[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Encourage the Imperial Cult: Maybe you see an opportunity to further your power and influence over your people. Maybe you genuinely want to be seen as a divine figure. Or maybe you just find the whole thing unbelievably hilarious and want to see what they do next. Whatever the reason, you'll quietly encourage the growth of this small band of fanatics that see your words and deeds as divine acts.
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.
[x] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[x] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.
I really like the idea of having a cult for our Emperor. You have any idea how much of a boon that is to the legitimacy of future heirs? I don't want to do away with that, but encouraging it is the wrong move, politically.

More direction of the cult is fine, but imagine if a manipulative religious leader in the future claims our descendant lost some equipment of the Mandate of Heaven?

Not arguing against a cult, just saying there are realistic ways an opportunist could use it.
[X] State Influence
[X] Discourage the Imperial Cult
Adhoc vote count started by Ambit on Sep 17, 2019 at 3:07 AM, finished with 89 posts and 81 votes.
[X] Total Religious Freedom
-[X] The exception to this is any Faith that persecutes, harms or advocates harm to any citizen, guest or institution in or of the Empire for reasons or in a manner out of line with Imperial Law. To do so will be considered a criminal offence.
--[X] Do something to make removing this Law from the books difficult and hard to hide.
[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult
-[X] So long as they abide by the Proviso like everyone else.

The first is fine as long as the proviso is included at the ground floor, enshrined in law and understood by the leaders of their faiths. It also prevents entrenched religious racism becoming a thing if enforced and means that bureaucrats can't easily (and if your line generates a petty tyrant down the years hinders) the ability of the state to control non-malicious bodies.

It also means that further refugees, allys or just neutral borders won't feel as culturally threatened and just simply more welcome which will improve trade and help prevent international incidents by travelers from the Empire.

Domestically it means growing up in a society where different ideas are accepted which promptes debate and thus the growth of philosophy and other ideas as well as the mental accuity required of such. Perhaps most importantly though it promotes tolerance for those with different ideas while drawing a clear line in the sand to say which point acting on ideas becomes unacceptable.

For the second part we have to remember that Ancestor worship is the default position for the Empire. This is especially important given the achievements in this reign and the notion that the Emperor might be consider the leader of the 'family' that is the nation. It's also a concern that the transition of power should the Emperor die without turning over power directly (possible through suprise illness, sinking ship or assasination for example) could be a high instability affair given the disperate peoples now in the Empire facing uncertainty.
As such even a small body could be a stabilising influence if they truely followed the Emperor's vision and following the example of the Proviso in the Declaration of Religious Freedom those that form a ligitimate Cult of Ancestery for your line would be doing that.

In many ways it's simply an extention of leading by example. Allow everyone the choice and don't deny or make those who want to follow in a close or more regimented manner feel conflicted or outcast for doing so. It's something especially important given that the primary values those following his example would be Law, Compassion and Equality. Good dose of Community mindedness in there too and it might also be good for the Nobility in years to come to be reminded that the first Emperor of the Empire was once a humble merchant.

Edit: It's also important to remember that religion and thus the imperial cult doesn't have to be a Divinity Cult as most understand it. Living Ancestor Cults or like Buddhism where the important figures are enlightened are just as possible.
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[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Encourage the Imperial Cult: Maybe you see an opportunity to further your power and influence over your people. Maybe you genuinely want to be seen as a divine figure. Or maybe you just find the whole thing unbelievably hilarious and want to see what they do next. Whatever the reason, you'll quietly encourage the growth of this small band of fanatics that see your words and deeds as divine acts.