I just realized something while writing up part of the update (which I actually think I'll have written, if maybe not edited, before the end of the year!) - by having slann astral project to whatever location and spawn lizardmen there, it's technically possible to found cities basically anywhere you want without regard for proximity to other cities. This does take a rather large investment of slann if you don't have the node city upgrade that lets you just build the core of the city and have it autocomplete, since without it, the lizardmen you spawn have to manually mine all the materials they need to build the city (assuming a slann spawns a skink priest to operate an obsinite pit and a few kroxigors, a fairly decent quantity of obsinite can be generated out of pretty much anything) but once you do, you can basically just spam little auto-completing cities all over the map, only really limited by your slann capacity. Let's see here...
starting pop for a tier 1 city at mag 1 web is 5k saurus, 10k skinks, 500 kroxigor, which we'll say is the minimum to let it do its 1 action. Node Cities is basically just the core structures and maybe some defenses, which could really be built by some kroxigors and a skink or two to carve the initial spawning pools out pretty damn easily. 5th gen slann can spawn 100 kroxigors or 1500 skinks each, so let's say that three 5th gens spawn 275ish kroxigor and a few hundred skinks and spend the rest of their action to connect the initial bit to the geomantic network. The spawning pools would then be online and feed the population as the node city is built, which could then build the rest of the city the turn after.

You could feasibly have a level 1 city autobuild in 2 turns pretty much anywhere on the planet (provided it's not attacked while being built) for the investment of about 3 fifth generation slann.

I'm gonna WOG that this is how the initial networks on Mallus were set up from across the continental gaps, made even easier by the mini-webway the Old Ones set up there.

Thinking further, it'd theoretically be possible to invest actions to store up the required materials and the like and then teleport them over to the planned site, massively speeding up the construction process. Kinda like a primitive version of how the WOTK Void Dragon does his base drops.
Neat. Don't really plan on doing that until we get Mag 3 Web and cities the normal way, we need Slann for Research and the cities would be too vulnerable, but its good to have the option available for later.
perfection...now if only we could create true-power-swords/light-sabers.

other then that the idea to spam the cities might be a good idea...once were done telling the orcs to go buzz off and the bugs to.

then we can fill out the continent with our cities that will evolve into level 3 cities as least, then hopefully we find out level 4 cities and above.

as well as getting our dead slann back up from their bone-nap. (lazy gits!)
Honestly this sounds pretty damn strong and it does seem like a Slann way of doing things, why bother carting off materials, man(lizard?) power and other essentials when you can just teleport them to the build site?
Update's fully written and editing process is partway through. Kairos is pretty busy at the moment, plus it's the holiday season and whatnot so I don't anticipate being able to release it by Christmas, but it should be able to drop before the new year - 'specially considering I'm gonna be releasing it in parts to as to exploit your psychology and make it seem longer, which also gives the both of us more time to edit and construct the next turn. So, uh, keep an eye out, get hype, etc.
Kairos is pretty busy at the moment, plus it's the holiday season
I assume this is a fellow forumite betaing for you?

Otherwise this sentence is just great, I am now imagining Kairos Fateweaver doing christmas shopping.
One of his heads orders the presents that Tzeentch will like the most, the other buys stuff he'll hate and in the end an unecessarily complex plan will determine which ones he actually gives Tzeentch.
One of his heads orders the presents that Tzeentch will like the most, the other buys stuff he'll hate and in the end an unecessarily complex plan will determine which ones he actually gives Tzeentch.
The answer is, of course, both. But at different times and places and under different names.

Because the real gift is unraveling just who sent them and how.
I assume this is a fellow forumite betaing for you?

Otherwise this sentence is just great, I am now imagining Kairos Fateweaver doing christmas shopping.
One of his heads orders the presents that Tzeentch will like the most, the other buys stuff he'll hate and in the end an unecessarily complex plan will determine which ones he actually gives Tzeentch.
Yeah, he's been reining in my excesses since the end of the Estalian invasion in From A Dead World.

And whatever present Tzeentch opens, it's always his own hand popping out of the box to punch him in the face.

Oh, if anyone's the number-watching type I've edited the front page some. I'm saving most of the edits for when I put the updates out, since the goodies you got as far as tech and whatnot are pretty cool.
You realize this is minor torture mate?
Oh, of course, I'm a horrible individual :p

To make it slightly better, I've been given an early Christmas gift of most/all of the editing being done! Just some minor adjustments and such to finish up, plus getting a head start on turn 9. Barring anything else coming up, first of the updates drops on Christmas Eve. I shall be the proverbial Xanta Claws!
I wanna see what's inside the egg of qango.
Fortunately, since I'll be releasing one section at a time, you guys will get to vote on which one I release from day to day. There's 15-odd sections, so that translates into 2 solid weeks of update!
I'm trying this mainly to exploit the thread psychology and attract more viewers by keeping it on the front page for longer, but it should also be more beneficial for y'all as well. It's like what I tried to pull off in From A Dead World, only in an actually manageable manner.

hopefully the egg did good...and that its not a dead thing.

also getting our god of death/fog/numb go up might help! (or do we want slumber? the idea I think is for the death god to not only put our enemies to sleep, but also cover their visions with the fog of war literally!)
Fortunately, since I'll be releasing one section at a time, you guys will get to vote on which one I release from day to day. There's 15-odd sections, so that translates into 2 solid weeks of update!
I'm trying this mainly to exploit the thread psychology and attract more viewers by keeping it on the front page for longer, but it should also be more beneficial for y'all as well. It's like what I tried to pull off in From A Dead World, only in an actually manageable manner.
Why must you torment me?
Fortunately, since I'll be releasing one section at a time, you guys will get to vote on which one I release from day to day. There's 15-odd sections, so that translates into 2 solid weeks of update!
I'm trying this mainly to exploit the thread psychology and attract more viewers by keeping it on the front page for longer, but it should also be more beneficial for y'all as well. It's like what I tried to pull off in From A Dead World, only in an actually manageable manner.
God dammit stop teasing us with excitement
*rolls dice*
Oh my. That means... *rolls more*
Well. While I ponder what that means for the upcoming turn, have a vote! This is all the categories you'll have posted in the next while, presented in the order they'll be laid out in the eventual full update I'll permanently threadmark. Vote for as many as you like, and whichever one gets the most votes will be the first one posted on the 24th. Then I'll hold another vote deciding which one you guys want to view the next day, and so on until I'm out of sections.

Oh, and this vote will run until say ... I was gonna try to do timezone conversions here but fuck that. Late on the 24th basically.

[] Reconstitution
[] Examine the Cosmos
[] Chasing the Storm
[] Assign Slann Rulers
[] Found New City - SW of Chalkaro
[] Tiktaq'to/Chakax Purging Parasites
[] Spellforges
[] Consult Relic Priests - Technology
[] Exotic Dinosaur Spawning
[] Ghyran Skink Priests
[] Egg of the Quango
[] Scry and Spy Both Orks
[] Scry and Spy North Continent
[] Scry and Spy South Continent
[] Ascertain Their Usefulness

If you need any clarifications, just ask.
Last edited:
[X] Egg of the Quango

[X] Examine the Cosmos

[X] Spellforges
[X] Consult Relic Priests - Technology
[X] Exotic Dinosaur Spawning
[X] Ghyran Skink Priests