[X] Fortress Adjustments
-[X] Tell Darleth of recently gaining access to the wards that Marid use to guard their cities and fortresses -- to be learnt, but still something you'd like to plan for -- as well as a powerful ritualistic warding used as a barrier against "tainted flame" which is still being further developed for an increased range. You would like to extend plans for the fortress to account for these new tools.
--[X] If it helps we can introduce him to Benerro so that Darleth is able to get the specifics of the ritual's abilities.
-[X] Viserys will be able to provide layered anti-teleportation wards at a very high caster level.
-[X] Try to reduce the cost of the alchemical treatment for the stone if possible, but not at the sacrifice of time spent on other components of the defenses, their effectiveness or the effectiveness of the enamel itself. Better to spend more and pay less in lives later on if necessary.
-[X] Raise possibility of cannon emplacements with more exotic effects, potentially force cannons? Potential modification for emplacements to achieve best fire for effect. Expect majority to be Steam Cannons.
-[X] Also, get Darleth's quote on the cost for runecrafting further protecting the chambers with the anti-disintegration spikes.
-[X] Have Lya's double work on the plans with Darleth and later on likely the runecarving.
-[X] Brilliant Barrier Projectors (space for and defenses worked into plans).
Y'all know more about spells than I do
@Goldfish, any other ideas for fancy defenses that we can enchant?