and allied Archmages united to fight off an attack by Efreet slavers who wanted to raid a part of our Empire. Their flying ship was caught as it crossed Valyria, secure in its invincibility amidst the eternal flames of the Fourteen Fires. How could mere humans reach it here without burning to death?
  • ADDED - For the Westeros issue : Empire's official position regarding the Seven is "no fighting needed!" New temple described, here's what they've been preaching, and we've peacefully met with the Chosen of the Maiden and agreed to fight the Deep Ones and devils together whenever needed.
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Here's a prepared template for the second edition of the Imperial Times. I've kept a lot of the framework established in the first edition, changing the language a bit to show that we're simply continuing some of the previously established topics. I also added a continuation of "An Exile's Journey", this time focusing on our adventure in Mantarys.

The political caricature section hasn't been included simply because I'm not good at coming up with that kind of stuff and don't know if we should do another round of those so soon, when we can instead use that space for to focus more on other information and articles.

We can add or remove whatever is needed, but this seems like a good starting point.
[] The Imperial Times Issue #2: Included in the link is a variation of that logo with a depiction of Viserys in Dragon-form and Planetos guarded by his wings during his rest, depicted upon the title page.
-[] Details: The Broadsheets will each have an Arcane Mark differentiated with each Issue #. This will make tracking them with a proper ritual and foci (the Marker key) simple for any properly trained mage or expert. The Broadsheets will be hardened by sorcerous means, the batches not being overly bulky, enough that there's no reason that Viserys couldn't do it himself to maximize potential Hardness rating.
--[] Finally, while true that many of these will be pointlessly lost, or at least have access restricted as people either cast them aside from baseless superstition, or the enemy gets better at disposal, that doesn't mean that attempts to maximize its spread and retention shouldn't be made. We have Inquisition assets in two of the locations they are bound for. Where possible, they will ensure some of them stay in circulation.

-[] Editorials: Continue providing information seeking to inform people of the state of the world, nothing that a well-traveled sailor could not pick up in a port, but purged of the most outlandish inaccuracies and seeking to educate and inform--hopefully the fact that most of what is happening in the world is actually quite riveting when given the right prose will keep people passing it along as-written.
--[] Continue with the serialized set of stories and fables, supported by visually expressive art.
---[] They will tell about Fey, the kind we deem acceptable, about how to spot Devil/Demon/Daemon cultists, about the spheres and so on and so forth (the point is twisting the narrative of those supernatural creatures that are seriously affected by it, to more sensible and useful direction, while also giving general population a minimal understanding of basic concepts we want them to know).

-[] Propaganda Posters (Continued from previous issue): Pro-Imperium propaganda along the lines of recruitment for the the imperial institutions—Legion, the Scholarum, the Inquisition, the Imperial Administration, the Diplomatic Corps, etc. These will come in the form of illustrated posters captioned by truespeech.
--[] For the Inquisition the posters will be along the lines of security and trust, focusing mainly on the need for citizens to cooperate and share intel for the good of the empire. (the Inquisition recruits on their own, that shouldn't be messed with). The themes of this poster will focus on the various threats that the Inquisition regularly squares off against -- mainly fiends, but also Deep Ones.
--[] For the Legion the posters will focus on the need citizens to cooperate, but also on recruitment. These will be images of glory and righteousness, of liberation and justice. Your basic army recruitment stuff, but embellished as much as we can. They'll illustrate how the Legion defends the Imperium, brings law to godforsaken cities, frees whatever slaves they come across, etc. It's a rallying cry to join in, to see the nearest recruiter, etc.
--[] For the Scholarum again the need to cooperate, but this one is more an advertisement that they're a legal and certified means of magical expertise, be it for crafting or other things. This could be split in two different approaches—the first being like some university's advertisement, detailing the courses and the resources (geared towards those who are more interested in learning and research), and the second being a call to duty for all eligible mages to rise to serve (this would mirror the Legion posters in a way, with an obviously arcane bent to it).
--[] For the Diplomatic Corps and the Imperial Administration the general idea is to portray how vital their jobs are and what lives they touch. For the latter, for example, focus on the imperial works in progress, how the materials are being shipped there, the roads being built to connect the Imperium in full, etc. "One Empire". It basically writes itself.

-[] Continue adding to the newly serialized "Monster's Manual", focusing on common threats to the individual regions.

-[] "An Exile's Journey, Part Two" In addition to the mentioned free informational document section, we will produce a serialized re-telling of our adventures, putting our utter genius with words and public address to use.
--[] Although the timeline of events doesn't perfectly mesh with the summarized events from part one of the retelling, this time we will focus on sharing some of our adventures that lead up to the liberation of Mantarys from Demons and their misguided cultists.
---[] Despite having barely settled into our new home, what would soon be known as Sorcerer's Deep, dire warnings of approaching calamity shared with us by a Celestial being prompted a mad dash across the continent of Essos.
----[] On swift shadow steeds we journeyed, faster than any flesh and blood horse could hope to match, and we were still nearly too late to prevent an army of Demons from being Summoned by a madman. With the aid of our Companions and newfound allies, however, the Listener and his insane ambitions were crushed and the people of Mantarys freed from bondage and Demonic cruelty.
-----[] Now Mantarys rises as a shining example of prosperity and light, guided by the wise Celestials who helped us defeat the Listener, and lead by the wise and powerful Yrael.
-----[] While details will be scarce by necessity and sensitive information excluded, we will take this opportunity to introduce Yrael and his fellow Archons as spirits of light and order who wish to help mankind in this new age of magic, and the Minotaurs, formerly of Mantarys, as innocent men and women who were transformed against their will by merciless Demons, but who now wish to rise above their unfortunate origins and make a new life for themselves in the Imperium.
------[] To Be Continued
EDIT: Gonna add some more stuff based on some of @TalonofAnathrax's recommendations from last week.

Here's the ones I think we could focus on:
  • Upcoming : new fertility ritual blessed by the Earth mother! Who is she? Here are some basic precepts!
  • Latest war news : Companions, Zherys, various Dragons, Teana and allied Archmages united to fight off an attack by Efreet slavers who wanted to raid a part of our Empire. Their flying ship was caught as it crossed Valyria, secure in its invincibility amidst the eternal flames of the Fourteen Fires. How could mere humans reach it here without burning to death?
  • For the Westeros issue : Empire's official position regarding the Seven is "no fighting needed!" New temple described, here's what they've been preaching, and we've peacefully met with the Chosen of the Maiden and agreed to fight the Deep Ones and devils together whenever needed.
We should probably make sure efreeti are in all of the monsters manual versions this time; otherwise the news will make less sense.