1) We open the reservoir and flood the plain, the floor here is pretty much just dust if the situation in this side is the same as in the Eastern valley, so a flood would turn it all into mud.
[Terrified Orc Mountaineer noises]"I couldn't dream of a better killing field than the Caldera," Prince Gotri says with a smile.
"I could," says King Kazador. "Halfway up a mountain."
The geography doesn't allow it anyway, but there comes a time where you need to do that kind of sacrifice, where surviving the night requieres burning tomorrow's food, surviving today is the objective, we'll deal with tomorrow when tomorrow comes.This feels very much like using our food stores to set some bonfires. Tactically useful, strategic blunder. The settlement is water-constrained and we don't know how the reservoir replenishes.
Embracing his inner rorschach "your stuck in here with me"Holy crap! he's willing to give up ground! that's, that is a solid plan, but its exactly the kind of smart play dwarfs can almost never make. Belgar is really getting good at avoiding typical dwarven pitfalls.
@BoneyM would it be possible to have a small force - possibly made up of rangers - hide by one of the Western Karags and reveal themselves as loudly as possible just before it's time to fire the Eye, possibly with a few cannons? I'm envisioning them grabbing the attention of the orcs in the shadow as an available fight that doesn't involve digging or getting past the Citadel's defenses, and drawing them out into exposed territory.
Maybe just set up a big explosive charge that's not going to accomplish anything except make a huge noise, and then have a bunch of rangers come out waving flags and weapons at the orcs.
@BoneyM -- sorry for being obtuse, when Kazador said, "I could [...] halfway up a mountain" was he referring to parking dwarves up in the Wyvern chambers?
for some reason, Boney chose not to use the dialogue I'd already written for this sceneRadical strategy: Demolish the Westerng gate so that the Greenskins pour inside faster, and we burn them faster.
smh"So, the West Gate."
"Yes, we can't hold it for long, but we can make it costly to--"
"No, no, hear me out, hear me out. What if, and I'm just spitballing, we leave it open?"
"We... leave it open?"
"Yes. So the orcs can enter the karak more easily."
"So... the orcs can... enter the karak..."
"Oh, and do you think we can make it wider in the time we have?"
"So more can get inside faster."
Or, we could have a quick and dirty wooden ramp thrown together to get over the Western Gate.Radical strategy: Demolish the Westerng gate so that the Greenskins pour inside faster, and we burn them faster.
Article: At 10 people per square meter, that means we can fit 1,000 people in a 10-by-10-meter square. 54,000 people can fit in an American football field, and 26 million people – about the population of Scandinavia – can fit into one square mile, Urban writes.