Bobby is not a danger, however one turns it around.
Even as a 10+ PC of a warrior (probably with some neat PRC due to Storm King's blood), he's not a danger even with Lannister-wrought gear.
Richard can definitely shank everyone on his way through the throne room, and then Bob himself nowadays, solo at that.
Lanna is but one witch (albeit bullshit at that), and her husband is but one swordsman.
Sure, they will have great gear, and lots of mercenaries (pros of being rich as shit)- but so long as we cut them off quickly enough at the start of the war, they won't be much of a problem.
CoS are much more of a danger for reconquest, for one.
Faith is moreso.
Those mere 2 dragons they are growing in time-chamber aren't even worth considering with our aerial force's growth, imo.
I just hope thread doesn't let the "but she's a good guy!"-feelings get to it when the time comes for an opening move, she has to die if we don't want lots of our people to die to her :/
Oh, and I suppose Lannisters have lots of wands.