Ya'll, if you're going to defect, maybe at least defect to Gawain's other worst stat (Intrigue)? Like, Diplomacy is great, but atm we have an ever-expanding list of Learning and/or Intrigue options (Learning MORE than Intrigue, but I'll take what I can get) out-spiraling our measly 2 Action Slots. Extra Learning slot will benefit us in the sense of growing out tech base as fast as possible, which will open avenues to grow our income so we can Do More Stuff Earlier as well as max out our efficiency with what we have atm to stay on top of things. Gawain's Diplomacy stat is so good that beefing it out more just... Isn't as gainworthy as shoring up his weaknesses would be as far as I can tell.
I dearly wish we could pick 2, even if it might end up turning our kiddo into Garrick the Workaholic 2.0 Gawain Edition (lol).
We have an ever expanding list in ALL categories, and diplomacy can raise our income as well through more trading with more partners.
Right now I'm choosing what i think would make more of an impression on the people AND what I think Gawain would be best at (and happier at)
INTRIGUE: we can't make most of the action done here known, which means it doesn't help much to improve Gawain's rep.
LEARNING: suboptimal. He's not an inventor. He's a prince. There are people better suited to this role than him I think. He's smart, but I can't really see him as a researcher.
STEWARDSHIP: possibly, but not his strong point. He COULD work on some important project, like, for example, the expansion of the cities, but I don't think that's the kind of recognition he needs. It lacks a certain oomph.
MARTIAL: HERE Gawain could really shine, especially if we end up going to war against Maretonia. The problem for me is that, unless war happens, his talent might end up not being recognized. And of course we want to AVOID war if possible.
After all Hardbeak became famous only AFTER the wars, no matter how skilled he was before them.
I'm still tempted by Martial though. This is the ONE field where he can prove himself as COMPLETELY superior to his father (19 Vs 14), and even slightly better than his mother (18)
DIPLOMACY: we're surrounded by other polities, with more STILL BEING DISCOVERED EVERY TURN.
We have established relationship with ONLY about half of them.
He's already familiar with the culture of Neighpon, our best ally.
He can really make a name for himself by finding us another ally like Neighpon, or by learning and introducing something useful from a different culture, or even by trying to introduce more races to our empire (immigration action). He could even get us access to the prophecies of one of our neighbors
And, (and this is important too) I think this is the job he'd enjoy the most, and a really important one too.