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That's if they constantly stream right for the Citadel as soon as they get through.

If they pause to bunch up so that some will make it past the Citadel's artillery, we could get more.

So we just need to hope that the fight maniacs, who just got so jazzed up that they emptied their Karak and all one million of them spent the last 24 hours running riotously all the way around the mountain range to come bring the fight to us, decide to stop their headlong WAAAGH outside of artillery range, reform their ranks, and then ready themselves before slamming headfirst into our fortifications propa-like.

I'm not some kind of orc scholar, but I feel like that's unlikely.
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I think I'm just mostly bored with Dwarfs, I miss the intrigue panics and paranoia of the early days that Dwarfs are just to straight forward to incite.

tis why I want to play in the empire and elven lands more.

(for the sake of transparency, I also was against staying in K8P to begin with. though I've warmed up to it a bit. just wish we didn't pick being on the council and where just the local wizard that help when she was around and disappeared every few years on a adventure)
I think the only place you'd be able to get that sort of intrigue is on Nagarythe, temporarily until we have to leave or do good enough they invite us to stay (if that can possibly happen). And then she'd get good pretty quickly under pressure and it would no longer present that threat surface.

Mathilde is very good at taking apart conspiracies now, far more than she was when she left the Empire, so I don't think the Empire will present the same sort of "Well fuck we might just up and die or lose the conspirator we're chasing" drama and threat surface that Stirland had.
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I don't think the Runelords can yeet rune-magic over to Mhonar and Karagril from the Citadel. They couldn't during the Broken Toof YOLO. We also know we can't Eye them once they reach Mhonar and Karagril.
It was specifically mentioned by Boney in the list of things they stayed exposed to:
With the Eye, no. With cannon, catapults, ballistae, gyrocopters, and two Anvils of Doom, yes.

So we just need to hope that the fight maniacs, who just got so jazzed up that they emptied their Karak and spent the last 24 hours running riotously all the way around the mountain range to come bring the fight to us, decide to stop their headlong WAAAGH outside of artillery range, reform their ranks, and then ready themselves before slamming headfirst into our fortifications propa-like.

I'm not some kind of orc scholar, but I feel like that's unlikely.
To be fair, any Warboss that can send his Boys on a 24 hour run is good enough to be able to form them into a single unit to be more effective. Willing is more up in the air.
To be fair, any Warboss that can send his Boys on a 24 hour run is good enough to be able to form them into a single unit to be more effective. Willing is more up in the air.
There's also the encouragement to form up in the form of our artillery smacking them in the schnoze over and over.

So we just need to hope that the fight maniacs, who just got so jazzed up that they emptied their Karak and spent the last 24 hours running riotously all the way around the mountain range to come bring the fight to us, decide to stop their headlong WAAAGH outside of artillery range, reform their ranks, and then ready themselves before slamming headfirst into our fortifications propa-like.

I'm not some kind of orc scholar, but I feel like that's unlikely.

If they continuously stream into the killzone a few hundred at a time without bothering to prepare for a more meaningful assault then the artillery and archers can wipe them out without our help.

And I'm pretty sure that orcs understand the concept of "winding up for a big punch".
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It was specifically mentioned by Boney in the list of things they stayed exposed to:
To me, that reads as: if they stay above ground, you can hit them with the Anvils- for example, if they stay under the lip of the caldera, around the Citadel. That doesn't necessarily mean Kragg can loft his lava chasm attack 2km away to the next mountain over.
If they continuously stream into the killzone a few hundred at a time without bothering to prepare for a more meaningful assault then the artillery and archers can wipe them out without our help.

And I'm pretty sure that orcs understand the concept of "winding up for a big punch".
The dwarves have 30 Grapecannon (good for tearing through snotlings, if nothing else) in Karagril, with another 20 Scorpio bolt throwers we moved down to help hold back the Karak Drazh Corridor.

I have my doubts about some grapecannon wiping out hundreds of orcs pouring into the Caldera every second.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong. That'd be nice.
We do not have anywhere near the knowledge to be able to even understand WTF Old One tech is, let alone study it.
Well not right now, no, but after we figured out more of the AV and had guidance from the Slann--as horrifically unlikely as that may be--it might be possible. Far, far, far in the future, certainly, but possible. We just need an in to get started, and if AV is what I think it is, it might serve.
I think the only place you'd be able to get that sort of intrigue is on Nagarythe, temporarily until we have to leave or do good enough they invite us to stay (if that can possibly happen). And then she'd get good pretty quickly under pressure and it would no longer present that threat surface.

Mathilde is very good at taking apart conspiracies now, far more than she was when she left the Empire, so I don't think the Empire will present the same sort of "Well fuck we might just up and die or lose the conspirator we're chasing" drama and threat surface that Stirland had.
Actually I think there are ways to up the anty in the Empire.

the first and most obvious is put her in a situation where the bad guys* are making the first moves. for most of Striland, we were allowed to pick when a fight started for real, give the other side the ability to hit back or hit first or hit where we are not looking and it becomes harder.

the other way is to make it a grey vs grey fight, or even make us the bad guy, (we work for the empire, the empire is not always on the side of angels) were we have to figure out what to do when 'kill them all' is not the option.

make it a completely magical problem, a super hard, complex, magical problem.

and this just the top of my head. the Empire is a big and wonderful and terrible place. if your thinking we out levelled it, you're just not being imaginative.
Actually I think there are ways to up the anty in the Empire.

the first and most obvious is put her in a situation where the bad guys* are making the first moves. for most of Striland, we were allowed to pick when a fight started for real, give the other side the ability to hit back or hit first or hit where we are not looking and it becomes harder.

the other way is to make it a grey vs grey fight, or even make us the bad guy, (we work for the empire, the empire is not always on the side of angels) were we have to figure out what to do when 'kill them all' is not the option.

make it a completely magical problem, a super hard, complex, magical problem.

and this just the top of my head. the Empire is a big and wonderful and terrible place. if your thinking we out levelled it, you're just not being imaginative.
I mean "just not being imaginative" is one way to frame what I'm describing. Not one I adhere to though.

