Hark! As an individual with but tenuous ties to reality historically, may I bless this thread with the grand opera of my typing!
[X] Playful Muse Rapport (Try to help Sixiang reclaim their nature as a muse. Increases Sixiang's Moon affinity. Higher chance of positive result)
As an individual that has extremely potent empathy, I was absolutely crushed growing up when I saw hurt and pain and dehumanization all around! I was bludgeoned often by the "lesson" that sometimes things are just the way they are, and that sometimes you need to curb your empathy in order to live.
I learned to do this! And yet, as I got older I found that it was completely unnecessary in the normal course of being alive! I was astounded to learn of those that had come before and chosen empathy even in situations that more-than-allowed them to behave otherwise.
Nay, I learned that empathy is always a choice! It is a hard choice, one that requires extremely creative solutions, but a choice none the less!
This helped me embrace my empathy, but also revived my appreciation of creativity! Woe, to know the depths of despair and write "Fear and Trembling"! Rejoice! For that man was still able to claw himself back from the void and create joy again. Tho, let's not forget that he did this through a "teleological suspension of the ethical" which is not exactly wanted in this case, for we would be the goddess and not a figure as such we wish to be.
Though does this mean I wish to solve the problem of empathy?
No. I abhor the idea of dragging Six to our mundane real-space and pragmatic practical understanding. Instead, a playful muse rapport between the two of us should be most enlightening to both us and our ally!
Indeed! I assume that through purple prose and a casual disdain for the structures of language we will reach through humor what more dour philosophers couldn't hope to see with ten-thousand Zeno's lives. To understand on a deep and fundamental level that the world is as serious as we believe with our mortal and rational minds. But also, on a just as real level, the world is also an absurdity!
Six understood the latter, but was illuminated of the former. The wind would make more serious a being whose nature is tied to freedom, yes. But also! Make more solid a being that relies on fluidity in both form and function! A Muse must be willing to practice and inspire any Art, and as we know Production cultivators become warriors through their Art. Should the reverse not also be true? Do we not already perform music of war with which to fight? Production of such pieces should soon be within grasp, and we can reach that understanding through Creativity and understanding of the absurd!
LQ (and most people), of course, are more the former than the latter and that's because most have been a mortal in a world of death for many years. And yet, to reach the higher realms of this world of YRS's design requires on some level an Embrace of the Absurd!
The struggles of individuals shake continents and sink islands! The deaths of but two now strand skeletal soldiers suffering in sand struggles for an eternity, it seems! This is inherently both very serious and tragic, but also absurd!
This world's reality is very much in line with the absurdity of our reality. We are advanced enough to distill and split specific atoms but not enough to stop such destruction? We are so kind that most people still spend extra effort for fellows that are strangers and yet when some fellows appear stranger we estrange them as deranged? We have slices of sight of the mind with fMRI's that describe the neurodiverse as coequals of any other human and yet we still fund torturous tasers attempting to scorch their way to what's "normal". As if burning brands of trauma are typical of the average life!
This is all both deadly serious and absurd. To rotate back to the story, I wish not for Six to be divorced of their absurd roots but instead embrace the depth of feeling that causes normally a fission and partitioning of self. Instead, I hope by fusion Six can pull LQ towards an understanding of Dance as Combat, Art as Fighting, Ink as Blood, Poems as Punches! Though it may hurt to feel so deeply, it is bearable and beauty spun from such pains converts dark emotions to positive growth and understanding. A journey of hardship still worth it by virtue of the beauty at the end (though assuredly not the only path to beauty!)
Imagine readers, if you will, a future in which everyone we meet believes we have a different moon spirit, to the degree that we are rumored to have a whole bevy of muses available safe in our dantian! How intimidating! A cultivator who is so sublime and confident in combat and so deep in their Qi that they not only have many spirits available, but in fact have purely social spirits as well! E-gads! What a monster! <3
Six's fluid form fully functions with our sincerity even though others externally may see strangers we know Six is Six regardless! Absolutely both fun and useful! Speculative sure, still! Such sights soften simple hearts as mine <3 Seriously, splendid <3
On top of such things, I love the idea of being a relatively simple girl with simple pleasures who all believe is deep and mysterious despite the fact we are perpetually Sincere and Direct hahaha. What a lovely thing! A creative thing! Imagine! To be a spymaster who can never lie? I love it! Truly the Dreamer was right to pick us!
Thank you for reading this effort post with me! It truly is wonderful to read a set of sentences so surely synthesized by a mind a kin of mine own! Now I must hang up my hat of creative madness for now and hit the mundane grind. Thank you for participating in a thread of so much meaning to me! Have a wonderful day or night! Whichever you prefer haha <3