I largely expect what we'd be dealing with is figuring out why all of the upper echelon religious folks are actively and maliciously incompetent which reeks of enemy action.

And it'd be fun and challenging more than likely, but I find it less interesting of a threat surface than what is present around Karak Eight Peaks where we are protecting something or helping something grow strong enough to protect itself.

E: The bad guys making the first move doesn't make the threat surface interesting for me either given I can have that here in Karak Eight Peaks as well.
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The dwarves have 30 Grapecannon (good for tearing through snotlings, if nothing else) in Karagril, with another 20 Scorpio bolt throwers we moved down to help hold back the Karak Drazh Corridor.

We have a whole bunch of artillery that was too large to lug down into the tunnels, but works just fine in open air. We don't have much less cannon than we did when we brought down Castle Drakenhof.
[X] FIRST LINE: Caldera
[X] THIRD LINE: Eastern Valley

A lot was invested into the Eye of Gazul. We should use it as much as possible.
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I honestly have zero intention to leave Karak Eight Peaks for a good long while. I love the hell out of Belegar, the importance of this place, how it is a new hope for the Dwarves and a multicultural community that brings people together, it's awesome. We have soooo much invested here already, so many research topics to catch up on, I could easily see Mathilde being here for a very long time. Maybe the occasional Adventure, but Mathilde has made a home here.

On a different note, boy this is so narratively weird. We just got done kicking the ass of the entire Karak and retaking almost everything, through the power of non-conventional strategy and brilliant tactical maneuvers, and then it almost doesn't matter because now we are the only ones fighting against the simultaneous super invasion that might just lose us several mountains again for a while. Should've been a climax of the past several years, but now the story is reeling back for a second, even bigger punch. Why Drazh dice gotta be so inconvenient.
So assuming we win.

while I don't see us as done by any level, (take K8P's was the first part, keeping and stabilising is the second.) I can see the future going in a few ways.

1: one we stay on the council. and keep in the peaks mostly full time. work on K8P college and the dwarf cold war ( hopeful cold war anyways)

I don't really want to do the College, the more I think about it, the more boring it seems.

2: we step back a bit, possibly give the loremaster job to Kragg if he fully jumps on bord the Belger train. we will still be around a lot as this is where our towers* is. but we will have room to do other stuff.

what I can see as possible things to happen is..

Empire: with Striland and K8P's we probably have a bit of a rep for dealing with Provence size crises. and might be asked nicely* to come back for a while to deal with something.

whats the posable difficulty increases?
--- incompetent boss
--- active problems rather then neutral-ish (Stirland) or offence ( K8P) we will start off on the back foot rather than the ones making the first move.

Dwarf: Get asked to help with another Hold as we did so much for K8P's

---- more traditional king, not so much that he couldn't ask for man help, but we can't really get away with what we can in K8P's because of our relationship with King-Bro.

Elves: we go straight for the internship and then work from there.

--- inherently elves are higher level, we will be working in an environment where +20 is constered standard competence at your job.

Bretonnia? : long shot, but maybe go look at those damsels and their ability to use two or more lores.

---- we will be going into a mystery we don't even know where to start.

--- Misogyny, its bretonnia.

Skink turns up on our doorstep politely telling us that an ancient stone tablet said we have to talk with a magic frog.

---- WTF

anyone else have ideas?

We use that great deed we got to commission a magical labship and sail the world looking for neat magic stuff and getting into scraps against the enemies of man.
Nice to see Belgae employing the old coach's trick of pinning the news article saying they can't do it onto the locker room wall.

Mathilda should ideally spend this battle married to the Eye. This is its first chance to go Prime Time and it would be best if we are on hand to learn how enemies might go about counterspelling something on this scale, and to welcome any Shaman into her magical cage match.
Mathilda should ideally spend this battle married to the Eye. This is its first chance to go Prime Time and it would be best if we are on hand to learn how enemies might go about counterspelling something on this scale, and to welcome any Shaman into her magical cage match.
I did really like this part:
They'd likely throw the full power of any Shamans they have against contesting it, but..." You're already smiling in anticipation, and he nods. "That's unlikely to be a problem.
This thread has been worrying about it for some weeks, but Mathilde is just like "COME AT ME NERDS, I'LL GIVE YOU ALL SWIRLIES"
I like our surroundings, but I'm getting kind of bored of operating in them, personally (as in, as an operator). We can't really interact with any enemy populations without outing ourselves, so they're really more like forts full of bad guys than actual towns with people and stuff, we're basically sitting on a big pile of dwarves and humans highly unlikely to go and do anything we'd heavily disapprove of (like worshiping prohibited gods), and, while Waaaghs can kill us in new and interesting ways, once you've assassinated the warboss of one you've assassinated the warboss of all of them; high risk, but a low fun reward.

The things I like about our home are that we can trust our neighbors, we can build magical superweapons without them looking at us funny, and we can indulge our desire to construct wizard towers.

This leads me to believe that while staying here in the sense that this is our home is a good idea if we want to continue to do wizardy things, we should have our adventures further afield, preferably amongst people that we can interact with without automatically getting stabbed, and seek out new and interesting things to stab that we haven't stabbed before. The Elfventure is a good example of what I'm talking about, and after we take that I think the thread can look around and see if there's anything else in that vein they'd be interested in pursuing.
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